Wednesday 25 September 2013

Psychedelia In Surburbia

Liz had the day off work yesterday so she supervised me through the making of this bell-bottom pants suit.

Before you remind me that I can already sew, I still get a bit jittery about putting the scissors to vintage fabric this fabulous, so it's good to have some moral support.

I wasn't sure whether it was the model's hair or the outfit I loved most on the sleeve of this 1969 Simplicity pattern, so I copied both.

Whaddya mean? Not seasonally appropriate? Bugger the date, it's 23 degrees out and the sun's shining. We'll be condemned to months of long sleeves, bulky layers and closed-in footwear before we know it, it would be a crime to cover up unnecessarily.

Anyway, look at the garden - if neon orange, buttercup yellow, lime green and hot pink aren't the colours of Autumn I don't know what are.

I considered using buttons that matched, but soon came to my senses and used these marvellous Bakelite beauties (rescued from a moth-eaten 1940s day dress) instead.

No Barry M lippie today, I got this 1960s Boots No 7 matt orange lipstick as part of a job lot of vintage make-up from a car boot sale last year. 

If you're not on Facebook you'll have missed me banging on for the last month about a stray cat regularly calling for food and love. We think she's a Norwegian Forest cat and, despite her scrawniness, she's an absolute beauty and ridiculously fussy. She's spending longer and longer here every day and the other two don't seem too rattled. Could she be a new member of the household? Watch this space.

Unlike Stephen Squirrel and Polly Piglet, this little girl seems to adore me more than Jon. We longhairs stick together.

Bell-bottom pants suit made with 1960s acetate fabric (£4, Acorns Hospice) using Simplicity pattern no. 8146 (£2.99, St Giles Hospice) worn with 1960s vinyl holdall (£1, charity market stall), candy suedette platforms (£5, local retail), 1960s velvet & rhinestone choker (£3, vintage fair)

Wednesday night is special, it means rum, coke and Whitechapel.

See you soon!


  1. that cat is IN, baby!!! I predict it!! And speaking of marvellous (and you always are), buttons+choker+eyeshadow= Vix the magnificent~~rock on!!!

  2. Funnily enough I was just thinking about her earlier on! I think she's decided chez Vix is her new abode. Apparently forest cats like water - does she? Love the new suit, looks great on you and the buttons go really well. The hair is fab too. Pattern envelopes are clearly a good source of hair inspiration! P.S will be joining you and the gang on Saturday, can't wait!

  3. I really don't know where to start!!!
    The suit is FANTASTIC!!! This is a masterpiece and the combination with the colours of your garden is mindblowing!! The bakelite buttons are the perfect match for the beautiful psychedelic print and everything is just wonderful, especially the hair, I might be wrong but it recalls an Avedon editorial from the early 70's, maybe with Penelope Tree, anyway it rocks!!! I adore the new feline family member too!
    Have a wonderful sunny and psychedelic day!!
    Love xxxxxx

  4. what a strikingly beautiful cat, she looks like she's home - your vintage material turned out into a fab suit, and your hair is gorgeous! the orange lippy is flaming lovely too - autumnal bliss x x

  5. You are a genius with everything you touch, Vix, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I cannot get over how you made that so beautifully, and look at you spendorous in autumn colour.
    No autumn her, still suffering 33Âșc, and believe me it does get boringgggggggggggg.
    Love and sunshine, my queen.

  6. What an amazing outfit celebrating the colours of autumn!

    Love the hair do (those pattern illustrators clearly knew their stuff) and I'm so chuffed you've got another kitty family member - she's gorgeous!

  7. Awesome outfit, awesome hair and awesome eyeshadow! You are clever! Pussy cat looks very happy. xxx

  8. GORGEOUS pantsuit, Vix, you did good. And your hair looks radically fabulous too. I think you have your new kitty, and she's a beaut like her new momma. xox

  9. Yeah yeah yeah - you look good and all that, but really, I can't take my eyes of the CAT! And I am even refraining from any Mrs Slocombe-esque comments, aren't I well-behaved? I do hope she gets to stay with you, she's a total beauty and she's obviously made herself at home. Now to think of a suitably Norwegian name...

    Oh go on then, let's talk about YOU, you fabulous creature! That fabric is stunning, isn't it? And the pattern is so you, you did a great job (under Liz's watchful eye!) The mad floral buttons are perfect, as are the plaits, the whole look is inspired. Now make another version with long sleeves, and you'll be set for when the cold temperatures kick in.
    Loving all the colour in your garden too, most of my plants seem to have finished flowering now...
    Btw, was Jon saying saucy things to you when he took these pics? You look extra naughtily delicious!
    See you very soon! xxxxx

  10. Love your outfit and your new little girl, she's adorable and so sweet!

  11. I have a thing for vintage sewing pattern illustrations and here, you're on come to life! Don't blame you for wanting moral support to cut into that incredible psychedelic print fabric. I'd need help with the hair, too. I bet you can pick up a whole host of radio signals with that 'do.
    The kitty who's adopted you is so pretty. Look at those soft furry paws and what an adorable smooshy-face.

  12. Wow wow wow--you looked like you stepped out of a 60's fashion mag!! I adore this--and the green buttons are the PERFECT touch!!

    "Nora Desmond the Cat" (she needs a glamorous name for such a beauty) is quite fetching. i imagine the others tolerate her because she is no competition for Jon's affections!

  13. Your fabulousness knows no bounds! You look just like the gal on the pattern only you've got better accessories!

    So jealous of your sewing talents : )


  14. Amazing outfit it is stunning and pictures, you look fab, love your hairstyle :)

  15. The fabric is absolutely gorgeous, I just love it! I really like your lippy as well - such a lovely colour. I don't blame you for wanting to wear it today, I'm slightly regreting wearing tights, when I left the house it was misty and cold but now it's lovely out xx

  16. KEEP HER! Everyone needs an orange cat in their life!

    You are very brave chopping up that fabric. Send me some of your magic please - I've got some mega patterned barkcloth that I'm currently too scared to turn into anything.

  17. You my dear ARE the cats meow, and very clever !! I think you and the gorgeous new forrest kitty tigress were meant to be .

  18. You've done a fantastic job on that outfit and your hair s perfect too.

    The kitty is adorable, I hope you get to keep her : ) xx

  19. The cat has chosen - and we all know cats do as they damn-well please :) She is so pretty and she even crosses her legs like a debutante in deportment class - bless.

    Sewing adventures are TRIUMPHANT - you've inspired me to make space for a decent sewing table and get stuck into my stash this winter. At least I can get happy with that once the darker days come in.

  20. Me encanta el look, el peinado te queda muy bien!!!

  21. Self-made? You're a genius, this is absolutely fabulous (no pun intended). You look great, and you're right, the colours are definitely autumnal :)

  22. How refreshing to find someone else who doesn't hold with this chucking make up out because it's out of date rubbish. 50 years! That's going some.

    My mate had a mascara that said use within 3 months. Ridiculous. Manufacturers just want you to chuck it out and buy more and I'm glad you so publicly face them down.

  23. You look so beautiful and I love how you've styled your hair to go with the outfit-- right off the pattern-- except you are fucking better!! So good!!!

  24. Ok....Love the outfit! I actually remember having an outfit pretty much like this one in the 70's, different pattern of course.

  25. That's gorgeous! You're inspiring me to get sewing and crafty again!

  26. Vix you are killing me with how absolutely creative and beautiful you are, all the time! Yah for Liv lending a helping eye that fabric melts all of the dull away and makes me instantly happy! I think those green buttons are killer and your hair I just adore it! That style always reminds me of Mexican and Spanish dancers, next time braid ribbon into them!

    Your kitty wow he is in the house, I forgot to ask you about this, what a tiger baby and I love that you said long hairs stick together, amen to that sister!

    I was hoping for a catch up this week but it's too crazy so next wee for sure and then I get to hear about 2 fabulous blogger meet ups!

  27. Love that you matched your hair to the view on the pattern that you made. Good choice on the buttons. I never find fabric worth buying at the thrifts.

    Miss Kitty Cat is beautiful!

  28. You and the Cat are so pretty! Love the colours .

  29. Oh I love your hair that way, I used to do my dreds like that a few years ago.

  30. The HAIR! The MAKE-UP! The OUTFIT!

    GASP!!! Swoon!!! DROP. DEAD. GORGEOUS.

    I die......


  31. Hi Vix,
    Your pyschedelic outfit is wonderful. I think I would also be nervous about cutting into the vintage fabric!
    Love the colours for early autumn, but it still feels like summer to me!
    I think you are right, the gorgeous cat is a Norwegian Forest cat.
    I hope she has adopted you, we had a ginger cat adopt us at one of our rentals, but we had to leave him behind when we moved. I was so upset, but then we got Ziggy who we also adore!
    Best autumn wishes,

  32. The outfit, the styling, the long hair, the kitty. All wonderful to look at. Love that ensemble and even more so since you made it and re-used those gorgeous buttons!

  33. You're just glorious what a fabulous outfit. I don't blame you getting all jittery before cutting into it. I'd be liable to have a major hissy fit if I was to do it and stuffed it up. Those buttons are utterly divine I can't even imagine his they must of looked like on a 40's frock because they're sublime on your creation,

    Now as for kitty, fine on Vix seriously you know it's a trick statement about bring another member of the family, look at kitty, kitty is in, kitty isn't going anywhere, kitty is utterly relaxed.

  34. I have seen so many of your outfits and thought 'this is it - the BEST'. But this really is it, honest! It's so fab, my older sister used to wear these & I was so jealous. The green buttons and the choker (not to mention eye makeup!)set it off to perfection. LOVE the cat. x

  35. You, jittery at cutting into fabric? Well, I NEVER would have guessed, being such a bold person as you are!

    That kitty is a beauty alright, and obviously, she knows it. She will have you peeling her prawns and talking baby talk before you know it. Cats: they are a hussy, every one of them. (Which is why we love them, I guess.)

    Many thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm trying to "establish myself" again in Blog-0-sphere.

    Cheers from Rosemary of

  36. I love this fabric with this pattern - brilliant. And your use of green buttons takes this to another level. I'm so glad to see you today, reminding me that, yes, there are still a few more sunshiny days left and we'd better grab them. You look like you just stepped out of a magazine. Magic.

  37. Great pants suit - looks stunning. It's been warm here and I've walked into town in a long sundress to go dancing. Many people had winter coats on but it was sweltering. Give new puss a stroke for me.
    Love from Mum

  38. I can't believe you've made that yourself, you're a genius! It's absolutely gorgeous, love the pattern and the colour! Your hair, as always, looks beautiful! Great taste obviously in clothes, drinks & TV, no wonder the new kitty kat is staying around :)

  39. LOVE it, babe, love it! Fab autumnal colours and a fab pattern. I adore a bit of matt orange lippy...all the best bad women in episodes of Columbo wear orange lippy. Pissing with rain here, just stuffed a curry and I am Whitechapel bound as well.
    See you in a wee bit.

  40. wow , you look fantastic , i love the cat she is beautiful to me cats are just cats but she is something different , hope you get to keep her indefinitely xxx

  41. Love it and the ubber cute Ginger feline too!


  42. I love that outfit and your hair!! I hate cutting precious fabric, always scared I will cock it up! Your garden pictures are gorgeous like wise with the new cat, a real beauty.

  43. Love the pants suit. you did a good job on it & it looks like a really good pattern - maybe we'll be seeing more makes from it?
    Cute cat. Hope you get to keep

    I've said it before, I'll say it a dozen more times yet!
    Love the outfit, you did a gorgeous job! Your skills are getting better and better every time! Bless Liz for supervising, but I reckon you are rocking away on your own. The fabric is heavenly, and the buttons to DIE for!
    That gorgeous pookie is IN. For sure. She seems lovely, and if the other two are settling into the idea, well..........
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  45. Vix you look simply amazing.....well you always do......but this outfit made by your clever hands seems to be everything I see in you.......and that is AMAZING!,
    The buttons are genius.....and I think your hair is the perfect style, who's to argue with the patterns advice.
    Oh oh the ginger fluffy fur is so lovely.........keep him/her.......look at those paws. Pussy-cats seem to have a way of finding where they what to's with you and Jon I would say.
    Happiness to you
    Love V

  46. You do crack me up Vix. I love your take on the pattern cover, I mean the clothes are fantastic enough (Oh, those buttons!) but doing the hair too just elevates it to a different level. You are it! The bees knees!

    Very understated on the lipstick front. Suits that fabric and brings out your eyes. Not inappropriate at all. I reckon with a few secret items of underwear you'll be rocking that outfit in January still.

    Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, where have you been (all my life)? She is gorgeous, adorable and so easy to love. Thank goodness she found you. xxxxxx

  47. Gorgeous outfit, great work. The buttons are just right. And the hairdo is breathtaking. You may have lifted it from the pattern pic, but you have made it real!

    Kitteh is STAYING. Puurrrrrr.

    I would love to join you, Curtise and other bloggers in Birmingham on Saturday, but I just can't make it. But I would like to go to a Wetherspoons with you all in the near future, please! Xx

  48. I love this outfit! I'm working full-time this week and feeling 'institutionalised', so seeing you looking so colourful has put a big smile back on this face! The buttons finish it off beautifully.

  49. Oh, everybody else would look ridiculous with this hairstyle, but you look just authentically fabulous with it. :) I like the suit. It's so ABBA :D

    xoxo, Saperlotte

  50. Love the outfit, it has an air of Bollywood about it :-)

  51. I am in love!! Perfection! So many times I've tried to recreate a look and I have never been successful. You've just stepped right out of the pages of a vintage Vogue. Xxx Ooo

  52. wouaauuu, so much fabulousness to enjoy!!, your suit is delightfully well made and colorful!!, that buttons are a really amazing touch of color!, and your hairstyle is awesome!
    You look absolutely gorgeous and I'm enthusiastic about it (as usual)
    besos & pretty cats

  53. how strange i thought i had commented on this... oh well.

    I love this so much! and i love that you replicated the hair and the make up from the pattern envelope! That is my ultimate wish when making things, that ill look as fab as the ladies on the illustration, and youve done it! superb!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Great job on the outfit, great colour and matches the cat perfectly :D She looks very at home at yours, I wonder if she was once a much loved pet and is being missed somewhere :(

  56. I'd say you now have competition in the pretty department. Hey, she matches your new pant suit, you have to keep her!

  57. I was going to say no one mentioned the pretty kitty matches your outfit, but right at the end someone did!

    I love your hair like this!

  58. Oh kitty cat has to stay fur sure! I am extremely impressed with your hair styling abilities, I've always thought those sort of arrangements seen on paper pattern packets were just artistic licence, but clearly I was incorrect. Love it all as ever!

  59. Your hairstyle and makeup look great. Your 1960s Boots No 7 matt orange lipstick goes very nicely with your pink, yellow and orange psychedelic bell-bottom pants suit. Its decorative green Bakelite buttons and your green choker add an excellent touch to the look.

    The cat is cute (I'll bet it sheds a lot though).

    The foliage and flowers (and green tomatoes?) look beautiful!

  60. Oooh Vix, love, love your sixties outfit. Bravo for sizing down the pattern to fit you like a dream. I'd feel the same hesitation about cutting into such a lovely print. But, it sure worked out great!

    Very rare, female ginger cats are. Most are males. I say that's a very good sign! She's a keeper.

  61. You both are such beauties: you and that red-furred cat! As always you look magnificent. Love the print and those contrasting buttons you chose for it.

  62. Wish your outfit was seasonally appropriate for here Vix, it's bloody freezing up here, I think we've skipped autumn and are heading straight for winter. Love seeing you so bright and summery though, that orange lippy is lovely, I had an orange lippy I loved but it's dead now and I miss it, it made me look healthier somehow. I think kitty has definitely moved in with you now hasn't she, she's decided herself and you're not getting much choice in the matter by the looks of it. xx

  63. great sewing, gorgeous outfit, cute cat :-)
    love your style!

    thanks for commenting my humble blog!

  64. I'm just old and decrepit enough to remember my primary school teacher wearing a pantsuit in that pattern - but definitely not in that fabulous fabric!

  65. Love it all!!!! Your hair is especially amazing! Your garden looks so beautiful - wish mine was colourful too. xx

  66. Wow, amazing job on the suit - damn my school for only teaching me woodwork! I think you know Mizz Scarlett is moving in with you - does she have a name yet?

  67. Miss Ginger Crossed-Paws has definitely found her home - just look at how relaxed she is!

    And of course, who wouldn't want to live with a 60's supermodel like yourself? The braids are brilliant and the pantsuit is perfect. If I didn't adore you so much I would be insanely jealous ;)

  68. You look so pretty in that new lipcolour, newly-tailored dress and those adorable braids!


  69. oh, oh, it's the coolest pants suit evah. But the hair do is the best! And the buttons too. And you can wear the top part as a mini, right? Groovy, baby, groovy.

  70. that cat doesn't look like it's going anywhere. she has totally buttered you up. I am always drawn to a stray. I will pull over to the side of the road to save a stray animal. I can't help it.

  71. Your suit is beautiful on you. What a great pattern and fabric. Love the hair do too!

    And the cat. Oh my ... She is absolutely gorgeous and I hope she stays.

  72. Hey Vix how are you?

    Loving your creation and the cat soo cute! Wish I could sew like you do x

    Please check out

  73. Glorious!
    I had that pattern when it was new and I was 19. I made up a white frilly version and a very lurid purple and blue one. Loved it.
    Such pleasure to see it again and it still looks fantastic. Thank you.

  74. OOPS sorry using my husbands account!

  75. That cat knows a good thing when she sees one... and we will definitely be seeing a lot more of her! She's gorgeous, as are you in that fabulous pants suit.... stunning ensemble!

  76. Love it all, cat and outfit. But I can't take my eyes off your skin. Dewy and gorgeous.

  77. Love it all, cat and outfit. But I can't take my eyes off your skin. Dewy and gorgeous.

  78. The green buttons are perfect! And, you are vision of loveliness with that hair. The style totally becomes you.
    ; )

  79. Hi my dear! The pant suit is awesome and love your hair too!! This kitty sounds so at home with you and is a real cutey!! Xxx

  80. Wow you look stunning Vix, your makeup is faboulous!!! And i really like that vinyl bag :)

    Sal x

  81. Love love love the look here!! you look so amazing..and like the bright print of the outfit too!!!

  82. ooooh you and the adorable longhair kitty are color coordinated;) really what a sweetheart, i love cats;)
    and your outfit is a vision of psychedelic beauty! i also adore that hairstyle it looks so fabulous and the green eyeshadow is the icing of the cake!
    have a great weekend!

  83. OMG your sewing creations are beyond yummy! I need something made by you in my life...LOVE everything about this look.

    The kitty has good taste in choosing a fab home x

  84. I do understand what you mean about needed some moral support for cutting into special fabrics - I feel the same! I love you copied the haristyle from the pattern envelope - looks beautiful. I hope your kitty friend stays around, she looks like a sweetie!

  85. Are you kidding me???!!! What can I say, how fantastic is this outfit and how perfect are you?!!!! Your face is absolutely luminous!!!!! So beautiful Vix, I am stunned by your beauty and I love, love, your hair. The fact that you made this outfit blows me away, I love the bakelite buttons, this post makes me want to go dress up but I am in my pj's now, it is close to midnight and I am getting ready to go sleepy so dress up will have to wait until morning. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOOXOX!!!!!!!

  86. Oh, and the cat has a very interesting face. Almost human. xo

  87. Brilliant outfit, love the buttons on it. Wonderful hair, too.

    The cat looks very settled there.

  88. When I was in my last year of school my Mum asked me what outfit I wanted for the Prizegiving Ceremony - I looked through her patterns and chose THAT EXACT ONE!! She made me it and I loved it..How funny!! I am going to find those photos and blog about it!!

    That is the perfect pattern for that amazing fabric. Like the buttons feature. And the hair copy. Bloody brilliant!

  89. Wow you've created an incredible outfit there, more than done justice to that amazing fabric well done love. I love the green choker too. As for your fab 'do it's utterly adorable. Hope kitty decides to stay, lucky girl to have found you! Had any thoughts on names yet?

  90. Well, of course the cat has to stay,she clearly has very good taste in wanting to move in AND, if snuggled up next to you in this glorious outfit, she must co-ordinate extremely well!
    Everything: fabric, fit, style, hair, new orange lipstick - all magnificent (of course).

  91. One of my favorite color combos; yellow and orange--and then with the pink and green? bellissimo! xoxo

  92. Your hair = awesome! I LOVE the lip color too!!

  93. Vix, look at you! Scrumptious outfit! Your hair is perfect! And you -- as beautiful as ever! I love it!!!


  94. The suit is briliant! You look absolutely marvellous! I love the bold colours and that bright orange and yellow is perfect! :) x/Madison

  95. Vixcita,
    Is there no end to your fabulosity amor? love your hair in that style that suit is mermorzing. Aww that kitty picked you two. Cats are very psychic creatures.


  96. wow, that is just stunning, I love the fabric, psychedellia is for all seasons, I just love orange, I need more of it in my life. I adore the hair, can you do more hairstyles based on the ones on 60s patterns?

  97. You did a fantastic job with that pants suit (like we'd doubt you?) Absolutely love the 'do! And the colours in your garden matching your outfit? Perfection! Kitty is so pretty, I think you guys are stuck with her! Have you named her yet? Love you! XXX

  98. I die! Perhaps the greatest Vintage Vixen-look ever! LOVE IT!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix