Monday, 31 July 2017

Hear My Train A-Comin' - Indietracks 2017

 Now, that's what I mean about the spirit of Indietracks! One of our customers exclaimed when, not having any specs cases for sale, I opened my bag and told him to take mine.

After the shambles that was Truck it was a joy to be back at Indietracks, a tiny music festival combining steam trains with indiepop music, an hour's ride up the road in Derbyshire (or slightly more if, like us, you drive a vintage VW campervan). Over three days more than fifty bands from all over the world perform on three stages and on the steam trains themselves. There's real ale, five food stalls, art, craft and political activism workshops, band merchandise, a wild bird rescue display!

After seven years of going to Indietracks , originally as indie music fans and, more recently, as traders,  we've got to know many of the festival goers who, like us, come back again and again (Big love especially to Nat!) Unlike Truck, Indietracks is safe, clean and friendly and this year, the only thing that wasn't well behaved was the weather. 

We arrived on Friday morning and pitched the trade tent in gale force winds. To add to our woes when we'd taken the tent down at Truck last Monday we managed to bust the entrance zip after hammering it too tightly shut with a tent peg to keep out the invaders. The manufacturers didn't have any replacement panels in stock but found some seconds in their storeroom and kindly next-day couriered them over to us. When we set the tent up we realised that the warehouse had packed the wrong size panels and they were too big by two metres. More by good luck than judgement we'd brought the knackered panels with us so used them and left the tent open at night. But it's Indietracks, everyone is lovely, the arena shuts at midnight and other than the caterers we're the only campers on site.

Just before the site opened to the public the temperature plummeted and rain decided to lash down. The organisers sensibly decided to move the bands to an indoor stage, which was great for the revellers but not quite so good for trade. Still, by the time we closed, we'd covered our pitch fee and the pressure was off.

It was glorious when we emerged from Gilbert on Saturday morning and we sat in the sunshine enjoying our breakfast. I'd won Goody's giveaway on her blog and, when I picked the parcel up from the Post office on Thursday afternoon, found she'd very generously included this amazing vintage day-glo' orange Hawaiian maxi in with my rubber chickens (more on them soon). I match both Gilbert & my gorgeous mate Jeni rather well, don't you think?

Business was brisk. We sold to both the multi-national festival goers and indie bands alike. A 1970s raincoats went to a Swedish guy horrified by the terrible British weather and a handful 1980s jumpers went to a Japanese pop band again caught out by our Summer. Germans, Australians, Spaniards and Americans bought vintage Clarks' desert boots, 1970s Harrington jackets, 1950s smoking jackets, cats eye sunglasses, psychedelic maxis, Crimplene minis and 1960s St Michael. Some wore their purchases straight away.....despite Sunday's torrential rain.

Needless to say this is England and the weather can't be relied upon. By mid-afternoon we were in fake furs.

By the time headliners The Wedding Present took to the stage the heavens opened but did that spoil the fun? No way! They were magnificent. I can't believe it's been 30 years since the release of their album, George Best (which I bought on cassette as there wasn't enough room in my student hovel for a record player!)

Last weekend our neighbours were people, this time they were trains. This beauty has been freshly restored and new to the Midland Railway Museum this year. 

I'm more than a little in love with his smiley face.

What's the best thing about being two of only a handful allowed to camp on site? We get to play with the trains before the festival gates open! 

There's something wildly exciting about having the entire museum to ourselves.

This Milk Tank is their latest acquisition.

My favourite had to be the mail train.

It looks absolutely ancient so we were amazed that it was only built in 1956 - just ten years older than us! I bet Drew from Salvage Hunters would kill for those pigeonholes, wicker hampers and that wonderful armchair.

 On our way back from exploring the railway volunteers who drive the narrow gauge train up and down the track asked if we'd like our own personal ride as they said that they felt a bit sorry for us having to work and not join in the fun.

We didn't need asking twice! A leisurely 20 minute train ride in a lovingly restored 1920s carriage - it took one man seven years to perfectly restore it. 

I wanted to wear my Thomas the Tank Engine dress but I'd checked the weather forecast before I left and it would have looked rubbish with a thermal vest underneath...maybe next year.

Just like last year, Sunday's sunset was accompanied by a beautiful rainbow.

Thanks Indietracks for restoring our faith in music festivals (and humanity.)

See you soon!

Linking to Patti & the gang for Visible Monday.


  1. Wow - safe and clean and fun -- and trains! Looks like a lovely show. I adore your paisley maxi dress and Jon's plaid trousers. Such a stylish couple you are! xox


    1. It was just what we needed after last weekend. Trains over trucks! xxxx

  2. Loveeeeeeeee!!!! Back to it the right way :) <3 <3 <3

  3. Thank goodness for smaller festivals where humans act like proper humans.

    1. It restored our faith in the Great British festival scene! xxx

  4. That's my kind of festival, it sounded much more relaxing. The weather's a bummer though, I hope it improves soon.
    You psychedelic Paisley print dress is gorgeous and I love Jon's tartan trousers.
    The photo's of the Kinky Melon's boutique look great, very welcoming, I'm not surprised you had lots of visitors and I bet the guy you gave your glasses case to really appreciated it, that was very kind of you. xxx

    1. It was lovely, as always. I wish the weather had been a bit better but hey ho, you can't have it all! We're half thinking of doing a foreign festival next year - the sun always makes things better! xxx

  5. I might even like that one. If anybody in interested the California State Train Museum is in Sacramento. It's a fun place to visit for a day trip. It's located in Old Sacramento, "old" as in 1840's Gold Rush.

  6. Ooh! How fun! Our train museum has just gone bust and people are madly trying to save it. Maybe they should run festivals. Vintage fashion and trains is a match made in heaven.
    I'm gkad the weather didn't dampen your spirits, but if the last festival didn't, then nothing will. Looove the mail train and the smiley face.
    Always knew trains were better than trucks! Xo Jazzy Jack

    1. They should do the same! A lot of the money raised goes straight to the museum and goes a long way to restoring those wonderful engines!
      Trains are better than trucks! xxx

  7. This sounds so fun and relaxed, what a complete contrast to last week! Love your dresses, you look fab as usual!

    1. Thank you! Indietracks really is a lovely little festival. xxx

  8. This looks like so much fun. Trains are fab and I don't know about anyone else but I would kill for all those pigeon holes. Fabric stashing heaven. I love your maxi dresses and Jon's tartan trews. Rubber chickens sound intriguing. I am a bit green that you got to see The Wedding Present. They remind me of my mis-spent youth. Glad it was better than the last festival. It sounds super-friendly. Xx

    1. I'd love those pigeon holes for my fabric stash, too!
      The Wedding Present were brilliant. David Gedge's voice is spot-on! xxx

  9. I can't believe it's time for another Indietracks! It's such a cozy and beautiful venue, it would be my favorite if I was in trade! You look utterly adorable in your maxi dresses, especially that big orange flower dress! And it's hard to believe you wear furs in the summer, hope that your winter will make up for it!! <3

    1. Doesn't Indietracks roll round quickly?!
      I was very happy with my orange dress, I;m just sad I had to hide it under a coat! xxx

  10. Fantastic photos and a brilliant festival.
    Thanks for recommending's definitely going to be an annual event for us!
    Great to catch up with you both...Trish &Steve xxx

    1. It was fantastic to see you both and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed Indietracks despite the weather! Hope to see you both soon! xxx

  11. I'm so glad it arrived and you like it.

    That sounds like a festival I wouldn't mind attending-I do love trains and railroading. Good to know there are still people that don't leave their manners at home when they attend a festival.

    Furs! I won't be wearing sleeves much less anything heavy until mid-October.

    1. I don't know who loves the dress more, Jon or me! It's fabulous and a perfect fit.
      How I envy your weather - we had a few hours of sunshine this morning which we spent trimming the hedge, than it went back to cold, grey and threatening again. I should be used to our English summers after 50 years of them, shouldn't I? xxx

  12. I'm so happy you guys had a good show with no hassle this time round aside from the door issue.

    I did one retail show when I was still in scrapbooking and a full on panic happened when I couldn't get the cash register working. In the end it all worked out and was one of the most successful shows I'd ever had but the stress!!! I can't imagine what you guys went through on your last show.

    You are both looking wonderful! Those pink sunglasses are wonderful with the blue maxi dress.


    1. Thank you!
      Oh, the stress of being away from home and something going wrong. If the tent had broken at Truck we'd have had to sit up all night on watch duty to keep the drug dealers at bay! Thank goodness for civilised folk at indietracks! xxx

  13. Hi Vix, glad your both enjoyed it.
    How nice that the volunteers let you have a free train ride.
    I love your black and orange dress, and those snakeskin boots! Great to see you wearing them, I'd love to find a pair like that one day xxx

    1. I'll be buried in those snakeskin boots! I was a bit naughty wearing them for a muddy festival but the mud at truck destroyed my usual ones and my replacements didn't arrive till after we got home.
      That personal train ride was the icing on the cake. xxx

  14. What a cool festival...and brilliant photos! Make me want to make the effort and drive up for it next year. xx

    1. It really is a lovely little festival! xxx

  15. What a great place. Loved the museum. Quite opposite from the last place you camped in. You both looked terrific as usual.

    1. Thanks, Sally! Can you believe that we've been going to Indietracks for 7 years and only discovered the museum last year. we love it! xxx

  16. exactly what you needed!
    o.k. - the weather - but its england..... you know we like old trains and such too - so thanks for all the pics of it! your orange glow dress is totally cool, as is the blue flowered one - those sleeves! the wedding present was "our" band with my teenage boyfriend in the 80s - had no clue they still on stage!!

    1. They do say there's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing and I was warm and dry despite the conditions!!
      The Wedding Present are brilliant and yes, still going strong after over 30 years. I knew you and Ann (Polyester princess) would be fans, we've got the same great taste in music! xxx

  17. You look perfect in your maxis - Goody really picked out a fantastic one for you there; she has such a good eye.

    I'm very envious of you getting to play on all those super trains. One of my friends from my goth days went to Indietracks and absolutely loved it.

    1. Goody couldn't have chosen a better dress, Jon loves it (it matches the van!)
      I met your lovely friend last year. If you're ever up for a festival I think you'd enjoy this one. xxx

  18. ohhh, I'm so glad that you had a really good time in this festival, that's wonderful!, and so fabulous that people was so nice!, I think you were in need of some kindness after the previous experience!
    Lovely pictures and lovely maxi dresses. That hawaiian piece is awesome! and I love your purple&blue maxi too, psychedelic prints are so appealing!
    (we also like to watch Salvage Hunters!)

    1. Yay, another Salvage Hunters fan!! Don't tell Drew about that museum, he'll be buying all the exhibits! xxx

  19. Glad to hear you had such a great time in spite of the weather. Indietracks seems like my kind of festival. How wonderful not only to have the museum to yourselves, but to get to enjoy a train ride to boot! You must have stood out in Goody's day-glo orange maxi. What a fabulous frock! And last but not least: The Wedding Present! I was a big fan of theirs at the time and must have worn out my copy of George Best. I saw them live too, at a small festival here in Belgium, which was later to become huge, called Pukkelpop. Good to see they're still around. Did they play anything from George Best? xxx

    1. I knew you and Beate would be Wedding Preset fans! They played lots from George Best - I love it when bands play oldies, the reason why we loved them in the first place. My favourite was Everything thinks He Looks Daft, it sounded ace! xxx

  20. Now this is more like it!! We heard more bad things about Truck from people we know. So yes, a festival to restore the faith was in order! Looks so much fun to see the trains in private, what a treat. Maybe make a winter version of your Thomas dress for next time, with fleece lining!! X

    1. Oh no, everyone seems to have a tale to tell about Truck. Did you hear that their sister festival Y Not, got closed down mid-festival last weekend? The organisers are an utter nightmare!
      A fleece lined Thomas dress would be an excellent idea. He was missed this year! xxx

  21. But what about the rubber chickens!?!
    Anywho, looks like you had a wonderful time. Love those psychedelic maxis!

    1. I need to get my thinking cap on and do something crazy with those chickens...wait and see! xxx

  22. Glad you had a good fest you've summed up the things I love about Indietracks and provided me with a cap to protect my bounce from Sunday's rain!

    1. Hi Kieran! Happy to be of service. Indietracks really is a perfect festival, the only thing missing was Summery weather. xxx

  23. I think you both needed Indietracks as an antidote to the awful experience that was Truck. A welcome return to festival fun instead of festival fraught!

    Totally love your black spotted maxi dress - that's a real beaut xxx

    1. You're so right, Indietracks couldn't have been better timed!
      I found that Jon Adam dress in a chazza the day before we left for £2.99. Its 100% nylon so it was dry within an hour of taking it out of the washing machine - perfect for a wet festival! xxx

  24. I think if we were to go to any festival it would be this one, near enough to go to if the weather looks good and the pull of the trains would do it.
    Did you hear about the mindless brats who caused £30k of damage to the steam train at Bury Lancs last week. Everyone who works and volunteers there are devastated. It's the one I had my 60th birthday on. The only compensation is they caught the little b....rds
    Lynn xxx

    1. Oh my goodness - that's awful!

    2. Oh, goodness me. What a horrible thing to do, that beautiful steam train. They did the same to the signal box at Indietracks last year - the funds raised by the festival helped to restore it. xxx

  25. I'm so glad things went well this weekend. I love the combination of trains and indiepop music, and am more than a little jealous of your private train ride!

    1. It's an odd mix but there again it's a quirky little festival and it works a treat.
      Our private train ride was the best thing ever. I've not ridden on a narrow gauge before. xxx

  26. Looks lush, despite the rain!
    I see it's run by Gigantic - I've been to one of their indie all-dayers in Manchester. They do good stuff!

    1. Highly recommended if you fancy a quirky little festival, FW!
      I'll have to look out for more of their events, we do appreciate a well run event! xxx

  27. Anyplace with trains seems like fun to me! So glad this one is more civilized! :)

    1. I do love an old train - another reason why we adore India so much. xxx

  28. So glad to hear your faith has been restored. Us Brits just tough out the worst the weather can throw at us don't we...just as well you had threads for all seasons. A friend of mine always says there's no such thing as the wrong weather only the wrong clothes! We were out at a friend's 50th party in the woods with canvas shelters strung between the branches on Saturday night. It chucked it down, but we were all in boots and waterproofs having a fab time with the beer flowing. Glad you did wellx

    1. Your're right, if a bit of weather stopped us Brits from doing anything we'd never leave the house, would we? xxx

  29. What a pleasant experience to balance the misadventure that was Truck! I envy you and Jon the private exploration of the museum (I love to do that whenever I'm working as a volunteer) and a train ride. Good people here! We're also tasting fall this weekend, cooler temps and rain are in the forecast. You've inspired me to hunt out dark cotton maxis and boots for the start of our State Fair.

    Well-chosen by Goody, the day-glo maxi dress fits perfectly. Now, I'm waiting to see what you can do with the chicken-slingers...

    1. There's something inherently lovely about having an entire museum to yourself, isn't there?
      I wish Summer would come back, I feel a bit cheated. Maxis and boots are a great option, though. I've got thermal leggings under mine! xxx

  30. Another colorful adventure, which reinforces the fantasy of traveling to one of your trading destinations. Your photos and commentary always make my day. Gorgeous as always and happy that you had a successful festival.

  31. that orange/green floral shift dress on the shop dummy caught my eye and then your own lovely orange maxi dress - fabulous! Good to see you having fun.

    1. Thanks, Betty! We did have fun, especially exploring and riding on the trains! xxx

  32. Glad you had a better time at Indetracks , I love that brown maxi , Its one of my favorite colours in the right garment and that sure is xxx

    1. We certainly did, thanks Shabby! Dare I say it but the colours in my new-to-me maxi are almost Autumnal. I'll be wearing it for months at this rate. xxx

  33. So glad to hear you had a great time and it made up for Truck! One of the ladies from my pilates class has worked at Truck ever since it started and she was also there this time, she had as many horror stories as you, she was so sad for how bad it has become.

    1. Thank you! The chaps who volunteer for the Rotary Club and do the food were horrified by how it had changed almost overnight. I do hope for the sake of the loacls that it can be saved. xxx

  34. I would have enjoyed snooping around those old trains too! Indietracks sounds like a much more civilized festival that the chaos of the last one. Between the foul weather and the tent challenges I don't know how you keep your sunny attitude, but I guess that's why you're doing the Vintage Fair/Festival circuit and I'm not ;)

    1. It's definitely not a career for the feint hearted! The fact we absolutely love festivals does help (and all-day drinking, too - we need to be on the same wavelength as the customers!) xxx

  35. Aww... this looks so fun! I'm glad you got back to having a fun time at the festival. I love the mail train too :D

    1. Indietracks really is fun! We love it.
      Isn't the mail train amazing? xxx

  36. Seems as though Kinky Melons was a bit of a wonderful mini United Nations (so pleased the Aussies got some of your fabulous stock) with so many nationalities coming by. So pleased this one was a happy event for you - and that you both got to play with trains. Your photos are, as always, brilliant, Vix. xx

    1. The Aussies really do appreciate vintage! xxx

  37. Geez, what a dogs breakfast, sounds like they had no idea what they were doing. I'm thankful you guys were there to save that girl that was going to be dragged away - terrifying.


  38. I think I'd like this festival! The smiley train is SO cute! I love its sweet face! The mail train is so fab- I've always wanted to see one!!x

    1. I think you would love it, too. Not too loud, lairy or busy and lots of smiley trains - perfection! xxx

  39. That's more like it! I love the dress on the dummy and Jon's checked trousers were just like some a guy I was madly in love with had back in the 80s. xx

    1. They're ace, aren't they? Minutes after he complained that we never find anything good in a certain charity shop in Walsall he discovered not one but two pairs with the Topman tags attached for £2.49 each. xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix