Monday, 7 October 2013

Born Of Frustration

I'm not one to take to Facebook and moan if things aren't going my way, I prefer to vent my frustrations less publicly, on something inanimate, like this defenceless '60s tablecloth that got battered into submission after we missed out on Glasto tickets yesterday morning.

It's been in my fabric stash for months, originally with plans to turn into something similar to the dress worn by my Mum (seen here holding my little brother) back in 1968.

 Sadly there wasn't enough of it to follow a pattern, so I made it up as I went along, hacking away at it with the pinking shears like it was the See Tickets website.

Unfortunately I got a bit carried away and ended up with something that was great until I made any attempt at movement. I don't have a problem with my arse but I'd rather not flash it to everyone in the Black Country. So, I rescued the scraps from the bin and codged something up, saving myself a return visit to the Rag Market for some massive kidney gripper knickers (Curtise's suggestion to preserve my modesty).

The join isn't that bad, I've seen worse made stuff on the high street.

No wonder I was originally drawn to it, the curtains in our childhood home were almost identical.

There's nothing like channelling your negative energy into creating something good. 
I was out dead-heading, weeding and watering my plants at 6am after a sleepless night worrying about a sick cat (he's a little better this morning),

  ...and all kinds of stuff get whipped up in the kitchen, too.

Saturday afternoon spent making chutney was a welcome diversion after visiting my Dementia-addled Dad.

Vintage Kilner jars (car boot sale) and 1960s Worcester Ware tray (Jumble sale), tomatoes from a friend's allotment, apples scrumped from a house nearby, recipe from HERE

So next time you feel a whinge coming on, step away from the internet and do something constructive (Gawd, don't I sound like a nagging parent?), even if all you achieve is a bum-baring frock at least your Facebook friends will thank you. 

1960s tablecloth shift worn with suede jerkin (£1, car boot sale, 2007), Tan leather boots by Bertie (£2, car boot sale back in the Summer), Silver breastplate (Xmas present, 2009)
No Glastonbury in 2014? Hardly bears thinking about, maybe we'll lucky with the resale next April, I'll just have to get that India flight sorted instead.

Linking to Patti and the rest of the gang over at Visible Monday.

See you soon.


  1. You look stunning and what beautiful fabric. You are so clever running that dress up! It looks good from the front anyway!

  2. Sorry you missed out on the Glasto tickets but thinking and planning anther trip to Indian will be more anyway in my book :-) You look gorgeous well done for adding a bottom panel to the dress looks smashing now. And I bet your kitchen smelt wonderful making that chutney I love making it to my pantry is fit to burst at the moment. Have a lovely week, and glad to hear your cat is ok now to. Hugs dee xxx

  3. On no, no Glastonbury? Well, I do hope you get some in April, but I know that even if you don't manage to, you won't waste your time moaning about it - you'll find something else equally fabulous to do instead!
    That tablecloth makes a cracking frock, and no, I can't see the join, so well done on the arse-exposure rescue! The Big Knickers sellers in the Rag Market will be very disappointed...
    You've been a very busy bee - mmm, homemade chutney, lovely.
    It's always a joy to see pics of your mum, hope your dad is doing OK, and that Stephen Squirrel is doing better too.
    Loving the legs; loving the boots; loving the attitude; loving YOU! xxxxx

  4. This is a great dress Vix, I love the colours! I'm with you on doing something constructive rather than just moaning on facebook. I can't stand moany status updates!

    I hope you manage to get Glasto tickets in the resale next year xx

  5. What can be better than turn negative energy into something positive? Now you have a new beautiful dress and yummy chutneys. I too didn't notice any join in the dress, looks perfect.

  6. Oh no sorry about the tickets!!! Aww is that your little bro? I think your dress looks gorgeous with the boots and waistcoat. Gosh your mum was super stylish - her hair's amazing! I love all your plants, flowers and veg growing like that, wish I had some luck with growing tomatoes. I'm struggling to look after just a few rose bushes and lavender.

  7. Nice dress, I especially like the neckline (and I *can* see the join, but only cos I was looking for it after you said it was there!)

    Your friend is lucky with the excess tomatoes -- everyone at my mum's allotments had to spend yesterday getting rid of theirs because of tomato blight sweeping through them. Growing stuff ain't always as easy as people think... :)

  8. Wow I'm impressed. It looks like it was meant to be since the pattern is perfect. Reminds me of the show "Laugh In".

    Your boots and vest are all kinds of fabulous.

    It seems like FB is strictly for complaining or bragging. Probably why I'm not on it as much anymore.


  9. good dress save, although it would also have made a cute tunic.

  10. You're like some sort of domestic goddess super-hero when there's injustice (and not getting Glasto tix is an injustice). Weeds, tablecloths, and apples, watch out when you're on a rampage.
    I had to inspect your before and after photos to see the join, but definitely didn't notice it at first. Between your soldier waistcoat and this frock, you'll be wearing every window dressing of your childhood home.

  11. You def. made lemonade after the lemons life threw at you! I love your attitude and envy your skill :)

    (My time, too, has lately been spent with my father recovering from open heart surgery & mother slipping slowly deeper into dementia.)

    I need to go find me some tablecloths...

  12. well-channeled energy, dear Vix! Sorry you missed out on the tickets, but what a fabulous dress (and chutney). Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you look great xoxo

  13. bugger, no tickets, but your dress is awesome, I squinted and peered and couldn't see the seam - the pic of your Mum is gorgeous, I love her hair and good news about your cat too, I don't have a Facebook account (which is probably bizarre seeing as I have a blog?!?)but I like your thinking, use the energy somewhere else, it is most productive x x

  14. Ah, I'm sorry about the tickets. The dress turned out beautifully and it's such a bonus that you won't be arrested for indecent exposure. Always look on the bright side... xxx

  15. I'm loving the photos of you and your family. Your Mum was as gorgeous as you!

    Your artistry is in full bloom with the creation of your dress, the chutney and your garden. But then your life is art!

  16. What a fabulous way to turn a bad day into creation. Love the pis of you as a baby.
    You are sooooooooooo funny, I can hear you as I read.
    I would love some of that delicious chutney.

  17. Love thƩ dress . Sorry to hear that you missed the tickets . Isnt it lovely to make your own Foods?
    I have made apple sauce and plum marmelade , and divane tomato soup.

  18. My bet is karma will find you and you'll be wearing that dress (awesome btw) to Glasto when you get lucky in the resale. X

  19. Glad to hear that someone else also has Fear of Buttonhole Making. The dress is great on you. I usually just buy the pattern with Good Intentions and that's as far as it gets.

    I do have some things to finish off though, so maybe I should take a leaf from your book and get off my arse.

    Cheers from Rosemary of

  20. Bummer on not getting Glasto tix--maybe a pair will magically become available!! and planning for India sounds like a worthy diversion!!

    The new dress is fantastic with the vest over it!! You've got the legs to show off!!

    What is your chutney recipe--becaue it looks yum!!
    Hope the kitty is on the mend--hows the new one getting along?

  21. That's a bummer re: the Glasto tickets :-( But at least the money can go towards the India flights, eh?

    Nice work with the dress and its surprising what the sub-conscious turns up. Those curtains certainly made an imprint on you! xxx

  22. It looks fab and I certainly see no join. Hot pants were always my go to solution for dresses or skirts which were really short x

  23. Can't quite believe you didn't get Glasto tickets. What on earth? I would have thought you'd get VIP passes!

    That dress is much better now that it's decent! ;D It looks great and you're right, the join is almost seamless. I had to press my snout right up to the screen and open my eagle eyes wide to see it. It's perfect with that waistcoat.

    I do love to see pictures of you as a kiddo, deadpanning for the camera with your favourite bunny wabbit or Xmas tree decoration. So cute!

    Fb whingers. I used to have a couple, thankfully one unfriended me and the other left. I particularly disliked it when they put grrr after their status, just in case you were in any doubt that they were angry. Grrrr! :) xxxxxx

  24. Bummer about Glasto, I remember when I went in '97 I just went in the local music shop in town and bought them over the counter!! How times have changed!
    Always good to turn a negative into a positive however and sewing always helps :) x

  25. hope the cats ok , you have the figure for a short dress anyway you look fab xxx

  26. NOOOOO VIX!!
    I was really hoping 2014 would be the Glasto I met you. :( I'm crossing my fingers for the resale for you.
    LOVE that dress, and your hair looks fab in that style.

  27. Join, what join? It looks bloody brilliant; what you can do with a pair of scissors and some material is stunning!
    Hope the four-pawed little one is on the mend (maybe a dodgy bird? haha ;-)!)
    Doesn't your Mama look great, I love her hat!
    Keep Calm and go have a rum&coke, I'm sure some tickets will appear! All else fails, I'll keep a look out for some bad-ass big granny pants for any more short dresses ;-) xx

  28. I was thinking of you guys yesterday - can't believe you missed out, but fingers crossed for April. Was it Stephen that was poorly - perhaps the pizza pepped him up?! Your mum always looks fab in pictures. Her hair is amazing!
    It's definitely good to leave the Internet alone if you're not in the best mood, one of the reasons I don't blog very much x

  29. :( sorry you've missed out on Glasto tickets - not fair your pics from there are part of my year!!

  30. Gosh you're such an inspiration Vix. Thank you for existing x

  31. Adore the pics of yesteryear .
    Great job turning a bad day into a burst of creativity !

  32. I adore your new creation - glad you were able to save it from being a knicker flasher.

    I enjoy visiting your blog and amiring the vintage loveliness within.

    I'm sorry to hear that your daddy has dementia. You go through so much and still bounce back smiling.

    You're an inspiration xx

  33. Vixcita,
    Hopefully you make it to India and escaped the cold here. That is what I was going to suggest some chonis (knickers).I spied a gold curtain at the boot sale and though of you making a dress out of it.Oh shit when I moan I let the world know! glad your kitty is good now.I know they are your kiddies.


  34. I avoid fb as you know so don't have that problem and try not to moan on my blog, but if I ever do, feel free to tell me to shut my trap.
    Bad luck about Glasto, I heard they went in a nanosecond on the radio yesterday. Better luck in April, failing that I know you'll do something else fabularse. The chutters looks delish as do you. Love the garment you are wearing under your pinny and of course your tablecloth frock which is a triumph. (great print, wot join??)
    Been productive myself today, weeding Dad's garden whilst he's trekking round Cambodia. Hope Puss is OK and your Dad too. I know it's no joke visiting loved ones with dementia, did it for 10 years with Nan. xxx

  35. Oh pump - I was thinking of you when they were blurting on about it on the radio, about the tix selling out in record time and so-on :(((

    Also I'm sorry about the distress of the dementia visits (been there, done that and it IS tremendously stressful even if you think you're coping - with doses of gallows humour!).

    Too-short frocks are why they created cycling shorts/capri pants - just sayin.

    Take care of yourself Vix - GET THAT BLOODY FLIGHT BOOKED!!!

    Karma will get you the Glasto tickets.

  36. I really believe in this advice!I often have to create something because I need some peace of mind! you suggested nobody could really help if you post something depressing on the social networks, especially if all the people I love live far from here!! I really love the photo of your childhood and your mother was incredibly beautiful and stylish (I love her black hat and scarf chic combo)! It's cool that the fabric recalls your memories and the dress you made is fab!So Mary Quant, I adore the ultra mini/ dangerous hem!
    Love xxxxxx

  37. What a shame that you missed out on the Glasto tickets boo, you really must get a flight booked somewhere hot sweetie, it helps so much to have something fun (and somewhere warm) to look forward to. You've channelled your frustrations with wonderful creativity into that amazing mini dress, though, dear Vix, it's a total dream on you, sexarama!

  38. p.s. forgot to say how much I love those photos of you and your mum, gorgeous looks and inimitable style clearly run in the family.

  39. p.p.s. gah also forgot to say: so glad kitty is on the mend.

  40. India ... Glasto ... no contest!
    Love that dress - perfect for your perfect legs and I have boot envy!
    M x

  41. Ah feck all to hell so sorry you didn't get tickets that royally sucks ASS! I am loving all these family photos! You and your bro in those snugly outfits and that hat on your mum, LOVE IT!!!! Your new micro mini dress is fab and you can't even tell what you did to fix it.

    I agree about Facebook, I have been surprised at what people toss out there, it's like really? You want everyone to know that?!?!?!?! I hope we can chat on Thursday darling! I din't get enough of you last week:)

  42. Love this dress, especially with that waistcoat!
    Fingers crossed for the resale in April - you so deserve them.

  43. Such a cute dress--it totally looks like your childhood curtains!

  44. Vix, I positively love your blog and it always brightens my day to see a new post from you. I love your "get on with it attitude". I'm going through a rough patch right now, and believe it or not your blog is helping me.

    Of course your gorgeous outfits and self are always a feast for the eyes. Keep 'em coming!!

    Blessings and jellybeans


  45. I thought about you when I heard that tickets had gone in minutes. Hope you get some in April. Meanwhile the dress looks fabulous - amazing fabric. Nothing wrong with big knickers - I love mine (pack of 6 - brand new in packet from the charity shop - 50p!! Bargain.) xx

  46. When I get stressed I take to the garden or bake stuff - you can't beat it. Love the new dress. I'm dragging my OH to Digbeth this week after being inspired by your posting about the vintage shops - can't wait

  47. dear lady, you don't sound like a nagging parent, you just sound like a genuine attitude ready to kick out any inconvenience!, I'm glad you've sewed that pretty little piece and cooked all that chutney, those are delightful things to enjoy!! and you look so gorgeous wearing that orange-caramel shades with your fabulous booties and jerkin!, you're looking like Veruschka wearing a Saint Laurent's safari jacket (1968!), lovely!
    besos & sewings

  48. Great work on saving your new dress, mind you with your legs you coulb have worn it that short. The amount of times I have cocked up when sewing doesn't bare thinking about, but eventually I rescue it and all is well. Hope your cat recovers soon.

  49. Excellent advice, Vix. I usually start cleaning things when I'm frustrated, but I think I will try putting that energy into something creative instead.

  50. I love your recipe for dealing with disappointment. And look at the fabulous results!! I once missed a beautiful flute at the thrift store due to sales person ineptitude and I was beside myself. (I still have to talk myself down off the ledge about it. It was for my daughter.) I don't think I did anything nearly as creative in the moment, though. I might have eaten way too much chocolate.

    I love your '60's shift. In 1967 I bought a (very small) piece of Merimekko fabric, with a graphic white/black/purple design. I made a shift dress very similar to the one you show here. I though I was the coolest 14 year old EVER. I just wish I had it to upcycle!!! :-) I love your styling here, too, and those boots are making me hyperventilate.

    Love you much. XXXXOOOO

  51. P.S. Your mum is beautiful. No wonder you are so amazing. XXOO

  52. Agreed. Might as well do something good!

    The dress is lovely! And the boots are really cool too - they look similar to the ones worn by Molly Ringwald in the Breakfast club :D

    I hope you have better luck with your tickets to India!

  53. The dress looks fab & so does your mum. I agree, sometimes it's good to step away from the internet.

  54. ARSE!No Vix at Glasto? Their loss I say.
    Hurrah for channeled much better than a whinge-fest. And as my old gran used to say, complain if you like but no bugger's listening!
    Fabulous bit of curtain couture. Love it/ I have finished my own arse flashing frock but I won't be modelling it without the aid of some industrial strength woolly tights.
    Loves ya.

  55. I really admire your positive attitude. The dress looks great - just like the curtains. Fabulous.

  56. Is that really your mum or is it Little Edie? Or is/are (never learn) Little Edie your mum? Cats, clothes made of curtains etc. Hmmm.

  57. Love your positive attitude, it's the only way to go -
    You did good, dress, chutney, BTW would you share your chutney recipe with us?

    Take care


  58. I just love how you managed to turn no-Glasto-ticket frustration and a sad visit with your Dad into an amazing dress (I wouldn't have noticed the join if you hadn't mentioned it) and delicious chutney. You are the Mary Poppins of the Blogosphere, and I mean that as a great compliment ;)

  59. I like tablecloth dress very much. I think the matching is pretty good. Great way to turn disappointment into something good. Sorry you didn't get tickets though.x

  60. Love the photos of your glamorous mom! Great save with dress....pinking shears can be dangerous.

  61. Poo about not getting the tickets, but hey, look at you in the dress! Bare legs in October too, over here I am just about ready for bare legs myself. Glad the cat is feeling better and the garden will be looking lovely for the attention. xx

  62. I'll just say a big BUGGA to all the crappy things and good on yer for doing something positive, attacki'ng the garden usually helps, theres nothing like hacking the head of a'bastard' weed wiv a hoe! And only you could wear a tablecloth and look good, me I'd just look like some daft tart in a tablecloth! :D

  63. Muy bonito el chaleco!!
    Las fotografĆ­as preciosas.

  64. Have heard that so many people seem to have missed out on Glasto tickets this time. Definitely agree though much better to channel your negative energy into something good rather than whinging about it.

  65. Your mother was adorable! I love her up-do. All the colors in your other photos are so cheerful. Love the one of you making the chutney. Thanks for all the inspirations! XXX

  66. That's whay I tend to stay away form Facebook sometimes ... too many moaners, updating their status! You made this situation into a smashing outfit! I also love the boots! x/Madison

  67. Well, that's a bit of a wank about missing Glasto tickets, but if there is a second chance it's not all dire!
    Most excellent rage channelling, the frock is fabularse-in more ways than one! Good rescue too! Love those old pix, you can show me those 'til the cows go home!
    Chutney! Yummo! Gonna try my own this year, but have a few gifted jars to use up...mmmm, cheese and mouth is watering!
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  68. I think that a bum-baring frock is the PERFECT way to cheer up. Love the way the prints from your childhood are still following you around.

  69. Oh I frickin love you in that frock!!! It is fantastic. And your legs....and those boots. Ahh such inspiration! How I hate the facebook whingers too. Especially the old....I've had a cold for like 3 whole days....BOO!!!! Tell that to someone who manages a chronic condition every single day for the past 20 years! Argh. Xx

  70. Glasto - now that's on my bucket list. I don't like large crowds, so I see it as the ultimate challenge.
    And I love a bit of tablecloth couture. I've been collecting the raw materials, but haven't had time to make anything yet so I am in awe.

  71. I've made that mistake before too. I still have a dress that I can't lift my arms up in otherwise you can see my arse. The dress looks great though. Your mum's hair is fabulous. I hope you manage to get some Glastonbury tickets in April.

  72. I love the whole sentiment of your post Vix - my most hated facebook status of all time has to be "I'm so bored/sad/lonely" - its a sure fire way to have me hit the delete friend button! I love this wee frock and its perfect with your boots. Also thanks for your kind comment about looking out for Maudella patterns for me - you are such a sweetheart xoxo

  73. inspiring words indeed.......this week is not going well and now I realise I've got to stop the woefull glum and get on with it....or get out and do something else until this low depression subsides!!!! I thanks you xx

  74. omg! how frustrating! my friends and i have stopped going to festivals because the tickets keep getting snapped up by hipsters and teens who just want to go there for the "experience" and not even see the bands! argh!
    ok so im gonna go sew now...

    but seriously! India! i think that is going to be way more fun than a muddy field. I send people there all the time for work, i might get to go there one day!

  75. aaaand! i forgot to say, what a bloddy awesome outfit! The dress, the vest and boots! I want to wear that outfit! Make sure you post it to we sew retro!

  76. I think this is one of my very favourites that I've seen of your outfits. Oh I'd love it so much for myself. I hope the cat is feeling a lot better. the chutney looks delicious too. xx

  77. Aww, I know how you guys enjoy the festival so am sorry to hear you didn't get tickets for next year :(

    But you did get a groovy tablecloth dress instead. It looks great on you. Being taller than average I have my share of bottom baring garments so end up wear leggings often. and tights in the fall and winter. They're probably my only reason for appreciating those colder months.

  78. Another rich post dear Vix! So enjoy the photos from your past!

    Wonderful advice... creativity is a sure fire way out of a mood!

    Your dress.. and resulting outfit...absolutely fabulous... You wear it styled to Perfection!

    Thank you so very much for your kind words on my blog... they truly touched my heart.


  79. You look amazing!

    I need to follow your advice. I like to cook when I am out of sorts. It makes me feel better, like a sort of meditation. If I cooked more, I could blog more :)

  80. Hi there!! Wow, you look amazing in this dress, you really know how to just knock up something that is so uniquely stylish and always looks good! Sorry to hear about Glastonbury, fingers crossed for when you try next time xxx

  81. That dress is perfect! You look amazing :) I hope you're having a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  82. I am new to your blog and loving it. I also love the dress, brown is always welcome in my wardrobe. Brown should be the new black!

  83. Oh poor Stephen Squirrel. Lots of love to him, from another S. Squirrel.

    The Glasto ticket thing was such a fiasco. Do the Eavis family not get involved in that side anymore now?

    Good for you for making lemonade from lemons and producing some good stuff xx

  84. ooo no you didn't get tickets! OOOO if i hear of any going spare i will let you know! You look friggin fabulous! You are the black country! I was born and bred in old hill! lived in white heath for years and worked in dudley! Where are you? crap i think we may be close to each other! xxxx

  85. Stink about the Glasto tickets but you're right no point whinging I suspect it just makes for more wallowing. Loving the tablecloth dress, no sign of a join to me. Those boots are killer too!! Hope Dad's doing OK - dementia is a pisser xxx Jen

  86. I'm sorry to hear you missed out on tickets, fingers crossed for April.

  87. And here is proof positive that a little creative whinging makes a great post. So sorry about no tickets ... can't imagine Glastonbury going on without you. Sad for them, then. Onward to India!
    Love your dress!!!! I'm your mom's generation, and I LOVE that you got it so right. Really admirable skills, and lovely though I'm sure your bum is, it's cooler with tights this time of year. You have it absolutely right.
    I wish you'd not been disappointed, but at least you have international
    Hope kitteh stays better. Nothing grimmer than a sick cat.
    Here's to your week improving a lot!

  88. Oh VIx I'm so sorry you didn't get tickets as I know how much you love that festival. I have fond memoriers of performing at Lost Vagueness but I must admit the mud got to me in the end!! I love how you salvaged the dress - I had to really study the before and after photos to see the join!

  89. I can't see the fecking join!!!!!!!! Where is it? It's driving me mad! All I see is fab fab fab. The other THING starting with G doesn't bear thinking about. Hugs xoxoxoxo


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix