Monday, 18 September 2017

What I Wore To Wetherspoons

I lived like a normal person at the weekend - a leisurely breakfast eaten at the kitchen table, The Guardian Weekend read from cover-to-cover, a few hours spent pottering around the garden and an evening hanging out with friends in 'Spoons. 

This is what I wore on Saturday night - a 1960s silk Dollyrockers dress, a psychedelic mu-mu worn as a coat, vintage suede go-go boots, a charity-shopped 1980s raffia clutch pimped up with Poundland pom-poms and a stack of secondhand plastic bangles collected over the summer.

Apparently some branches of Wetherspoons have a dress code (see HERE). If you're not a Brit this probably won't mean a thing to you but, if like me, you're a fan of the super cheap pub chain, you'll be cackling away to yourself. Unlike the pubs themselves, often found in historic town centre buildings, usually rescued from dereliction and the bulldozers - Walsall's boozer, St Matthew's Hall (see photos above, courtesy of 'Spoons) was the town's first permanent library, built in the Greek Doric style in 1830 - the clientele aren't quite as stylish. You might get a better dressed crowd in other pubs but I'll put up with the saggy jogging bottoms and grubby trainers for £1.80 a pint.

And, 'cos I'm not at work until 1st October I'm off for another cheeky session this afternoon. 

Today I'm wearing a 1970s dead stock Horrockses cotton maxi skirt, a pressie from Curtise and not seen on the blog for a couple of years - it's taken that long to get back into the 24" waist. A lady in a charity shop refused to accept my 99p when I tried to pay for my 1960s vinyl handbag last week, saying that I could have it for free 'cos it was rubbish!! I wore the charity shopped fringed body on Friday but I doubt the 'Spoons clientele are bothered. 

Cheers & see you soon!

Linking to Patti & The Gang for Visible Monday.


  1. Love the interiour of that witherspoon's always wondered what it looked like as we dont do pubs now , Its gorgeous and you look gorgeous in that dollyrockers dress too xxx

    1. Even though you don't do pubs, you ought to pop in for a coffee. It's one of the nicest 'Spoons around! xxx

  2. :-DDD
    your fabulous outfits cheer up this dreary day!! i´m smitten with all the color and brightness - bravo vix!
    (my tweed&tribal looks rather muted in comparison)
    have fun at ´spoons!!
    much love! xxxxx

    1. You're tweed & tribal looks anything but muted, it's enough to make me hunt down a tweed jacket! xxx

  3. No doubt the Wetherspoon's staff is delighted to see you enter, Vix: you dial up the style-of-clientele numbers simply walking across the room. Ah, those glasses and that brilliant lipstick would brighten any dark pub corner. (Shall never understand women who think a bare face is enhanced with a glum expression. To blazes with rude reality, give me glamour every time!)

    1. The Wetherspoons staff are always very complimentary, bless 'em!
      Nothing like a vivid lipstick to put a smile on my face - a limited edition Barry M that came free with my last nail paint purchase! xxx

  4. Rubbish, indeed!? Is that how a Brit would say it????? LOLOLOL!!!! I want to go to the pub and whoaaaaaaa chica on that 24" waist!!!!

    1. Rubbish - it's the posher version of saying it's crap!! xxx

  5. Great outfits, especially the second one. I did well at the chazza's today finding some much needed jewellery accessories - thought of you and got stuck in with a good rummage! Enjoy your fortnight off, you deserve it.

    1. Hooray for a good old rummage!! I wish I could have joined you! xxx

  6. As I wander round in my beige world it cheers me up to see you .

  7. Great looking pub. I wish we had more of the pub vibe in Canada, we have a few here on Vancouver Island that have a bit of the feeling, mainly because we have a lot of Brits on the Island. Most Canadians drink at home though, liquor is so bloody costly here. Beautiful threads for pub days!

    1. Booze is pretty cheap in 'Spoons - just as well, we got there at 1.30 and didn't leave till 10.15! xxx

  8. it's nice that a chain restaurant is saving beautiful old buildings instead of taking them down to build an ugly, corporate approved place. We don't go out much here, all the bars are full of under aged drunk collage kids.

    1. Isn't it just? Far too many of our old buildings have been torn down lately in the name of progress. Sitting in Spoons is like being in a civilised oasis (as long as you ignore the men in jogging bottoms!) xxx

  9. You're right, some of the Wetherspoons buildings are amazing. Our one in Tunbridge Wells is the old opera house for the town, and still has an evening of opera music once a year. Last weekend we went to The Imperial, a Wetherspoons in Exeter, Devon, which has the most amazing viewing glass conservatory which would look more at home in station or maybe a Phillip Pullman-type film.

    1. Hello Amanda! Kezzie did a blog post about the Tunbridge Wells' Wetherspoons, it was wonderfully grand.
      Walsall used to have two 'Spoons - the other was in an Art Deco cinema. Sadly it closed down last year - says something about our town when even Wetherspoons can't stay in business. xxx

  10. I’m always intrigued to venture into new Wetherspoon's, to see what they're like. I love it when they theme them to what they used to be.

    Fabulous outfit, I bet you brightened everyone's day xxx

    1. I love it when they try and stay true to their original roots. The library part of ours converts to a disco on a Saturday night and there's disco lights embedded in the books. Such fun. xxx

  11. 24" waist??? I'm so damn jealous!

    Here all along I thought Wetherspoons was a grocery chain! Ha ha!

    Both outfits are fab. I really love the first one with the kaleidoscope of colours.

    Glad to see you finally taking a bit of down time. You deserve it.


    1. Haha! Can you imagine spending all day in a grocery shop? Not half as much fun! xxx

  12. Wow!!!
    Someone's not afraid of color! Love that psychedelic floral outfit in peacock colors!
    India needs a Wetherspoons. Nepal not so much, everybody's drunk after 9pm around here anyway.

    1. On the dreaded Calangute beach (total package tourist hell) there's actually a beach shack called Wetherspoons! Brits abroad strike again. xxx

  13. I wish I had known about Spoons when we visited-might have had to have a few of the 1.80 brews. So what exactly is the dress code for the pub? Clearly you have out styled them all.

    1. Next time Sam you'll have to check them out, most towns have them and some are even hotels. They were designed to be female friendly and the toilets are always super stylish. xxx

  14. You're living the high life and looking fabulously wonderful as always!

    Love the Mu Mu as a coat!

    1. Aren't I just? Two trips to Spoons in as many days!
      That mu mu was wasted as a dress. xxx

  15. Dress code?! The link wasn't working but what a hoot. I recognise that 'Spoons and think I've got photos of us in there. You look resplendent in those jewel colours and love the pops of red in the outfit below. Can't see a thing wrong with the bag. xxx

    1. Yes, we sat in the library and you impressed us all by taking charge!
      I don't really understand what was so rubbish about the bag but I've taken in a bag of books today to say thanks. Karma and all that. xxx

  16. I actually learned about 'Spoons from reading your blog, but I've never been to one of them. It's really admirable that they rescue historic building from demolition AND are still cheap! I love both your outfits, with a slight preference for the second. My, that charity shop lady needs her eyes testing: that bag is fabulous! xxx

    1. You must pop into one next time you're in the UK. They do a cracking cup of coffee with unlimited refills. xxx

  17. What glorious outfits. I love the peacock psychedelic colours of the first and the second one is very chic. 24', that would probably be my thigh. oh dear. You must really take the place up a notch or two when you go in for a drink. The ones I have been in have been full of Neds (or Chavs if you are down South) with full on trackies and day-glo orange girls in jammies in tow. I had to go and read the dress code on their FAQs.... fully clothed, must wear shoes..... Obviously doesn't apply to the ones in Glasgow. I am PMSL. Your 'Spoons looks a bit posh :) Xx

    1. We used to have two 'Spoons in Walsall but The Imperial, an Art Deco cinema, closed down a couple of years ago and was the place to go if you wanted to witness a scrap. The surviving one charges 10p a pint more than the Yates' over the road so all the town scratchers stay in there and by 1pm they're all fighting each other! xxx

  18. I'm sure you'd clear an imposed dress code unless it specified, "No Glam"

    Enjoy your break.

  19. Dress codes are there to be broken (by exceeding them of course! What a dress that silk maxi is). There are some amazing buildings rescued by spoons, it's fab to see them still used and enjoyed publicly. Enjoy your downtime x x

    1. Too right! No jogging bottoms for me - althleisure being a trend or not! xxx

  20. As always, looking stunning Vix! Love both outfits but the first one, with all those colours and brightness, has really stolen my heart!

  21. Our nearest Spoons is in Rochdale and was formerly the ABC picture house where I went as a child to the ABC Minors on a Saturday morning. It later became a bingo hall. It got flooded a couple of years ago, as did the whole town centre, so it had a much needed refurb.
    The one in a Todmorden used to be The White Hart pub/hotel, it's a beautiful building.
    I'll bet you are the most stylish person to be found in any Wetherspoons xxx

    1. Walsall did have two Spoons's up until a couple of years ago. The Imperial was an old cinema. I went to see The Incredible Journey there when I was little! xxx

  22. Bravo to you for taking some well-deserved rest! Love both these looks, and your fabulous hair. Sandy and I adore inexpensive pubs, with a little dust on the floor. Somehow the drinks taste better : > xox


    1. Cheap pubs are best, aren't they? Can't be doing with over priced hipster joints where everyone is too bothered about how they look to relax. xxx

  23. £1.80 a pint ?!?!?!!!!! The Weatherspoons we used to frequent during our lunch hour in a previous job was in a building that used to be Bejams and then Iceland - so as you can imagine it wasn't a lovely building. xx

    1. It's only £1.60 in the pub directly opposite - helps keep the rif-raf out! xxx

  24. Love the prints and color combinations on both these outfits. I especially love the Horrockses skirt. I've had a few of their 50s dresses in the past. They were quite well made and I wish I had kept them for myself!

    Sounds like you had quite a fun weekend. Your comment about the dress code made me laugh. But I do wish there were more places that had them. It does get kind of depressing when all you see when you go out are "saggy jogging bottoms and grubby trainers" as you so well put it :)


    1. Thanks, Theresa. Yes the 1950s Horrockses dresses are very desirable here - I always sell the ones I come across! xxx

  25. I miss the dinosaur in Walsall Spoons!

    1. Both the dinosaur and The Imperial have long gone. We're just down to one Spoons in the town centre now! xxx

  26. Absolutely love both of your outfits, especially the lovely colours in the first one! Your Wetherspoons looks lovely! Our was a rescued local building and it's been decorated inside with many of the original ironworks, I love when they theme them to what they used to be. I had no idea there was a dress code though, haha!

    1. Thank you!! I know, you definitely don't see much of a dress code in ours! xxx

  27. We popped into our local Spoons on Sunday but only for a coffee...we had drunk far too much the night before dressed up as pirates at a party. Didn't fancy anything alcoholic. Ours is fine inside but it was a grotty looking furniture store before and continues to look pretty grim from the outside. Arilx

    1. That's a shame - a non-swanky Spoons!!
      Their coffee is good, isn't it? We had one of their breakfasts in the Summer and were quite impressed. xxx

  28. lovely psychedelic color combo and how clever to worn that mu-mu as a coat, it looks stunning! and you look gorgeous (your boots and bag are also adorable!!)
    and you look so cool and elegant in your floral maxi! that cute red bag is not rubbish anymore!

    1. Thanks, Monica!! It's funny having rubbish taste especially when people give me free stuff 'cos they hate it! xxx

  29. Oh! That first outfit is one of finest and happiest ever!! You look divine!

    Now I understand why you like 'Spoons so much - not only cheap prices, but the idea behind it. Now I get it! :)

    Lots of love! Enjoy your break!

    1. Thank you so much!!
      Yes, cheap booze and decent vegetarian food is all well and good but it's got to be served in an atmospheric old building. I can't imagine dining out in some soulless, purpose-built retail complex like so many people in our town seem to favour. xxx

  30. Both outfits are fab, I especially like the maxi skirt - it's probably due to the pockets!
    I love the 'Spoons occupy old buildings and make a feature of their, erm..., features, it makes such a nice change. I don't think the 'Spoons in Ipswich has any historical significance.

    1. Thanks, Hazel! I love that the Horrockses skirt has pockets, no wonder their clothes used to cost the equivalent of a weeks' wages back in the day.
      Do you know about 'Spoons carpets? Each one has it's own design, unique to the pub. There's even a book about them. xxx

  31. Do love the Walsall 'Spoons and you're doing them proud all frocked up. Love the outfits too, the Horrocks is a work of art. Last Spoons I was in was in Bristol and the bogs were so grand there were Chesterfield settees in there. Class.
    Loves ya!

    1. I've been in that 'Spoons when we went to Bristol last year - in fact we went to two Spoonses that day but the one with the swanky settees was my fave!
      Love you! xxx

  32. It's bizarre that you were going to pay for it and she refused you- you obviously wanted it!! But yay, bonus for you!!
    I like your outfits, esp the second one. You look very naughty though! What have you been up to?!x

    1. I was probably excited at the prospect of spending the day in the pub...and I did mean day. We got there at 1.20 and didn't get home till 10.15! xxx

  33. I would think any Pub would want to pay you to frequent their establishment just to raise the level of their clientele. One day I'll get to have a Weatherspoon's experience.

    1. You need a Wetherpoons experience! Always surreal! xxx

  34. One of Trow's two Spoons closed down, and I cannot for the life of me understand why it was the nicer one where pensioners went and people ate lunch, and not the scrotey one which hit the news first when a rat ran up a punter's leg and nicked one of his chips, and second when there was a 100-person bar brawl there. The Spoons I've been to in the midlands are much nicer - clearly you have posh ones up your way ;-)

    I love your outfits. The first is very 'She's like a rainbow'...

    1. Ha! We had a couple but luckily for us the scrotey one was the one that shut down, too many fights! The rat story is hilarious!! xxx

  35. I had no idea that Wetherspoons had a dress code - how funny! The only one I've been in where people aren't in joggers is the one at Canary Wharf. Can't beat the prices though! Love both your outfits, sounds like you had a great weekend xx

    1. There's a Spoons in Canary Wharf? Who'd of thought it! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix