Tuesday, 18 July 2017

This Old House - Stonecroft After The Paint Job

It's over! No more dodging ladders and scaffolding or having to walk around the house fully clothed. Stonecroft is back to her former glory, no more peeling paintwork or crumbling window frames. Not looking too bad for two hundred and sixty-seven years old, isn't she?

The plants (mostly) survived being rudely uprooted and relegated to the lawn to avoid being trampled.

It was a tough job, all four sides of Stonecroft's not particularly small exterior had to be scrubbed, hosed down and repainted. The decorators had to contend with not only blistering heat, torrential rain and high winds but also a highly embarrassing cat who, not yet over his years of foraging for food as a stray, made off with the contents of any lunchbox left unattended.  

I'm a bit reluctant to put my window boxes back on the pristine gloss black sills so I'm channelling a bit of Corfu and making do with vintage terracotta pots filled with gloriously gaudy geraniums instead.

Some I've had for years, overwintering in the utility room when the autumn's over....

The rest I bought from the clearance shelf in B&Q (12 for 90p and not one loss yet!)

The bloody stable door in the kitchen has been replaced by a half-glazed oak beauty in a far more aesthetically pleasing Georgian style which doesn't require a degree in engineering to open (a knack I've failed to master in the 11 years we've lived here).

Despite the neglect from a week long festival and our trip to Greece the tomatoes and courgettes are flourishing. 

More Scandi clogs, my treat from our Cornbury profits.

Have I ever mentioned by love for architectural antiques? I can't resist buying vintage knobs, knockers or escutcheons if I spot them at car boots. The cherub's been languishing in a drawer for years. It's about time he was put to some use.

WEARING: Gingham midi skirt with embroidered hem and pockets (New! From a proper shop in the sale!! Don't faint!); Off-the-shoulder gypsy top (made by me from an Indian scarf in the charity shop 3 for £1 bin); Vintage 1970s oversized Polaroid sunglasses (car boot sale); Stack of plastic bangles (various vintages from 1960s to last week, all charity shopped): Wooden rainbow beads (made by Tania)

We're off to trade at the Truck festival in the morning, see you next week!

Linking to Patti and the gang for Visible Monday.


  1. Nice knocker! Haha! Sorry, couldn't resist. Congratulations on your home improvement project! I wish I could say that my building improvements were over. Alas, I have more work to be done.

    You did fabulously by safely caring for your plants (and no broken windows or other damage that I can see).

    You look amazing as usual! The Greek tan looks fab with your off the shoulder blouse.

    Hmmm! Those Scandi clogs look attractive and comfortable. I may have to invest in a pair!

    Happy thrifting ;)

    1. If we'd attempted to do that all by ourselves (unlike you and your massive project) I think we'd have been in our 80s by the time it was finished! I can't believe all our plants survived either, it's a miracle!
      My Lotta of Stockholm clogs are incredible, best thing I've ever bought! xxx

  2. Hi Vix, your home looks wonderful! So bright and beautiful. Your gardens are definitely flourishing, love the geraniums.
    I had to read twice your description of your skirt. I thought I had read wrong. It looks great along with your new clogs.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks, Robin! It is crazy that I've bought something new. I rarely see anything that appeals in modern clothes shops (or if it does then the quality is horrible). I'll be wearing my skirt until it's vintage! xxx

  3. Love those clogs. I have treated myself to a pair as well. I've gone for the red peep toe ones. Can't wait for them to arrive!

    1. Hi Andrea! Hope you love yours as much as I do. They are so comfy! xxx

  4. This is actully the first time I've read about your favourite films and music. Interesting! We like the same kind of music so I have to watch some of your favourite films aswell ...

  5. And ... of course I Love Grey Gardens (and Easy Rider)

    1. I need to rewatch both of those...soon! xxx

  6. Your house is looking lovely, as do you! Love the skirt, I had to do a double take when I read that it was new! X

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I was thrilled when the skirt turned up, it was even prettier in the flesh! xxx

  7. The old girl cleans up nicely. Funny about the cat making off with the workers lunches.

    1. She looks good for her age, doesn't she? xxx

  8. Gorgeous photos, Vix! Everything looks bright and beautiful!
    I love your new skirt too.

  9. Lol that made me laugh about the cat , Your house looks stunning now , I forgot you could overwinter begonias , Thanks for the reminder xxx

    1. Thank you! Beth left a helpful tip about taking them out of their pots. I'm trying that at the end of the season, it'll save space. xxx

  10. Your house looks so great! I know it cost a fortune but hopefully you won't have to do it again for many many years. The cherub is the icing on the cake as they say. Your cat stole the workmen's lunch? So funny

    1. I suppose if we divide the amount we paid over ten years it's not that painful really! xxx

  11. Stonecroft looks great with the new paintwork done! Definitely worth the effort. I never put back the window box at our front window after it was painted a couple of years ago. I just love gaudy geraniums, which are quite tough plants really. One of ours survived winter outside without any protection whatsoever. Love your blue outfit (what, a skirt bought in a proper shop? I did a double take there!) with your red Scandi clogs! Hope you have a great trade at the Truck festival. xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann! Those geraniums are hardy beasts, that's why I like them. I can't be doing with delicate plants! xxx

  12. Looks wonderful and you are a sight for sore eyes too. Love the clogs, fab red.
    I do love an old knocker meself and that cherub is a sweetie. Looks right at home there. Have a great time at Trucks.
    Loves ya!

    1. Cheers, darling! I'd forgotten we'd got that cherub, he looks smashing, doesn't he? xxx

  13. I love Stonecroft! And you look striking in all your blue-ness!

  14. Your house is looking great for the refresh, glad all of your plants survived! I've been tempted to get some of those clogs for a few years, you're seriously making me want to invest in a pair seeing how fabulously you style them.

    1. Thank you!
      I really do recommend those clogs, they are so comfy! xxx

  15. Loveee!!! "Bout to start a crazy painting shelving project----funnnnnnnn and a pain in the ass lololol

    1. Good luck with that! It always gets messy when I get the paint out. xxx

  16. All looking very stylish. Poor old Frank....it was ages before Humphrey would stop wolfing down his food and any extra he could get his paws on for exactly the same reason! I've been cooking up a mountain of courgettes with garlic to freeze so we can have it with a bit of cream and parmesan with pasta at some point in the future! If you ignore them for more than 15 mins they seem to swell to marrow size. Eeek Arilx

    1. It's funny, Frank's started getting fussy with cat food (he'd eat anything when he lived rough in the garden) but he'll nick anything meant for humans. You should see him if Jon's got an egg on his plate! xxx

  17. That loud thud was your 1500 plus followers all hitting the deck when they read about you buying from a proper shop.... But on sale- why not? I love a good sale and like to play my part in stimulating the economy. Xx

    1. Hello, JP! Too right. I'm doing my bit to keep the economy going! xxx

  18. Your home looks beautiful (not that it didn't before). The painters did a great job. You're making me want clogs. Badly.

    We had a poodle that displayed similar behaviour around un-watched food. Enjoy Truck.

    1. Thanks, Goody!
      I'm thrilled with my clogs (Lotta of Stockholm), not sure why it took me two years to get around the ordering any.
      A scrounging poodle. That's too cute. xxx

  19. Beautiful restoration and what a welcoming home. And garden - you have a flourishing selection. Love the red clogs too! And the cat story - too adorable. Thanks for linking up, xox


  20. Both Stonecroft and you are looking beautiful in the sunshine! The house and all your plants are in great shape, and you are gorgeous in blue. Loving (and jealous of) the groovy red clogs... why oh why are my feet so difficult?!

    A proper shop? Hahaha, the world just stopped turning! Wear what you love, that's the rule, right?

    Have a fab weekend, love you! xxxx

    1. Cheers, Monk!! I know, a bloody shop. Wonders will never cease! I'll probably be wearing this skirt until it becomes vintage! Love you! xxx

  21. you and the house are very bright beauties :-D
    the white paint with the black accents looks fab - and it will protect your gorgeous house for years to come!! although i´m very glad that ours will never need a paint job beside of windows and doors.........
    love your midi look - very vacation in italy - capri maybe. trƩs chic!

    1. Upkeeping a rendered house costs a fortune! you're so lucky with your pretty brick exterior! xxx

  22. House looks great. Really love the blue outfit. Bet you are thrilled it is all over. Good idea keeping window boxes off new paint. Pots are pretty.

    1. Thanks, Sally! The garage at my parents' house is stacked to the roof with terracotta pots untouched since the 1930s - sadly with spiders galore! xxx

  23. Stonecroft & you are looking swank & summery!

  24. Love your outfit, Vix. A new skirt from a shop? Awesome, it looks positively vintage. Xxx

    1. Thanks, Jess! That's what I thought, the skirt looks like a 1970s something I'd buy from a vintage fair! xx

  25. Stonecroft looks lovely.
    I absolutely love your outfit, it looks so summery and the clogs look perfect with it.
    I envy your veggies, my tomatoes have just developed flowers and just look at the fruits on yours!! xxx

    1. Thanks, Sally! I'm amazed that my toms are more advanced than yours and Mim's! Mine are usually the last to develop! xxx

  26. The best souvenirs of travel are ideas! Stonecroft flaunts those Grecian geraniums as accessories to her new paint and woodwork; whilst you, Vix, are crisp in blue (even new!)crop top and midi, and smart red clogs.

    Quite right about over-wintering geraniums: Here we unpot them into newspapers and tuck them into a dark corner of an unheated garage. They'll last for years if one is quick to set them up in new soil when spring begins.

    1. Great tip with the geraniums, Beth. I'll try that when Summer's over! xxx

  27. How teeny do you look stood in front of the house! It's looking fab, as are you of course. Oh dear, naughty kitty, though Belle does that too, she'll make off with anything after her time in the wild when she was dumped in December. No clue when the next bowl of food will come, so steals as a matter of course and she's a bunny xxx

    1. Ha! i didn't know bunnies were as naughty as cats. Poor things, having to fend for themselves makes them very daring. xxx

  28. I thought that was a Zara skirt as soon as I saw it, I had to do a double-take - Vix in something new?!

    The house is looking wonderful, really such a beautiful property. And the plants don't seem to be doing too badly either.

    1. I know! The last time I bought stuff in shops was during the 1970s revival in the early 1990s. I'm well impressed with Zara's quality and construction. xxx

  29. Looking good....both you and the gaff! It's great to get another job ticked off the list eh? (maybe you don't have a list but there are always things to do here!) Love the new skirt...is it Zara? Too many gathers for my arse, but looks sensational on you. Loving the fab new Lottas too...note to self, must wear mine more often. Hope the weekend goes well. xx

    1. Thanks, Fiona! Hated spending the cash but happy with the result.
      Yes, the skirt is Zara. they've got some gorgeous gingham gear in their sale (a lot cheaper than some of the charity shops are charging lately)
      Get those Lottas on, I love how comfy they are. xxx

  30. The house looks fab - can't beat black and white for elegance. You're looking pretty gorgeous too. I love the clogs.

    1. Thanks, Veronica! The decorator was pleased that we hadn't chosen "posh person's grey" which is all the range now. Black looks so much sharper. xxx

  31. Vix, oh my gosh, it turned out so lovely. You look fab as well.

    1. Hello, Annie! thank you, we're really happy with how it turned out. xxx

  32. Fabulous frontage! had to join in with the puns, sorry! Your house is stunning and you look great in gingham - those clogs look so cosy.

  33. Wow, your house looks so refreshed, what a job that must've been. Especially with a lurking, lunch-snatching kitty. Top that off with blooming flowers, a gingham-clad lass with bright colored clogs and what could be better?!

    1. I didn't envy the poor blokes who did the painting, they were out there in all weathers!
      that cat is so embarrassing. he turns his nose up at cat food, he seems to think he;'s human! xxx

  34. Your house looks great with its new paint job. I know how hard that painting can be as Husband and I painted the rear of our house a few years ago - and it needs redoing already! I like your cheerful geraniums and their lovely vintage pots, they add a vibrant blast of colour don't they? Just like your clogs - can't beat 'em for comfort! xxx

    1. You were brave, there's no way I'd have got Jon up scaffolding!!
      I keep popping out to look at the geraniums. They were in a right state when I spotted them in B&Q! xxx

  35. OMGOSH!! I love it. It is glorious. To have such a home. If only... Thank you for sharing. You look beautiful, as always. xo Lynn.

  36. A NEW skirt! Wow, it is lovely with that brill top!
    Stonecroft looks marvellous! She is such a beauty!x

    1. I know! New! I have to keep looking at it, it's such a rarity! xxx

  37. Your house looks beautiful, all freshly scrubbed and painted! You would never know she was over 200 years old. I have a pot of geraniums hanging on my porch this summer - they can pretty much last through anything, and they are so cheerful. I did notice that lovely skirt in the first photo - what a fab outfit, and the red clogs are great.

    1. They are indestructible, aren't they? My Dad kept his going for decades! xxx

  38. Gorgeous.... and loving that dress too! xx

  39. WOW!! Your beautiful old house looks perfect. Geraniums in terracotta pots is another perfect look. Swooning over your gingham and scandi clogs. Everything is looking GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Sue! I love geraniums, they're so pretty! xxx

  40. Oh dear, naughty Frank stealing food. I bet he didn't even look contrite. Our might-be-stray has been turning up again; he seems to have accepted that he gets fed outside and doesn't steal our cats' food any more, though he does come into the house to play with their catnip tomato, which he adores.

    Your house looks really super all spruced up. The geraniums make a great colour contrast. And your tomatoes are waaaaay more advanced than mine, which are pathetic little pea-sized things.

    1. That's how Frank started coming in the house, he sniffed out a cat nip mouse neither of ours were interested in and played with it for hours. That beast will be yours before too long.
      I'm quite excited about our toms, it's the best I've done with them in years! xxx

  41. The mansion looks very grand and pleased with itself and its a lovely backdrop for your colourful outfits. Lets hope we get some more sunshine so that you can make the most of the new facade.
    Geraniums are a favourite of mine as they remind me of my nana. I like the smell of the leaves and there beautiful variety of colours.
    Have a great weekend both of you, fingers crossed there's no rain
    LYnn xxx

    1. Thanks, Lynn! I love the smell of geraniums, too. They should bottle it! xxx

  42. Now Stonecroft looks pristine fully clothed, so now you can finally unclothe yourself (it would drive me bonkers too, to be always fully clothed at home!) !!! Love the new glossy trim, and your flower pots look perfect against it! Admiring your summery outfit and new red clogs - what a marvelous combination! Have a great weekend, dear!

    1. Thanks, Natalia! Nothing makes me feel more like a prisoner than having to walk round fully dressed all day! xxx

  43. It's all so lovely. It's how I grew up imagining British homes. Your outfit is superb as well. I desperately need fashion help-pop over and vote/give opinion on the style dress I should buy for my nieces wedding.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I've placed my vote, hope it helps! xxx

  44. Such a beautiful house and you look so beautiful next to it. I love those clogs, they look so comfy. Xx

    1. Thanks, Louise! These clogs are so comfy, I own three pairs now! xxx

  45. Omgggggggggg!!!!! Through it all you look fucking gorgeous!!!! I luv the body art and glitter!!!!!!

    1. Me, too! Makes a rainy day so much better! xxx

  46. Oh, your home looks so lovely! I know the feeling about freshly painted walls and the reluctance to hang pictures or, in your case, window boxes. The terracotta pots work well and your skirt and off the shoulder blouse remind me of Greece too!

    Too funny about kitty. Can't really blame him after his years as a stray.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I think Greece s taking over my life. Next stop growing tomatoes in old olive oil cans, if I can find any! xxx

  47. You're house looks fabulous! I love the "hippies use the back door" sign, by the way! That skirt is gorgeous, definitely worth it! :)

    1. Thanks, Laurie! the Hippies sign confuses all our visitors, they never know which door to use! xxx

  48. The house looks wonderful! Replacing a door always spiffs up the curb appeal of a house. I've wanted to do that at our house for ages.

    I'm glad I wasn't the only hard core thrifter/vintage lover that was tempted by some new gingham. Your outfit is wonderful!


    1. Thank you! It was a bit painful to part with all that cash but it was worth it in the end.
      It's good to stock up on stuff we like in the sales. The last time I liked the clothes that were in fashion was the 1970s revival in the early 1990s. xxx

  49. Stonecroft looks fab with her new coat of paint and the geraniums add a cheerful splash of colour. Love your knobs and knockers!! xx

    1. Thank you!! Got to love some vintage knobs and knockers. xxx

  50. Your house looks amazing! Our house is a pale creamy yellow and it looks dirty so quickly, I'd love to be able to paint it every year.

    I did chuckle at the lunch stealing cat!

    Your skirt is amazing, I have a lot of love for gingham. I'm tempted to put the few dress making skills I have to good use and make myself maxi skirt.

    Those geraniums are a bloody good bargain!

    1. We last had the outside painted 11 years ago, I'm amazed it had lasted that long. I'll be happy of this lasts the same time.
      I do love gingham, I've been wearing my 50p vintage gingham maxi dress for years and it's falling apart, this should be a decent replacement (I hope!) xxx

  51. I was admiring your skirt and nearly fell off my perch when I read "new". Must be all the paint fumes from Stonecroft's beautiful face-lift. She is looking lovely. I am so glad that most the plants made it through. I now have Agapanthus envy. Xx

    1. I thought I'd slip it in while you were distracted with the house!
      The Agapanthus are doing well despite the battering from the incessant rain. I love 'em! xxx

  52. Hippies use back door - I love it! Will remember to go to that door when I visit you! You are looking absolutely radiant, Vix, I love your dress and the whole picture. Glowing with vitality - and your wonderful house too. It looks amazing (and what a smart cat to nick off with the tradies' lunches!) xx

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I knew you'd know which door to go to. Keeps the riff raff out! xxx

  53. Your Home is Fabulous... and she looks incredible for 267, you can't get that kind of History of Architecture here in the States!

  54. Your home looks beautiful Vix, the fact its so old blows my mind!! You look wonderful in blue and I love those clogs!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix