Monday 28 April 2014

April Is The Cruellest Month


APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain

Bit of a cop out, spouting poetry, but my mind is addled with a combination of pain killers and sad news so I'm struggling to find words.

Studying TS Eliot's The Wasteland for A Level English some 30 years ago I found it morbid and achingly self-indulgent, but on reading it again after experiencing love and loss for myself it becomes strangely enlightening.

What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, 
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water.

Despite everything that happens to us nature carries on,

Bringing with it beauty and hope.

No matter how jaded we are from pain, grief or just life in general, who could not fail to have their spirits lifted by a freshly opened petal or a green shoot unfurling?

Even in our unkempt wilderness things are looking beautiful.

...and I've painted one of my skip rescued planters in Krista's colours, so she knows I'm thinking of her.

I'm battered and almost broken after another busy weekend. Kinky Melon's got next weekend off but I haven't. There's an adventure and an exciting (for me) announcement on the cards that requires me to be in tip top form later this week.

Vintage Indian block printed maxi dress (gorgeous Jennifer), Copper coin pendant (the fabulous Em), stack of bastard bangles (my lovely friends Cameron & Hazel)

See you soon!

PS If you've got a minute check out my interview with the hip website Le Blow.


  1. I am!
    Like you, I struggled woefully with The Wasteland in my teens but have come to appreciate its beauty and truthfulness. Like a lot of things, perhaps it takes a bit of experience, some of life's knocks and pain, to get it. And it's not a cop out, it's just right for the mood.
    You look like a Spring Goddess in your wilderness, what a beautiful dress. And of course you are right, nature carries on doing its own thing, and there is great beauty in it.
    The planter in Krista colours is fabulous; she knows you love her. Take it easy, we need you fit and rested for adventures and frolics, not to mention announcements!
    Love the interview - you're a celeb already, darling!
    Love you! xxxxxx

  2. Ah Vix, I'm sorry about your friends dad. As upsetting as sad news is, you approach it with true Vix style, looking for positives and making life more beautiful. Your magnolia tree is gorgeous.
    I hope your pain relief is working. Thinking of you, xxx

  3. I am sorry to hear the pain of loss. I hope that all those hurting right now will find their own way through it.
    I love how you are looking today, simply beautiful.
    I am wondering what your exciting announcement could be ???
    I will be watching this space (as always).
    Love to you

  4. I did check out the interview. Fabulous as always.

    Sorry to hear there is sad news, but glad you are finding comfort in the sometimes strange beauty of the natural world.

    You look like a flower that's blooming in your lovely frock.

    Be well. Xox

  5. Sorry you're feeling sad :( but even then you manage to look beautiful (and add amazing colour to that pot!) xxx

    ps excited to hear about this news!

  6. The pretentious English Lit major in me loved TS Eliot and the Wasteland from the get-go- I love so many parts of this poem, and like you over the years, can relate to the melancholy and persistence of the verse. I love the pairing of the poetry and the lovely pictures of blooming spring- I agree it is good to savor the signs of life going on. YOU look gorgeous, even more gorgeous than ever, how is that possible. And I LOVE the Krista planter, as I know you are kindred spirits and she will feel your love and strength and know she's not alone in her loss. What a thoughtful reminder of a dear friend.

    Can't wait to hear your good news. YOU truly bloom madly, and I, like so many others, relish your news, and can't wait to hear your big announcement.

  7. My thoughts often goes to Krista , and that big pot of yours are truely in her colours .
    Spring is beatiful and every day new things are growing and hides the ugly .
    You are like spring to my eyes evertime i see you ! ;)

  8. You are right , being out in natures beauty always soften the blow when coping with sorrow.
    So sorry you are going through a bout of sadness and pain.
    Glad to hear you have some good news in store for yourself though.

    I enjoyed your interview quite a bit.

  9. What a beautiful post Vix. I also enjoyed your lovely interview, good the song choice, and of course living with no regrets would be the best way to go! Much looking forward to the news! xx

  10. Krista's post is so sad and I can now see why you have written in the way that you have. We lost my father-in-law yesterday and I've been struggling to hold back the tears all day. Life can be terribly cruel.
    You look beautiful ... looking forward to your announcement!!?
    Will listen to your interview later ... I'm at work and it is blocked :(
    M x

  11. So sorry you are sad and in pain , hope you feel better to soon , you need to rest , i know for you that easier aid than done but it doe work wonders even for a couple of days , normally i am not much for poetry but it doe ring so true , your magnolia tree is so beautiful , its such a shame that the blooms dont last long . hope you feel better soon , i love the article when i read it lat week one of the best things i have read in a long time xxx

  12. Sorry to hear about your sad news. I hope you find comfort and solace in your beautiful garden.

  13. That's a really beautiful poem - sorry about your sad news. We had to struggle with the Metaphysical Poets - exactly! I love that dress and the nature photos xx

  14. Oh Vix I love this post. I read a lot of TS Elliot as a teenager but when I re-read it now it definitely has much more resonance. I never fail to find bluebells breathtakingly beautiful. I can't wait to hear your exciting news xxx

  15. Was thinking much the same today whilst wandering around an abandoned churchyard knee high in weeds and gazillions of bluebells and primroses.... such beauty amongst the forgotten gravestones seems incongruous but nature's gifts are eternal. Blimey, that's a bit bloody deep for me eh? You my dear are looking fab as usual, like a woodland nymph no less. Just get yourself sorted before Saturday! (still pissed off about no being able to make it) Blinding interview btw.

  16. So sorry about the loss, sadness and pain.

    I also read Krista's post and thought how unbelievably difficult that must be. During times like that it is hard to know what to say or how to help. Just "being there" is the best we can do.

    So nice to have some good news a prospects to counter balance all the heartbreaking news.

    I loved the interview. I still have a hard time matching the shy looking blond to the bold vixen.

    Despite the heavy clouds of sadness you look like a fresh daffodil blooming in Spring. A welcome relief of colour, rebirth and hope.

    (((( Vix ))))


  17. such a sad but beautiful post,
    I wish nothing but happiness and pain free days for you,
    that was a great interview,
    I still say a TV show is next!!!!

  18. What a lovely post, about loss and pain, and hope for the future. So sorry about Krista's loss. xox

  19. A very beautiful and emotional post Vix ...
    Even going through this difficult time , you find the strengh and inspiration to share with us nature's magnificence and poetry that speaks to one's Heart ...
    Still looking luminous like , indeed , a Spring goddess ...
    Love your gorgeous dress ,the pictures - especially the magnolia and the bluebells (the one with your hand) - the bright planter as well as the interview ...

    My thoughts go to the both of you

    ~La Dryada~

  20. I love Wasteland now...did my fecking head in at school mind. I think you do need to have had a few slaps from life to really understand it.
    Lovely post petal, and how divine are you in that frock.
    Ooooh yes indeedy..put yer feet up and get ready. I CAN' WAIT!!xxxxx

  21. Lovely pictures this week Vix, so sorry you have sadness and also are in pain - cyber hugs and healing thoughts to you. Like the dress, think I might have had one like this once in the 70s, it's strangely familiar. Off to check out the interview now - look forward to reading more of your doings soon. Betty

  22. I needed help deciphering The Wasteland years ago, but I do love that poem. It really fits now. <3

  23. Such a lovely, moving post Vix x

  24. The wild places are always where I go when I am sad or struggling with stress. Take care, dear lady. The dress is lovely :)

  25. It is ok to feel sad, and let our arms down sometimes. I am sad with you and happy to see how your sadness blends with nature and new life.
    Love and sunshine in your soul.

  26. Sending a big hug from down under. I went and read Kristas blog very sad xx

  27. You are a wonderful, rare, deeply loving soul... I read your interview, it is very touching and inspiring, and I am so happy for all the awards and recognition you get for just being YOU, the unique beautiful woman we know... You are gorgeous inside and out, and I just wanted to say that I love you, and thank you for who you are.

    The planter is fantastic!

  28. Sorry to hear the bad news, my thoughts are with you and Krista too. The planter is super fitting!! X

  29. So sorry for Kristina and I love your hopeful post! Nature really does have some healing influence to us.

    I'M also excied to hear about your big anouncement.

  30. I too studied TS Eliot for A-level English Lit in 1984. Looking back now I think A-levels are wasted in 18-year-olds especially ones where the beauty of the words and thoughts can only be truly felt through experience.
    That said, the Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock was one of my favourites.
    Sorry to hear your sad news, I hope nature's balm goes some way to healing your heart.

  31. I really am at a loss for words, I was just sitting outside in a silver of sun looking at my lilac tree crying but also feeling so good in the sun in my yard. You are so beautiful in that dress, a rock and roll fairy of sorts, I love you Vix! I haven't read that TS Eliot but it's so very true indeed. The planter is over the top and I dig it all kinds of crazy!! Thanks for the love honey. I feel it and send it back babe!

    The interview was short and sweet like you and I love how you ended it by saying you would have no regrets if you died today. You are a bad ass vintage queen! And such a tease:)

    That dress really is adorable.
    Love youxxxxoooo

  32. Wonderful interview. Lovely, touching post.
    You look divoon despite your sadness, darl.
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  33. Such sad news, but a lovely post. x

  34. Lovely pictures and lovely poem. Don't think I've read Wasteland before.

  35. Nature does have a way of lifting our spirits doesn't it! I read the interview and loved it! Congrats! :)

  36. Fantastic interview Vix, honest and true.
    I do love your solidarity planter for your friend, bright colours that lift the soul as well as all the nature around.

    (Hopefully this will work and not disappear in to the internet ether like all my other recent comments. Fingers crossed...)

  37. Whoop! We're back in the land of the commenters!

  38. Very poignant, poor, poor Krista, and I suspect it's all hitting a nerve with you right now. Love that interview you did. It'll be lovely to hear a good news announcement later on in the week. Xxxxx

  39. So sorry to hear that you're in pain, but one would never know that by the beauty that you portray in these photos. I love the bountiful, billowy vintage maxi dress and the lovely photos of spring that accompany the poetry of TS Eliot.

    Looking forward to your exciting announcement and your interview was spectacular. How fun to learn even more about you, Vix.

  40. I'm sorry there is sad news and heartbreak. I wonder what life would be like it it came without that. Your garden is beautiful and makes me long for the one I lost, which breaks my heart like the loss of a dear friend. You look lovely in that naxi dress, and I have to echo the sentiment that you look like a spring goddess standing in the garden. I truly believe that gardens are healing. I hope yours helps you.

    I want to read the interview but if there was a link I seem to have missed it so I'm off to figure that out now.

  41. vix! you are the fairy queen!
    you´r always find the right words, do lovely things, warm our little hearts and look unbelievable beautiful!
    i wish i could do something with your hip.....

  42. That planter is lovely Vix and done with love for Krista so even more beautiful. Sounds like you need to take extra good care of yourself at the moment for some exciting times ahead - keep taking the pills and enjoying nature's beauty (together they should set you straight) xx

  43. Addendum: Just read the interview. It's great and you really shine in it. It's a cool website too, even if it does have to indulge in a bit of Kate Moss worship. ;-)

  44. Such a heartfelt post with beautiful images and a fitting poem too xx

  45. This was a beautiful post Vix ... fabulous interview ... and I can't wait to hear your exciting news.

  46. That is a beautiful poem. I'm sorry for your for your pain and your friends loos. The planter you made in your friends honor is so beautiful.

  47. What a poetic post, full of sadness, beauty and positiveness. Your wild garden looks beautiful and you are like a fairy in this maxi dress.

  48. I hadn't met Krista, but I popped over and left my condolences because of your post. I'm sorry to hear of it all. I'm also sorry you're in pain, and hope it is relieved soon. The Wasteland isn't for the young or the untouched of our century, is it?
    I'm with you in some sadness today. A different event, people I didn't know personally, but your post was of comfort to me, too.
    You look lovely, of course, and your garden is a little wonder. There really is that perfection about spring that only comes once a year for such a short time. Thanks for helping me pay attention to it before it is gone.

  49. Hi Vix, sorry to hear of your bad news and pain. Like nature, it will all get better for you with time. Love your gorgeous dress!!! Lots of hugs coming your way.

  50. Loved reading your interview Vix!!! Good to be true to one's self. XO

  51. I can see a glorious selection of gaudy-coloured geraniums making their home in the Krista Planter. It's so her, no other flower could possibly look at home in that amazing receptacle. Such a lovely homage to Krista and Phil. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pics of your flowering garden, spring is a kind season, covering any wasteland with its verdant growth. Sadly (to me), we don't get four seasons in Brisbane, so our spring lasts a solid fortnight, if I'm lucky, then it's straight on to six months of drought, floods, cyclones and mould. I think it's time I moved. A beautiful tribute Vix, please look after yourself after your huge weekend! xoxoxo

  52. What a touching and beautifully written post. I'm sorry about your friend's loss. She will surely be very moved to see the planter you created in her honour. Things are looking so lovely in your garden.

  53. I can (unfortunately) relate to the fuzzy brain from painkillers - this is a truly lovely post Vix xoxo

  54. Oh Vix I am sad to hear that you are in pain. The blur of painkillers is something I can relate to....the last three months have been a nightmare.
    Your post is just beautiful......I was so sad to read that Krista's dad has passed away and this is such a love tribute to such a wonderful person, the planter is perfect.
    You look as simply gorgeous as you always do......sending a ray of sunshine filled with love and happiness.
    Take care.
    Love v

  55. Sending good thoughts Krista's way. And to you.

  56. Time spent reading English Lit wasn't wasted on you, dear Vix: This sad, sweet composition is yet another post I'll clip and save for those 03.00 awakenings when a wise voice is welcome...

    What a lovely goddess gown! Those armloads of bangles are obviously what's keeping you from floating up into the clouds. (Or perhaps they only appear heavy?)

  57. Pain often awakens our deepest need for nature.Comfort can be found there and in mysterious ways our soul feels less turbulance.You made a great post and I will keep you and your friend in my thoughts today.

  58. Mother Nature always wins. One day you walk past that empty lot and it's just dirt, next time all sorts of amazing things are shooting out of the ground. No matter how much bad crap happens, the world can be a beautiful place.

    ps: I'll say it...I'm not a poetry fan.

  59. oh Vix! I hope you are ok? And that your friend is ok also. Spring is a lovely reminder that life goes on, and even beautiful things can grow from what we thought was long gone. I hope your spirits are slowly being lifted and that you can feel yourself again soon xo

  60. As I was a more of a science than literature person at school, I never encountered this poem but definitely have started to appreciate such things more lately.

    I hope all is ok, so sorry to hear of you and your friends loss.

  61. love your not-perfectly-tidy garden, it looks free and blooming in the middle of our crazy Springtime!
    Dear lady, you're looking fabulous (as usual) wearing sunshine colors!, even when you're not joyful! (anybody can't stay happy all the time, it would be devastating!)
    Your interview is brilliant!, and inspiring!
    besos & abrazos

  62. I do sometimes wonder about the stuff they make you study as a teenager!

    I'm sorry you are in pain, virtual healing thoughts to you and Krista.

    I honestly think I would have lost it long ago without my garden to soothe my soul.

  63. I never read it. I think I skipped a lot of required stuff and got away with it. It does seem like something I would understand so much better now, however. It felt like the perfect choice to describe where you are, a place I recognize well.

    I like your tribute to Krista. She's amazing and I'm so touched by her ability to express her journey and share it.

    Your interview was so cool. You are such an inspiration, too. You make me want to dye my hair black! :-) Love you so much. XXOO

  64. Your dress is magical! And poor sweet Krista- I hate that so much for her.

  65. Beautiful post Vix. I'm sure you are hurting alongside Krista....such enormous loss. I hope you can have moments of respite before another big weekend. Xx

  66. Sorry about the bad news, be kind to yourself and I hope your garden continues to be a place of comfort. P x

  67. Sad to hear about the loss. Your garden looks great!

  68. Warm Hug from Finland!,Carry on,your fabulousness!

  69. Oh Vix, the moment I read the title I knew. Beautiful words and lovely photos make this a very poignant post. Be strong, xx

  70. So sorry for your sad news, a beautiful post , Best wishes xxx

  71. The Krista planter is a lovely tribute to her and her Dad. I was very saddened by Krista's post and sent her my love.

    You look like a glorious wood nymph in that floaty dress.

  72. So nice when we can look out the window and see a little flower popping up out of the dirt. Really puts things in perspective. Thank you to the scientists that invented pain killers. Xxxx oooo


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix