Thursday, 6 April 2017

Modern Talking

Shock horror! I'm NOT dressed in head to toe vintage. 

I've got stuff in the fridge older than this emerald green blouse but I loved it on sight. I'm not one of those vintage types who throw a strop when my favourite era becomes hip because I know how fickle fashion is. Within weeks of it hitting the shops it'll be slashed to half price and I'll pounce (and, even better, wait a few more weeks and the charity shops will be piled high with discarded 1970s inspired fashion). Just like the last Seventies revival in the early 1990s, my wardrobe's had an influx of wide-brimmed felt hats, metallic & printed velvet ankle boots and bell sleeved tunics. This should keep me going until the Seventies comes back into fashion in another 25 years time. 


As for the rest of the outfit, you can breathe a huge sigh of relief, it's all proper vintage. The psychedelic maxi skirt hasn't had an outing for a couple of years due to my waist going AWOL. Fortunately for me (and my wardrobe) it made a welcome reappearance shortly after I turned fifty and I've had to stick this Victorian satin belt over the waistband to stop the bloody thing twizzling around when I walk. What is they say? First World Problems.

The boots are 1960s leather Victorian-style lace-ups, a crazy £1 buy from a car boot sale a few years ago. The insane sunglasses were given to me by a car boot trader last September as he didn't have enough change to give me the 50p he owed us. They've been to India and back this year (and still have sand ingrained around the rims).

Clockwise from top left: 1970s midi dress; 1960s worsted wool jacket (now in Jon's wardrobe!); 1980s Paco novelty design jumper; 1980s jumpsuit; TopShop tie-dye fringed maxi (now in my wardrobe!); 1970s Taramina, England midi dress (reserved!); Bon Jovi tee; 1970s Keynote bomber; 1980s silk shirt; 1970s cord blazer; Handmade 1970s gypsy dress

We might as well have a quick look round the chazzas, I said to Jon on the way to the bank this morning. It's just as well we had our bags for life with us (ie., the huge totes I made from vintage curtains years ago and always carry around, just in case).......I've got to pop back into town for a second appointment tomorrow. I can hardly wait!

Empire-made driving gloves, Fake leather choker and paperbacks galore!

We're trading at Vintage Village this Sunday and it's going to be a good one. The theme is Strawberry Studio after Stockport's legendary recording venue. Expect a soundtrack which includes Joy Division, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, The Buzzcocks, Sisters of Mercy and The Charlatans (who?!) At many fairs the predictable 1940s and 1950s soundtrack does our heads in, on Sunday we'll be singing along all day.

Check out the photo bomber! Frank (aka The Lump) has been with us for six months, has gained 4 lb in weight and, like all felines the world over, can't bear to let Jon out of his sight. 

WEARING: Vintage 1970s Jeannie jersey maxi skirt (last seen HERE), Emerald green blouse (half price retail sale); Victorian satin belt (courtesy of Shabby), Retro sunglasses & 1960s-does-Victoriana boots (car boot sale), Baroque style earrings (Colaba Causeway, Mumbai 2008)

See you soon!


  1. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who owns a young de-pompomed tom cat who has put weight on. We had to put Humphrey on the lightest cat foot to shift his girth. He would eat all day given half a chance! Seeing that 1980s novelty jumper has put in mind of when I worked in the museum as a volunteer and somebody brought in, what to my eyes, looked two of the most hideous jumpers of the era yet they went in the archive. 20 years on I now understand why they were kept, but back then I could remember Noel Edmonds wearing many similar ones. Think it was probably still too recent for me to appreciate their place in the history of fashion back then! Arilx

    1. I suppose that after years of eating out of bins they still can't believe their luck at having a bowl of Felix's finest put in front of them and have to eat the lot in one go!
      Those jumpers terrified me in the 1980s but I appreciate them now! x

  2. Love the blouse, that colour looks great on you. One day I hope to find lace up 60s boots like yours, whenever I do find a pair they're never in my size! xx

    1. I was amazed that they were a size 7 - they're usually minuscule! x

  3. They may be insane but those sunnies suit you so well....ditto the new green blouse. What's that lovely plant that is flowering prolifically by your front door? (Perennial candytuft perhaps?) Have a great time on Sunday, will Jon be signing autographs also! xx

    1. I didn't know the name of that plant - I dug it up from the parental home. I think you're right, I'll have to get some more, it's effortless! xxx

  4. Aw. Frank looks contented and right at home.

    I'd have never guessed the shirt was new-fantastic colour too. You find the BEST stuff! I don't know how you do it, but you do. Menswear is hard to find at all, and you always find such great pieces. I really wish there weren't an ocean between us because I'd be all over your stock at that fair.

    1. Coming from you that's a massive compliment!
      Vintage menswear is tricky - either worn to death or hard to spot as chaps fashions rarely change. xxx

  5. Might as well have a quick look!!!!!
    I love the 90s does 70s stuff!!!!!

  6. Its all about the sleeves! Frank is a star just like the two of you.

    1. It is all about the sleeves, always a deciding factor in making a purchase!
      Frank's a beast! xxx

  7. Absolutely gorgeous, as always! The blouse is so you. I do love a good floppy hat too. Frank is a cutie xx

  8. Who would have guessed those sleeves weren't authentic vintage.
    Looks like a good gang trading on Sunday at Stockport. Can't wait. Xxx

    1. Fab to see you both yesterday and for your fab finds! You're official Kinky hunters, the pair of you! xxx

  9. Hi Vix, you look great in green. I often mix vintage and modern clothes, because it has taken me a while to accumulate the vintage pieces that I really like myself. I have quite a few vintage clothes, but not everything in my wardrobe, I'd be happy if everything was, haha! It's good to mix and match, isn't it? How funny about Frank being attached to Jon, that gave me a good chuckle. Xxx

    1. It's hard to find plain vintage tops in the right size so a couple of cheeky modern ones are just the ticket! Hooray for fickle fashion. I think the 1970s are over for the hipsters and it's all 90s gear now.
      Jon is a cat magnet! xxx

  10. Looking gorgeous as ever. Was watching a grouse shooting scene c1910? from Berkley Square. A very smart fellow was wearing Jons jacket which Jon wore on your house tour. It did look great on both of them

    1. Hello Sally, that's interesting, I'll have to Google it. It's a vintage Swedish army jacket, I found it on eBay and won it for 99p - don't say I don't spoil him! x

  11. Camilla Lackberg is awesome. But then, I'm going through a dark, brooding Scandanavian crime binge read right now.

    1. I'm obsessed with dark Scandi crime stuff. The Beck series are fantastic if you see any going cheap. I'm currently loving the Norwegian series "Acquitted". If I'm not reading it then I'm watching it. xxx

  12. There is SO MUCH 70's rerun in the stores right now. I love the blouse and the colour.

    Hope this weekend is awesome for you!


    1. Thank you! Stock up while you can. It's too good a deal to miss. xxx

  13. that sweater (jumper) is a show stopper. I do believe it matches the color block silk shirt.

    1. They just yell 1980s, don't they? Men were such peacocks back then! x

  14. I should think they will be queueing up for Jon's autograph this weekend! I love the shape of the blouse, it's such a classic and the skirt is very, very pretty.

    1. Thanks, Betty! I was really pleased with the blouse, I ordered it online and was sceptical with how it was going to feel but was pleasantly surprised when it turned up! x

  15. you look fabulous in your maxi (glad you've repaired it!) and that Green top which is amazing!! big sleeves!!. A girl must to make the most of any fashion trend when it rocks!. Because it doesn't happen so frequently!
    Wish you a fab weekend!

    1. Statement sleeves are always worth getting, no matter the era! xxx

  16. I like that you have clothing calling to you. At 51, still havent quite found my fashion groove but I'm probably not hearing the call. Love the green.

  17. well done snapping up that fab blouse! and with you it will not be "fast fashion" - you´ll wear the heck out of it - its perfect for you!
    i´m waiting patiently for all the plissĆ© skirts from last season to show up in the 2.hand shops :-)
    gorgeous new stock for the shop - i´m sure it will sell at turbo speed - esp. with THAT soundtrack!
    give frank the lump a cuddle from me and lisbeth!

    1. You're right, I'll be wearing it until it falls apart- hopefully that'll be years away. xxxx

  18. My cats prefer my husband to me, it kinda stings as I'm the one who feeds them, cleans their litter tray, pays the vets bills - and he gets all the attention!
    I love all the colours in these shots - it all looks so springy!

    1. I know, bloody cats and men! Flirts! xxx

  19. You gave me a much-needed morning giggle, Vix, when you noted "I've things in the fridge older than..." A co-worker mentioned he had a 26th birthday coming up this weekend, and I wished him a happy celebration -- while musing that my leather jacket wasn't new when he was hatched.

    The satin belt is a splendidly graphic slash of black in this ensemble, as are those handsome boots!

    1. Haha! 26 is so young compared to most of my wardrobe! xxx

  20. Ohhhhh the maxi skirt. I love the colors and patterns, and of course it looks stunning on you! I'm always awe struck when I visit your world over my morning coffee!

    1. Thanks, Judith! Enjoy your coffee! xxx

  21. I had a good laugh at your fridge remark ... That emerald green blouse is fabulous, who cares whether it's vintage or modern. Although I hardly ever go inside "real" shops, I still buy the odd "modern" thing in the sales or the chazzas if I like the look of them. But oh my, that skirt! And those boots! Good to hear that Frank's feeling right at home. xxx

    1. We live in Walsall, there are no real shops! I took a gamble when I saw it on-line, I'm always wary about modern clothes I haven't examined in the flesh! xxx

  22. Those sleeves are incredible! xx

  23. Loving this post - the skirt, the blouse, all the green shades (my fave!), the glasses and of course boots, and needless to say the felinas who will never let us feel lonely!

  24. There are definitely some lovely, non-vintage buys to be had! Love this green top! Goes perfectly with the maxi. You found some great items in the shops too!

    1. There are. Its the first time in years I've been enamoured by something new! xxx

  25. Frank the Tank!
    Ok, spill it! Who made that gorgeous green blouse that's younger than things in your fridge? From what I've heard from my friends in California a 90's grunge rehash is going on there right now.
    Your ensemble looks rather late 60's Gucci rather than 70's boho to me, I love it!

    1. That names gonna stick. I better not tell him!
      You're right, the 70s is so last month, it's all about the 1990s this week! I can't keep up. xxx

  26. Nothing wrong with topping up your vintage wardrobe with a few choice modern pieces - at the right price, of course! And those sleeves are fab. You look all Spring-like and beautiful in the sunshine, good to see that gorgeous skirt again. What are your tips for rediscovering your waist? I know, I know... eat fewer pies...
    Look at handsome Frank the Tank - he's clearly very happy, he's found his home and his True Love (Baker!)
    So wish I could get to Stockport but sadly not this time, have a good day.
    Love you! xxx

    1. Less cheese, bread and crisps and nothing after 6pm (well, apart from the odd snifter!)
      You missed a fab fair yesterday but there's always another month. xxx

  27. You look like the essence of spring with a boho twist, absolutely beautiful. I love your outfit. The Strawberry studio soundtrack is right up my street, have a great weekend xxx

  28. Loving the green ensemble. Sounds like the perfect soundtrack! xx

    1. It was a spectacular soundtrack. It makes such a difference to our day. xxx

  29. WHAAAAT?? NOT VINTAGE!!!! I never thought I'd see the day ;) Seriously, you are the thriftiest thrift shopper I know, and it's good to sneak the odd contemporary piece in there just to mix it up. I want to know how you found your waist, because mine disappeared when I turned 50!

    So nice to see Frank enjoying the sunshine. My handsome boy is a solid chunk of kitty and he's supposed to be trying to lose a bit of weight....yeah, right.

    Hope you have fun and sell lots at the fair tomorrow.

    1. I saw a photo of your boy on Instagram, he's a proper chunk. I love him! xxx

  30. You are looking glorious in green, Vix.You suit vibrant colours so well. That skirt is an absolute delight. The pattern is superb. Frank is looking very happy, pom poms or not. Actually my phone just tried to turn that into porn poms. šŸ˜ Maybe it knows best. The upcoming soundtrack sounds fantastic. Hope that you have a great day. Xx

    1. Thank you! I need more green in my wardrobe. Considering I dyed my hair black so I could wear green I've got very little of it! xxx

  31. You are looking glorious in green, Vix.You suit vibrant colours so well. That skirt is an absolute delight. The pattern is superb. Frank is looking very happy, pom poms or not. Actually my phone just tried to turn that into porn poms. šŸ˜ Maybe it knows best. The upcoming soundtrack sounds fantastic. Hope that you have a great day. Xx

  32. So much fabulousness!

    I love the non vintage green blouse and it goes beautifully with your maxi skirt. The skirt would also look great as an A line knee length one as in the photo where you're flashing your amazing Victorian boots...

    I lost my waist at 44 years old and it has never returned; I still mourn it at times.

    Hope the vintage event went well and you made a killing. You certainly found some lovely things.

    Are Frank and Fiona's foster cat related? They look like cousins!


    1. Our cats are similar in stature, aren't they? Chunky chaps!
      When I hoisted my skirt up to take a photo I thought it would look good as a midi, too. Great minds... xxx

  33. That emerald green is perfect for you! So gorgeous!

  34. Another fabulous wardrobe choice here, that shade of green is lovely on you. Xx

  35. More sleeves, Vix!! Fabulous! Have a great week. xx

  36. Love the psychedelic skirt!Green looks great on you.

  37. That looks fab. Can't go wrong with emerald green.

    I like 40s/50s music, but as you say, it is getting predictable at vintage events. I think the mainstream has moved on from the twee 'vintage' trend of a few years ago - which will probably be a massive relief to serious 40s/50s lovers, as prices might drop and at least they won't have to fight so hard to get to the stuff they like. I hope the 60s comes back in; I can't find tops I like for love nor money - not vintage, repro or modern 'inspired' ones.

    1. Thank you! I've got a feeling it's going to get worn to death!
      It isn't so bad for visitors to vintage fairs but when you've been there for 8 hours the Andres Sisters on repeat are enough for me to commit murder. x

  38. The Green Goddess! Super sleeves there!

    I have a new dress that's green, haven't worn it yet, as it's been too nippy, but now the weather has turned I shall give it a whirl!

    Flashman!!!!!! Yay! xxx

    1. Flashman rocks! Jon's never read any, he's in for a treat!
      You'll be needing thermals under your green dress, it's freezing! xxx

  39. Hmmm, time for me to hit the shops if you say blouses like that green beauty are currently on the racks! Looks excellent on you.

    Frank looks great, as does your doorway!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix