Tuesday, 7 June 2016

On The Road With Kinky - The Acoustic Festival of Britain

We did it, The Acoustic Festival of Britain, our first festival of Summer 2016, done and dusted. The sun shone, we sold lots, met some great people and the only thing we forgot was an extension lead which we never needed in the end. As it had been nine months since we'd last done a festival we were decidedly out of practice and it took a mammoth seven hours to set-up. Absolutely knackered and bastard freezing we were tucked up in bed by 9pm - not very rock and roll! 

Friday morning - day one. The sun was shining and we were up bright & early and ready for business. One thing I hadn't planned for was my hip completely f*cking itself up, rendering me utterly useless for the entire weekend. Luckily I had a decent view of proceedings from my chair.

Belly dancers on every corner.

Morris dancers galore.

All kinds of festival fashion....

and interesting characters.

Day two and more sunshine! 

This gorgeous customer decided to wear the green maxi she bought from us straight away.

The Jive Aces sounded great and their manager popped in to peruse our rails, leaving with a few purchases while Paul Young walked past but didn't visit, his loss!

Day three - more glorious sunshine. One of our lovely neighbours, Michelle from the Zen Zone, gave me my first ever Reiki treatment. While it didn't heal the pain I was so chilled out that I no longer cared.

Acts included Midge Ure (who wasn't great) and The Sons of Clogger (who were).

As temperatures soared to 24 degrees we did a roaring trade in Levi's cut-offs, Hawaiian shirts and vintage cowboy hats.

The ice cream van must have gone home a millionaire.

The festival was steam punk themed, which many of the punters had never even heard of. It went down so well the organisers have decided to make a regular thing.

...and we'll be making it a regular thing, too. See you next year, Acoustic Festival!

Fingers crossed that the X-rays the doctor is sending me for show an inflammation rather than a dislocation - we've got Glastonbury in a fortnight and nine festivals to trade at, I haven't got time for a another hip replacement.  

Linking to Visible Monday.


  1. Awww, too bad about your hip but hooray for the reiki!
    Looks like y'all had a marvelous time in spite of the injury with music, ice cream, characters & belly dancers though!
    xox Bibi

    1. Oh yes, far better to be in pain in a fabulous & fascinating place than being laid up at home. xxx

  2. As always I love your posts. Your photos make me feel like I was almost there myself enjoying the sunshine, people watching and music. I would have been scouring your rails and would have gone home with tons of purchases. Congrats on the great festival. Cheers, Michele

  3. Oh dear Vix - sorry about your hip :( And like Vintagethrifter, your festival posts and photos make me feel like I'm there!
    I'm astounded that some folks haven't heard of steampunk!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them, Carol! I know, you'd have thought everyone had heard of steampunk! xx

  4. What a bummer just when the seasons hotting up.
    We are coming over in the van next week so the welder will sort you out heehee.
    Will you be free Tuesday ? Xxx

    1. Tuesday should be just fine - I'll let you know if anything changes! Very excited! xxx

  5. I'm glad to hear you had a good time and did a great trade. I've been watching the weather forecast for you, as here it wasn't too great. I'm sorry about your hip playing up and I'm definitely keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for you, hoping it is just an inflammation. My knee is playing up because of it being so humid, definitely not as young and agile as I used to be ... xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! Yes, the weather was lovely which makes living in a field a lot more manageable. Hope that knee rights itself in time for your hols. xxx

  6. It all looks wonderful, even weather-wise. Hopefully your hip was responding to the overwork it got in the massive setting up for the fest. If not, there's always drugs and alcohol until the season's over! Carry on.

    1. I'm hoping that it's overwork - I'm taking it as easy as I can - walking slowly and using a stick! xxx

  7. I hope your hip is just inflamed and it's nothing surgical *hugs*

  8. Buggeration, what a bummer about your hip. I am really sorry to hear that it is playing up. Hope that it is just inflammation too, least you can get a whole load of pills for it even if they play havoc with your stomach. Festival looks brilliant, loads of funky folks and a good mix of ages. I imagine that there were some very nattily dressed people there if it was a bit steampunk and all your lovely customers too. Hope that you are sorted for the rest of the festival season. I know what a lot of hard work it will be. Xx

    1. There were some well dressed folk - some fab costumes, leather corsets, hats with cogs, plus fours. I was very impressed.
      I'm definitely improving....I'll be ok for Glastonbury if it kills me! xxx

  9. That is a bummer. Doing a show like that when you are healthy is already taxing, doing it when you're in pain is awful.

    Glad you managed to push your way through. I'm sending along some healing good thoughts and hoping it is just a severe arthritis flare-up and nothing more serious.

    I'm hoping the amount of cash you made eased the pain suffered.


    1. Thanks, Suzanne! The profits will keep me in drugs if nothing else!! xxx

  10. Sorry to hear about your hip, I hope it's nothing too serious and you'll be fit and healthy for Glasto! Is that Chico I spy in the pictures? He's such a character! xx

    1. It is Chico - he's a legend, isn't he? xxx

  11. Noooooooo... I hope the hip is less severe than feared and it gets better soon. That is rotten timing!!! Your stall looks amazing and you look fantastic. The festival sounds and looks brilliant.Xx

    1. It's a fab little festival, really friendly and super clean. I'll get there, I know I will! xxx

  12. what fun! fingers crossed for good news re your hip. ugh, some things really do suck about getting old. most things are pretty fabulous tho. xoxo

    1. The mind is willing but the flesh (and skeleton) is weak! xxx

  13. Sorry to hear about your hip, that sucks! I'm sending good thoughts your way:)

  14. Oh Vix, so sorry to hear about your hip. I do hope it is just inflammation. It's funny how when you really, really need it to, your body can (sometimes)let you down.

    The festival looked like so much fun. The green maxi dress woman seemed to have the hair to match it! So glad you managed to sell so much and enjoy yourselves as well. Hope the next one is equally fab!

    Enjoy your week and hope its pain free.



    1. You can plan for anything except for your health....grrr!
      Yes, that lady was born to wear that maxi, it fitted her beautifully. xxx

  15. you even sold jon´s own shirt!!!!
    beside of your hip it sounds like a great gig - fabulous!
    fingers and paws crossed for your hip!!! much love! xxxxxxx

    1. Ha! It's not the first time he's sold the clothes off his back! xxx

  16. I hope your hip is okkkkkkk!! You wouldn't know it bothered you at all with how great you look in all the pics! Glad the festival went well!

    1. Thank you! The booze and the Reiki kept me smiling! x

  17. damn your hip. My friend, who was a dancer/teacher for over 30 years had both hips replaced. fingers crossed it's just sore. Looks like a fun festival

    1. I'm hoping I can escape the knife for another couple of years. The op is brilliant but I'd rather avoid it as long as I can. xxx

  18. Congratulations on your success at the festival! It looks like a blast. I really like events like that which bring together a wide cross section of the more alternatively inclined population. I feel so at home at such.

    Sending gentle hugs and optimistic thoughts your way regarding your hip,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. It's lovely to escape "normality" for a few days, Jessica! xxx

  19. Oh man, that is terrible timing with your hip-here's hoping for an easy, non-surgical fix.

    I tried explaining Morris dancing to my kid-I got a blank stare. I've threatened to dress as a Green Man and go romping through the neighbourhood but I think I'll wait until he's a teen and will be suitably embarrassed.

    Rest that hip and get well soon.

    1. Thanks, Goody! Some of the Morris Dancers we've come across at festivals are quite cool. It's definitely not all bells and lace hankies!
      I'd love to see you dressed as a Green Man, bet you've got an appropriate outfit tucked away.

  20. Oh man, that is terrible timing with your hip-here's hoping for an easy, non-surgical fix.

    I tried explaining Morris dancing to my kid-I got a blank stare. I've threatened to dress as a Green Man and go romping through the neighbourhood but I think I'll wait until he's a teen and will be suitably embarrassed.

    Rest that hip and get well soon.

  21. I hope your hip heals quickly!
    You always make the festivals seem like so much fun...although the two of you probably add a huge dose to the good times, just being yourselves. Love the steampunk!
    Take care and rest up for the next outing!

    1. Thanks, Bobbi! We try to chose festivals we'd like to go to as revellers, that way, if trade isn't great at least we've had fun. xxx

  22. I love meeting new people. Everyone has a important story to tell
    Coffee is on

  23. So sorry about your hip! I hope it turns out an inflammation... Happy new season to you guys! You both look fantastic, and I am so glad to see your happy smiles and to know that you're in a good place (in many ways)! Love that golden dress on you, fantastic find.
    Love and hugses!!

    1. Thanks, Natalia! Can you tell we're in our element? Much as I love trading at fairs, live music, sunshine and cider make the world a nicer place! xxx

  24. Hi Vix, Gosh that festival looks like fun. Your stall is amazing! So put together and interesting. Yours would be the main one if not the only one I would shop. I'm sorry about your hip. You are so active that I pray its not too serious. Keep us posted.

    1. Thanks, Cherre! It takes ages to get the pitch just so. xxx

  25. AAAArgh on hip pain - decidedly shit timing. But still looking 17 shades of fabulous in your 3 outfits AND smiling on through. Thank goodness for sun and sales and lovely people. Fingers very firmly crossed for the lesser of the 2 possible evils playing havoc with your hip socket.

    1. Aww, cheers Rosalind. Lovely people and fab weather definitely helped lessen the pain. x

  26. Reiki works! So does deep-tissue massage IF the masseuse knows what s/he's doing and has strong fingers. My good lady has kept my aging chassis aligned and working for years, sans the expense and trauma of surgery.

    Quite right about diverting your attention from the hip when you can, and instead focusing on this brilliant addition to the Kinky Melon calendar. What a wonderful start to the Summer 2016 season!

    1. Hi Beth. One of the masseurs at the festival gave me some helpful advice and tips for some gentle exercises. Reiki seemed lovely, I was very lucky to be able to sort out a free session, its generally out of my price range.
      Yes, a great start to the season and with the sun shining and the painkillers kicking in I'm feeling positive about Summer. xxx

  27. We seems to follow our traditions. We have Italy alternated with some city and you have India and festivals. It seems that we found out how to enjoy Life!

    1. We certainly have - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. xxx

  28. Oh Boo, sending good vibes for your poor hip. Glad to hear you had such a great time despite it's best efforts. x x

    1. Thanks, Gisela! The bastard hip shan't defeat me. xxx

  29. sorry about the hip, maybe consider a chiropractor to check it hasn't moved (I went a few years back and found mine was 1 inch lower than the other since a road accident years before!) hope it's all in working order before the next festival. Betty x

    1. Funnily enough I managed a chiropractic clinic for a number of years and it's only from one of the chiropractors x-raying me (out of concern for my strange gait) that identified that I was born with undiagnosed hip dysplasia and had suffered untreated for 38 years. It is a wonderful treatment but unfortunately my hip joints were too knackered for any manipulation. xxx

  30. Hi Vix! Apart from your hip pain you seemed to have a successful festival with Jon. I hope you'll get your hip sorted as soon as possible. You yourself look like a sunray wearing all those lovely dresses of yours. x x

    1. Thank you, A-M! Summer is my time, I find it such fun to dress for warmth and sunshine rather than layer up against the cold! xxxx

  31. I love how you tell the whole story not allowing the hip to be the star of the show. You are so brilliant.
    So Glad you did a big trade and many more to come.
    Victor and I have already booked a cottage for August south east of the Lakes. Any info on charities- jumble sales or event in the area most welcome.
    Mil besos

    1. Thanks, Sacramento - it's an inconvenience but no way will I let it take over my life! I'll get my thinking cap on, I've a few friends who live around the area, I'll get back to you on good shopping opportunities. xxx

  32. Oo this looks like just oodles of fun! And sunshine!! But that sucks about your hip - I do hope it's on the mend. xx

    1. I know - sunshine! Most unexpected.
      I'm pretty sure it's on the mend, loads better than it was. xxx

  33. Oh I hope you are already feeling better! You look fabulous and hid the pain, and wow, what great festival weather. Sending healing thoughts to you, xox


    1. Thanks, Patti! It was a great start to the season, can't wait for the next one. xxx

  34. Oh doll, I'm so sorry your hip conked out on you - here's hoping it is just an inflammation. Looks like it was a good festival otherwise with lots of customers for your awesome stuff.

    1. I'm pretty sure it isn't anything evil!! Yes, lots of fab people who loved vintage, just the kind of crowd we love. xxx

  35. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that you were in pain. :(

    Sure looks like it was a great event though. So many interesting fashions. The person who lucked out getting the lime-green mod maxi (behind you on day two) was one lucky shopper!


    1. Thank you!! Can you believe it didn't sell? I've taken it to two events, it gets loads of love but no buyers - odd! xxx

  36. Siete di nuovo in cammino! Questo festival sembra strepitoso, quanti personaggi curiosi e colorati, grandi! Voi due perĆ² siete i piĆ¹ belli!

    1. Sei cosi carino! E'stata una festa favalosa, alcuni personaggi davvero vestite individualmente e clima spettacolare, troppo. xxx

  37. I love people watching, and your photos were brilliant. Such a mix of interesting people!! Bugger about your hip playing up, hopefully it will settle down,or will you have to get it replaced, that would truly suck!! I love that you are at the beginning of your summer festivals, because I always feel like I go with you. Did you sell plenty of your tray cloth crop tops??

    1. I'm a people watcher, too. I'm quite happy to sit and gawp all day long!
      Last time I went for a check-up I was told I'd got 18 months or so before I had a second replacement, if I can get through the last Summer in my forties without going under the knife I'll be happy! xxx

  38. What bloody awful timing, but carrying on and smiling through - you're a real trouper! I hope the pain is easing, you don't deserve this. x

    1. It couldn't happen at a worse time but I've got ten days to take things easy, rest up and prepare myself. I'm positive I'll be fine. xxx

  39. Oh God, hope you're feeling better now? What rotten luck. Thanks for the lovely glimpse into the festival. The dress in the first picture of you is wonderful! xxx

    1. Not so hot today if I'm honest and no x-ray until the evening before we're due to leave for Glastonbury - keep your fingers crossed!!
      A friend found me that dress at a jumble sale, I love how bright it is. xxx

  40. Gaaa, inflammation, better than dislocation - yes! But sorry to hear you were grounded. Still, you and Jon look like stars in your last photo. No surprise there.
    I love seeing all these cool people at the festival - beats an office environment ANY DAY!!! Lots of work for you of course while you're there, but at least you can breathe.

    1. Yep, now we've done one the rest won't be quite so daunting - I hope! Festie folk are great. xxx

  41. Perhaps you should just inject rum n coke directly into the inflamed area....at worst you would be the "loaded" Kinky melon vendor and likely fit right in at your next festival :) Hope you heal up quickly

  42. Hope your hip will be feeling better in time for Glasto and in the meantime quaff pints of cider to ease the pain.
    I'd love to wander around a festival with my camera taking pictures of all the interesting and wonderful looking folk. X

    1. You ought to be cheeky and apply for a "press pass" - you take amazing photos and you've got a publication (the blog!) xxx

  43. Seems odd to have a festival with a steampunk theme but no actual steampunk bands, though the subculture has its roots in literature rather than music, so it's not completely wrong (as, say, a punk-themed festival with no actual punk bands would be).

    I hope they're able to sort your hip out, you must be in so much pain!

    1. The theme did seem at odds with the festival although there was a literature tent so perhaps there were some steampunk authors making an appearance in there. The organisers are repeating the theme next year so maybe the music will represent the genre a little more.
      Another week until I get an X-ray (but I have painkillers and a walking stick!) xxx

  44. Great photos, sorry to hear about your hip.My feckin back is playing up again, the thing that's helping with the pain is meditating, I'm so chilled I think argh oh sod it !! Feel better soon xxx

    1. I think that's the effect Reiki had on me (and wine!) Feel better soon. xxx


  45. Oh no, your hip sounds excruciating. I know you're not one to complain about nothing. Must have been frustrating too, not to be able to get up and at it. I'm interested in your reiki experience. After my last treatment I felt exhausted and dizzy. I'm thinking of learning how to do it. Gosh wasn't the weather lovely... You look gorgeous in all your outfits. Xxxxx

    1. The lady who did it is Somerset based and absolutely lovely. I like how focused I felt afterwards, I wasn't so distracted and mithered and a few people said I looked very happy! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix