Self-employment - living the life of Riley. Getting up late, spending all day in pyjamas, daytime TV, surfing the net, girly lunch dates and going out every night. That's what many people think when I tell them what I do for a living. You already know that our weekends consist of getting up early, travelling up and down the country, packing and unpacking the van, setting up our pitch and selling our hearts out but here's how I typically spend my more mundane week days.
Monday's outfit: 1970s psychedelic maxi skirt by Jeannie Jersey (Georgia-May's Vintage Wardrobe), Fringed body suit (Charity shop, 2013), 1960s suede waistcoat (Xmas present from Liz), Original Biba lace-up boots (Inherited from Mum) |
Monday. Up at 6.30am, had breakfast, dressed and reorganised the stockroom while Jon dealt with the heating engineers who were servicing the boiler. Sorted out some recent buys, measured and labelled them. A friend had picked up a few things of interest recently and, as she was in need of a vintage fix, browsed the rails, we exchanged goodies and chatted for an hour or so over coffee. After lunch Jon & I went across the road to my empty parental home (where we store our stock), unpacked the van and added the freshly sorted stock to the rails. I did some mending, caught up with blog reading and wrote a blog post. Had a bath and tea. Carried on with the dressmaking project I'd started on Friday. Caught up with a couple of Scandi TV thrillers. Read The Silent Game by Greg Iles in bed.
Tuesday's outfit: Vintage lurex maxi (courtesy of Kerry), Hindi print tee (Kerala, 2012), 1970s tooled leather bag & blue suede belt (car boot sale finds), Blue fake fur jacket (£7, Catalogue clearance shop, 2012), 1960s navy leather gloves (were my Mum's), Tapestry boots (Charity shop, 2008), Tribal jewellery (India) |
Tuesday. Up at 6.45am and loaded the washing machine. After a Wii Fit workout put a couple of stained vintage dresses in to soak and altered a 1960s mini by hand. Rinsed the soaked frocks and hung all the washing up. Had breakfast, dressed and walked into town as I had appointments booked with banks to close Dad's accounts. Picked up a pair of shoes I'd left at the cobblers, shopped for a few essentials (toothpaste, mouthwash & soda crystals) and browsed the charity shops before walking back. Had lunch. Printed off the probate & tax forms from the government website and started to complete them. Phoned & chatted to the undertakers with our choice of music for the funeral. After a shower and tea caught up with some blogs and hand-sewed hooks and eyes missing from a couple of dresses in the stock room. Watched BBC 1's River and read a little more of my book in bed.
Wednesday's Outfit: 1970s leather trench coat (eBay, 2004), vintage beaded panda bag (charity shop), floppy felt hat (car boot sale), 1970s leopard print platforms (eBay, 2011). Not a fan of lap dancing clubs but love the nod to the Bollywood movie of the same name. |
Wednesday. Up at 6.30, did a Wii Fit workout & ironed and put away yesterday's washing. Dusted, swept and tidied the lounge and watered the house plants. Dressed and had breakfast. Too wet for car booting so we visited the charity shops in a couple of nearby towns. Dropped more of Dad's papers off at the accountant on the way home. Had lunch. Checked over the purchases, replaced the plastic buttons on a couple of waistcoats for some better-looking vintage ones and put everything in to wash. My brother came round on his way back from work as the civil celebrant was coming to discuss Dad's funeral next Tuesday. Chatted about my Dad's life and adventures. After they'd both left I had a bath and we had tea. Opened the rum and watched Salvage Hunters & The Apprentice, texting
Curtise throughout the latter.
Thursday's outfit: 1960s jumble sale curtain I made into a dress; Vintage Dolcis leather knee boots; 1950s leopard print coat and 1930s velvet fringed scarf (all charity shopped); arm warmers (Topshop sale, 2003) That's most of the car boot finds in the van, including the bass amp. |
Thursday: Up at 6.30, did a Wii workout & cleaned and mopped the utility room. Went to the morning car boot sale. Some regular traders told us that they'd got some chairs that were our kind of thing so we took their phone number and arranged to call them later. On the way back home we stopped off at the undertaker's to drop off Dad's suit and at the florist to organise the funeral flowers. I unpacked our purchases, put the clothes in the washing machine, polished the shoes & handbags and steamed the hats while Jon cooked veggie sausage sandwiches. After we'd eaten I priced and ironed yesterday's finds and dyed my roots. Swept & dusted the dining room, called the car boot traders and drove over to their unit to check out the chairs which we loved and bought. Jon cleaned them outside and we rearranged the lounge to fit them in. After tea and a bath chatted to
Krista via Skype and watched Unforgotten.
Our fabulous vintage chairs! |
Friday. Up at 7 am, after a Wii Fit session I ironed and priced yesterday's car boot buys and hand sewed the hem of a skirt that had come down during washing. Stripped the bed, chucked it in the washer and got dressed. Had breakfast. Went to a mid-morning jumble sale, which was dreadful but met up with a
blogger friend who'd come across some cool stuff for me on her travels. Popped to Lidl and the Post Office (to get some change for the weekend's float) on the way home and wrote & published a blog post while Jon made lunch. This afternoon we'll pack the van for Oxford. I'll cook a veg Kadai using the mushrooms bought from the car boot sale yesterday whilst Jon makes sandwiches to take with us tomorrow. Then I'll shower, paint my nails and sort out what I'll be wearing. We'll have a rum and coke, watch Mammon on catch-up and go to bed. The alarm is already set for 5.30am.
Friday's Outfit: Vintage lurex maxi (from Australian blogger Nelly who stopped posting years ago), 1970s leather jacket (bought from a charity shop in 1992), tooled leather bag (Car boot sale), Indian tote (India) |
New to the womenswear rails this week. Clockwise from top left: 1960s linen maxi by Linzi Cruise Line from County Clothes of Cheltenham; Scottish mohair cape; 1970s Embellished maxi; 1960s sleeveless wool mod dress (I removed the tatty sleeves and sewed bias binding to the armholes earlier this week); Louis Caring psychedelic lace-up midi; dagger collar check shirt; Quad silk maxi; Tooled leather bag; Mexican cowboy boots; 1980s Thai silk jumpsuit; Kangol wool hat; 1950s Chinoiserie jacket. |
So that's life in the week. Shopping is strictly business, there's no stopping for coffee or pub lunches, we have to account for every penny and eat at home every day. There's no time for sightseeing, museums and country walks, when we're not hunting, we're trading. Our social life is a shadow of what it used to be - our friends are nine to fivers so for them going out on a week night is pretty much out of the question and for us, going out at the weekend is impossible. That's why we look forward to our annual month in India so much! We wouldn't have it any other way.
New to the menswear rails this week: snazzy waistcoats, jazzy 1960s cardis and a Texan-made shirt
Jon mostly does the cooking and I do the washing & the house gets cleaned when one of us feels like it (more than usual this week as we're expecting visitors after the funeral). We shop for stock almost every day, the washing machine is constantly on and repairs are done at any time of the day (or night!) I only turn on the TV to watch pre-selected programmes and the internet is accessed from my PC (I don't have a smart phone) so blog reading and social media is done when I'm at home and can snatch a few minutes.
Vintage 1950s fake fur capelet; 1930s leather bag;Roland Cartier lace-ups;1980s felt fedora; North African tooled leather bag; Cheltenham Racecourse trilby; 1950s snakeskin clutch bag. |
All this newly-found vintage (and loads more) will be on our stall (
HERE) this weekend.
See you soon.
PS Linking to Patti's
Visible Monday
Ad after this weekend one lucky person could wear the capelet.
ReplyDeletelove seeing what your daily life looks like. and you both do it with such style and grace. love you two! x
ReplyDeletelazy hippie, get a real job. LOL, damn you guys work hard. I've always lovde it when people say they want to run their own business, because then they can work whenever they want......and go belly up in a month.
ReplyDeleteIts hard work but its more fun being self employed isn't in xxx
ReplyDeleteI've done the self employment before...I always got a kick that people think if you own your own business your rich.
ReplyDeleteTo me this biggest draw back, your income is so bi polar. One day you have plenty on income coming in and anther day your so broke.
Usual it something you enjoy doing.
Coffee is on
I really loved this glimpse into your life. Lived your way, and with purpose - it's wonderful. And as usual, I drool over your shopping finds. xox
ReplyDeleteI knew you weren't just lazing around all day, not when you have your own business! Those chairs are wonderful by the way. We just finally got smart phones and I have to say that I use it more than my pc, but I also did just fine before we had them too. :)
ReplyDeleteThe life of the self-employed - working at it in some capacity almost every single day. We understand that life. Most of our business is through the week but if things are busy definitely spills over to the weekends. No sitting eating bon bons every day, that is for sure. We don't often have to get up at 530 am though :) Eek!
ReplyDeleteMy dad and father in law were 24-7 in some capacity full time. A job making a job. Thank you for the insight. We all dream of being our oen boss but that means its all you all the time.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this glimpse into your life Vix. You and Jon work so hard, I feel positively lazy reading this from my office chair! x
ReplyDeleteYou work darn hard, but at least it is for your own benefit not someone else's. I love a veggie sausage sandwich, yum.
ReplyDeleteWill be thinking of you on Tuesday. x
Just because you are self employed doesn't mean you don't have a working routine, well not if you want to support yourself anyway!
ReplyDeleteStill hoping I can pop by at some point tomorrow, I like the look of that top handbag if nothing else! x x
I enjoyed reading your week, maybe we should all do a post on one, it's interesting seeing what others do with themselves. Love your friday outfit - red dress/leather jacket - I would wear it (a lot!) its fab. I am loving River - don't want it to end, but the Unforgotten? I couldn't understand the way it ended abruptly last time - we didn't watch it this time - is it worth giving it another try? it must be good if you're enjoying it! Betty x
ReplyDeleteLoved this diary of your week , I shall never moan about my early morning starts again Lol, Mr M is self employed and if you don't work you don't get paid . have a great weekend and best wishes x
ReplyDeleteAnyone who says self employment is a doddle doesnt know what they are talking about. No holiday pay, no sick pay, long hours, we know just where you are coming from Vix we've been at it for over 35 years. Now all our plans have gone to pot with my pension not coming until i'm 66. So if we pack in now I'll have no income. Bummer !! Oh gawd what a rant. Sorry. I know how hard you guys work and the effort you put in.
ReplyDeleteI love everyone of your outfits and its nice to see you in short frocks. I'm knackered reading everything you do in a day. You had me on the Wii sessions haha.
Have a great weekend, hope its busy for you.
Love Lynn xxx
love that you share your daily activities, and explain a few things about self-employment!, when people watch you just looking fabulous, sometimes they tend to think it's all about glamour and pretty clothes, they ignore the hard work!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you really look gorgeous even when working hard, and that's my kind of Fabulousness!.
My so-called-real-life is sometimes exhauting, but there're also some relaxing and quiet evenings at home, sewing and crafting!
Absolutely magnificent post!
i've lived the life of doing fairs and know how gruelling it can be. That is why I'm thrilled that you've had some good shows. There is nothing more demoralizing as doing all that work and prep and then having a shit show.
ReplyDeleteLoved all your outfits they represent you so very well.
It is great to hear about your week and I was under no illusions that your life was simple. You are at the mercy of the stock you can find and people willing to buy so it never ends.
ReplyDeleteI hope the funeral goes well.x
Busy, busy! I loved this peek into your week. I know you'll be working, but I hope you still manage to have a wonderful weekend. xx
ReplyDeleteYou work SOOOO hard! You always show us the gorgeous vintage finds, and make your shopping and trading look such fun, that it's easy to forget what a tough gig it is to be self-employed. And of course there are extra responsibilities at the moment with your Dad's funeral and finances to arrange.
ReplyDeleteBut you do it all, manage to work with Jon all week and you never seem to want to kill each other (HOW do you manage that?!) and you look stunning while doing it. You are amazing!
Love you! xxxx
You do work hard! But what is most amazing is how beautiful you manage to look through it all. I would look like a charwoman if I had that schedule. Loooooove Tuesday's outfit. That Hindi tee! Delicious.
ReplyDeleteI"m so sorry to hear about your Dad Vix - but it's great to get a look into your life. Makes me feel better about being on holiday all the time !!! Not!!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend's trading
Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories
You make me tired just reading about your week! I tried the self-employed gig - what a time suck! (of course, I was also employed full time elsewhere, which didn't help) Every time I read your blog, I want to rush right down the the local thrift shop (we only have one, unfortunately) but then I remember my closet is stuffed with clothes already! I have a few favorite thrifted pieces that I have had for years - good quality shows. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your "glamorous" life!
ReplyDeleteThe chairs are fabulous! Fit right in to your decor :)
ReplyDeleteYou are one busy lady and earn every success you enjoy. On top of all your activity, you carry the emotion of dealing with memories of your dad & arranging for his funeral. Thought of you as G & I made trip south to the interesting, old small town of Redkey. A fledgling street festival there today and tomorrow...
Exactly as I imagined it...a lot of hard work!
ReplyDeleteYou manage to glamorise it with your gorgeous presence.
I'm sure India is looking good right now!
Xo Jazzy Jack
It's good to imagine you and Jon and feline friends relaxing on those splendid new/vintage chairs! I've praised your organizational skills before, dear Vix; please allow me to comment that your prioritization talents are even more impressive. While you celebrate the pleasurable aspects of wearing vintage clothing, both you and Jon have the true professional's ability to remain firmly grounded in the reality of creating fantasies worth purchasing. Your public appearances (esp. Thursday's symphony in blues) are inspiring, even as you cope with the sad tasks of burying a parent. Thanks for the glimpse backstage!
ReplyDeleteI really like how open and honest you are about your life Vix - rather than glossing over the hard stuff. My parents were both always self employed (my whole life) and they both worked much harder than I do in an office job. I don't think I could be self-employed myself, but I am always so impressed by people who do it! Also thanks for sharing a whole week of outfit posts :D
ReplyDeleteYou really do work so hard. It sounds like a busy week but it must be so rewarding working for yourself, doing something that you love instead of the 9-5 (haha) wage slavery. It's brilliant that you take a month of to go to India. It looks lovely and I imagine very good for the soul. I used to do a lot of craft fairs and all the lugging boxes and setting up is very demanding. You have absolutely amazing stock. I love the mohair cape. What a great find those 70's chairs were. They are such a great colour and look amazingly comfortable. Hope you have good days at your fairs. Xx
ReplyDeleteI don't know many people who work as hard as you and Jon! It always amuses me that people think self employment is less work than a 9-5! You hardly ever stop when you work for yourself and no sick pay!
ReplyDeleteLove Monday's skirt; you look fabulous all week mind you.
Have a great weekend.
Loves ya.
Thanks for the insight into your daily routine. I knew you wouldn't be sitting about in your pj's all day watching soaps on the tv!! You and Jon are a good team, and we all know being part of a good team makes things run smoothly. Hope you get all your dads things sorted and he can finally be put to rest. Take care Vix, oh and the new chairs are wicked!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a pretty great week to me. I love your style and attitude for life! :)
ReplyDeleteHow fun to hear about your daily life. Really, thank you for the inside scoop. Love your blog. Hope all goes well for the funeral. Cheers.
ReplyDeletethe red chairs are marvelous!!!! how nice the traders thought of you!
ReplyDeletepeople often have strange thoughts of how a self employee spend his/her days. especially if you have something to do with fashion/clothing. "all champagne and fancy dinners" - haha.
i wish you luck for oxford!!! xxxxxxx
Those new chairs, how cushy they must feel to flop into at the end of a long day - great tip from a friend. Working 9 to 5 is so much easier in many ways, except that it may crush your soul! Minor detail!!! I'm glad you and Jon are such a great team. I know it can be a challenge living AND working with one's partner. One month in India - oh yeah! You look fabulous always.
ReplyDeleteVix, you look lovely with your hair up. That fake blue fur is Divine. I so rock that. Running your own business takes work and sweat. Better to be your own boss than work for someone else.
ReplyDeleteWhat a busy week … and those chairs are to die for!!
Oh my goodness, you get up early every single day! I live for Sundays when I can wake up naturally. I love this post. It fascinates me how people manage their time and various commitments. Yes, I remember all those labels, and the people who used to ring 'for a chat' right in the middle of the working day, or suggest coming over for a nice girly day because they 'weren't working' either. Enough to make you scream. But you and Jon are an amazing team, you see each other all day every day and still like one another. Impressive. The chairs are fab and I love Wednesday's and Friday's outfits in particular, just so cool and perfect for this time of the year. I always love that suede waistcoat from Monday too. Good luck this weekend, and will be thinking of you on Tuesday. Xxxx
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this very much! You do both work so hard and it's difficult with all the uncertainties of being self-employed. I don't think I would go self-employed as my husband is, so there's enough uncertainty there already! Loving the lurex maxis on you xxx
ReplyDeleteSelf employment, my daughter is a self employed Osteopath and yesterday saw 12 people, 4 horses, 1 dog and 1 cat, I understand that it isn't all beer and skittles!
ReplyDeleteDear Vix: I love this post - so nice to be able to walk through the week with you! We also don't go out to eat much because we too have to account for every penny. But I wouldn't trade this frugal life for my past stressful full-time suit wearing work. You both are so inspiring (I know I have said that before, but you are!) xo
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a lot of very hard work. I sometimes think about going freelance, but I know how hard being self-employed can be. (And I have writer friends who get wound up by people expecting them to drop everything at any time because writing 'isn't real work'.
ReplyDeleteYou're really geared up for India now, aren't you :-)
And is the Scandi series Arne Dahl, I wonder? I've been enjoying that too, if it is.
No smartphone eeeek, do you have a tablet? Have you decided when you are off to India? Bet your ready for the break. X
ReplyDeleteI know a week with you would be fabulous, and you seem to be a hard worker, and boss of herself! Being self-employed can be even harder at times, I used to run a men's tailor shop and it was treacherous at times. Love that Scottish mohair cape. x
ReplyDeleteWhat a great read. I seriously love this look into your life. I feel a bit closer to you now <3
ReplyDeleteWelcome to my live ... OK, I have to admit, that you get up even I do before I go to the office ... and my sewing, steaming, soaking, taking pictures and listing routine starts around 14h after the day job. My man started to do sunday's flea markets regularly once in a while I join him but I can't do this on a regular base ...
ReplyDeleteLoving vintage, Selling Vintage, Buying Vintage is hard work, we love. :)
Just got back from NY yesterday and am trying to catch up on my blog reading. I've always thought that you and Jon are two of the hardest working folks I know of. People think that running your own business is great, set your own hours, be your own boss, etc. They don't understand that you are always working on your business - there are no real "off hours", at least if you want to earn a decent living.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us the diary of a week of your life. You are very busy, I find very nice (useful!) That Jon would deal with the meals and also the cleaning of the house, is a rare thing, at least to me here ... Here men do nothing in the house!I 'nice that you do not have a smartphone, I hate him, can make me get a headache as if they were plastic sinusitis! Then these photographs ... your clothes and combinations are fantastic!
I know just how hard you work behind the scenes lovely trading is bloody hard work as I should know. But you love your life and that's what its all about :-) Working hard and then relaxing in India when you are able. Hope all goes well for your dads send off. love and hugs dee xxx
ReplyDeleteLooking so good! I've always admired you both hugely not only for your wonderful style but how you live your life together. I was just going to ask when is your month in India coming up? xx
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely love this glimpse into your daily life :-)
Do you exercise in funky gear?
Nothing like a bit of Nordic Noir & a read in bed!
Self employment can be a lot to carry on one's shoulders but would we have it any other way?
What an interesting read. You're an early bird like me but you spend a lot more time cleaning than I do.
ReplyDeleteI hope all the hard work is paying off and you'll be wending your way to India very soon. xxx
I think I stuffed up my comment... It was an interesting read Vix. You're an early bird like me but I don't do that much cleaning. I hope all the hard work is paying off and you'll be wending your way to India very soon. xxx
ReplyDeleteHad a great time reading this personal post, I think you could do it more often! I wouldnt mind at all to go haunt for vintage treasures every single day hehe you are so lucky Jon cooks!! My partner also cooks and he is such a great help with home chores, not all man are like this. When you guys leave to Índia? My fave country as well, in love with rich culture, indian weddings, landscapes, paradise for shopping :)
ReplyDeleteI found this post to be so interesting! You sure look terrific going about your normal every day errands. Visiting your blog is such a great reminder to put the black tshirt back in the closet, in exchange for a more interesting garment, even if I'm only dashing to the post office!