Friday 7 December 2012

Party (N)On!

Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! You guys rock.

Gary Numan was amazing last night, the Wulfrun was packed out with with hoards of middle-aged people with badly dyed black hair wearing far too much eye liner. I felt right at home.

Tonight & tomorrow evening I'll be off out belatedly celebrating with friends. Unfortunately we're busy with vintage fairs all weekend so I won't be as badly behaved as usual, I don't want to frighten off any potential buyers. I'm scary enough at the best of times without the additional blood-shot eyes and the aroma of last night's booze.

If you're around we'd love to see you. What do you mean, you live on the other side of the world? That's no excuse! 

If you really can't make either I've taken a few snapshots of just a few of the wares we've packed. 

Maxis, minis and midis.

Lace, sequins, chiffon and beading.

Capes, jackets and coats.
There's loads more from some very tasty menswear, retro accessories and vintage home wares. I've even got a rather fab 1963 Olivetti portable typewriter up for grabs, fully tested and ready for a new home.

I'm not much of a typist, strictly one fingered, I'm afraid. Cowing* Grammar schools and their lack of practical skill teaching. I can read Latin & explain Pythagoras' theorem but ask me to do anything useful and I'm buggered.
*Black Country expletive.

The postman's called today bringing a parcel of birthday joy from Clare. This blouse is fabulous and there's loads of cool jewellery to play with, too!

Those peace sign earrings are getting an outing later! 

Here's some of the amazing handmade cards I got. Fuck Off is Sarah's awesome handiwork, Liz's is the cool cape pattern, Jon's is Speak Vintage and Alice's masterpiece features Oz Clarke, Buddha and Biba.

Sorry, I've wittered on a bit here, must be my age. I'll probably be too knackered to post for a few days with all our selling, smiling and socialising so I'm getting it all in now.

1970s wedding dress (Courtesy of Liz)
Have a fantastic weekend!
See you soon.


  1. Have a fabulous vintage weeked Vix.
    I am off to The Clothes Show but one day I would love to come to one of your fairs.
    Enjoy the belated birthday celebrations.

  2. That dress you are wearing is so NEAT! I adore it! And I think I have that kind of typewriter, I wonder where I've left it.. :<

  3. Gorgeous dresses. Glad you had a good birthday. V xxx

  4. A belated happy birthday to you - glad you enjoyed Gary.

    Have a fab weekend - here's hoping for loads of sales so the next vapour trail can be you heading to India :)

  5. Have a fabulous Sell Out weekend! And belated Birthday Wishes to a woman who is beautiful inside & out! xxxx

  6. Don't worry about your typing I tip and tap too ,as long as we can get the message across who cares how many fingers are used ,any way we are to busy being clever in other ways Jan xx

  7. I love the vintage bride dress!!
    It's true it's not an excuse to live far because your clothes selection deserve to be visited in person!
    All the dresses are wonderful and I'm sure that I could lose my mind (and my purse's content) in one of these great shopping events!!!The peace sign earrings are amazing, they look like the ones your lookalike was wearing in Krista's card for you in her post!
    Lots of birthday cards, my favourite is the one from the Queen of our hearts and of the F word: Sarah!!!
    Have a fab weekend!!

  8. My favourite party dress was just like the one you are wearing, i remember wearing it to school discos

  9. this dress is beautiful on you *_*

  10. Glad you had a wonderful day Vix, love the dress.
    Must say if I lived closer I'd be there, the wool blazer I got from you is bloody fantastic!

  11. Oh my, that dress is divine! I love it! My mum had a navy wedding dress she picked up from Kensington Market.

  12. Sorry i missed a few posts and your birthday!
    Happy belated birthday my dear Vix!
    These pics are really good - the camera you are using right now makes a big difference - the pics are lovely -

    Love the dress you are wearing

    Have a great weekend

    Ariane xxx

  13. What a cool wedding dress this would've been! Sounds like an excellent birthday, glad you had a good night. Please show us how the peace earrings look! I've been dying to get my hands on a pair for ages x

  14. Glad yo had a wonderful birthday and Gary Numan...well the bloke is bloody brill.
    Love yer wares and I bet the typewriter flies off. I do like a vintage jobbie...computers are all very well! I used to want to type in school but like yerself, I was at an old Grammar school so Latin it was and it comes in handy once in a blue moon. Fast typing would have been a better skill but there we go.
    Have a fantastic weekend and sell loads.
    Loves ya,

  15. Ooh I LOVE that gold glitzy dress, so gorgeous!
    I'm pleased you had a fab time at the concert, love hs music!
    Have a fab weekend!!

  16. Egads, latin? I was too thick to do latin and had to do domestic science instead which I hated and was useless at. Never mind. Good luck at the fairs. I'm sure you'll do very well! xx

  17. If I could figure out a way to rationize a plane ticket to shop your frocks, I would! It would be so worth it! I love your stash of home made bday cards! I am a big fan of home made things- and these treasures reflect you and how much you are loved. Wishing you a mighty successful and fun vintage weekend.

  18. That dress from Liz is fantastic. What a great b-day. It would be so cool to go to the vintage fair-- wish I lived near :)

  19. That dress didn't make me think Here Comes the Bride, thank goodness - you do look lovely in it. Continue with your birthday blast and have fun with all your goodies.

  20. VIx, you're probably one of the few people that can extend their birthday celebration over the course of days! ;)

    Great items for the fairs as usual. Seriously, next time I'm in England, I'm going to try to plan a trip around one of those shows of yours. I used to sell at the ones here in So Cal but usually had to drive clear up to Santa Monica or the Hollywood area. But, they're great venues for getting better prices for your items and you can move things quicker. Exhausting, but worth it.

    You're so fortunate that those great 70s maxis are still out there where you're at. I've had pretty much no luck in the thrift shops for some time. Estate and garage sales seem to be the only source. Most maxis end up being midis on me though with the waistbands heading toward the bust. But, that's why I learned to sew when I was a teenager. Got to get crackin' again after the holidays.

    It was nice hearing from you again. Have a fabulous weekend!

  21. that orange ring is so bizarre isn't it? Not sure what it's made of but I thought of you when I found it. I love those photos of you, you look gorgeous, especially the close up one. An amazing bunch of cards, Sarah's one is hilarious! Model that shirt for me soon! xxxx

  22. Love everything about that dress you are wearing, and such cool stuff you have to sell, if I was nearer would be all over your shop in a hot New York minute - such a beautiful birthday girl - happy belated!

  23. That dress your wearing looks so cool on you. Love your lovely long hair.

  24. Ahh, gorgeous birthday girl Vix! You look amazing in that maxi from Liz, it's a perfect fit and I adore the print. I'm sure you'll make up for having to be relatively well-behaved this weekend, there are plenty of other occasions to go wild! I wish I could go to your fairs, I'm sure you will do brilliantly as always and add considerably to your India fund. I want ALL those dresses!
    Good to know Gary Numan still attracts the black haired, black eye-linered crowd!
    Lovely gifts from Clare, and fabulous homemade cards too.
    Now smile smile smile for the lovely customers! xxxxx

  25. O,darling,these photos are wonderful! I'm loving the new camera,I can see frock details so closely!
    I enjoy your witterings.You can witter til the cows come home as far as I am concerned! YAY Gazza was a good night out.Good lad.I used to have all his albums on vinyl, but sold them during a poor phase in 89/90, dammit.I need to get some on cd;I'm too lay to play LP's anyway!
    Loving this wedding frock, it's frigging awesome!You look dreamy!
    Goodness, fairs galore! I'm there, I tell you! Just look at your goodies! (In more ways than one!)
    Ha, I got a fuck off ravaged card too.It's FANTASMO!
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  26. Ha I just knew you would enjoy Gary (wipes brow in relief!)

    That dress is so pretty it really suits you. I am actually quite glad I can't come to your sale I fear I would spend too much money I don't have!

  27. Gorgeous frock today hun. Good luck at the fairs.


  28. Love that dress, it looks great on. I heard that word for the first time the other week, 'he were a cowing bastard' were the exact words. I thought it must be North Notts from the man's accent. Interesting to hear it's popular in the West Midlands. I like a bit of etymology, must be my age :) xx

  29. Witter Away Birthday Girl!!! Glad to here Gary was fab!! I love the vintage wedding dress!

    what awesome goddies you have received--the cards are amazing!!

    Do you have a wevbsite or an ebay store I can check your goodies out on as I'm a tad too far away to make it to the fairs??

    I swear the package I sent must be taking the long way to Walsall!

  30. You look like a photo shoot from Mademoiselle in the 70s! The vintage fairs have me so green with envy I'm afraid someone will string lights on me and set me in a corner with a Christmas star on my head!

  31. happy birthday! have a lovely birthday weekend xx

  32. So glad you had a fabulous birthday. All your stock looks amazing for your vintage fair.

    X x

  33. So glad you had a fabulous birthday. All your stock looks amazing for your vintage fair.

    X x

  34. So glad you had a fabulous birthday. All your stock looks amazing for your vintage fair.

    X x

  35. So glad you had a fabulous birthday. All your stock looks amazing for your vintage fair.

    X x

  36. Belated birthday greetings from me and I'm glad to hear that Gazza is still rocking (with or without Tubeway Army!)

    Hope you have a great weekend at the Christmas fair - and sell more than you buy! ;-)

  37. Glad you had a great birthday! Have a wonderful weekend x

  38. Oh my, that dress is SOOOOOOOOOOOo beautiful! Especially on you! I was about to demand a full-length shot until I got to the last pictures! If you ever decide to cull it, you have a ready customer right here, regardless of size!
    Hope you have a lovely time at the fair! If I had a free weekend, I would actually consider coming along! Sadly, I am performing in a concert in Sloane Square with an amazing choir- playing recorder!!! Bit scared!
    You have some lovely items?!! If they don't sell, will they be listed in Kinky Melon's vintage boutique?

    The cards are AWESOME- how fun and unique!

  39. Glad Gazza was up to scratch and you had a great time. Love this dress, reminds me of a very similar one my mum had when I was a teenager and I used to borrow it. Love all your hand-made birthday cards, they're a hoot. Good luck at your fairs.

  40. That maxi dress your wearing is incredible xx

  41. I LOVE that dress! It reminds me of a cute blue floral dress in a similar style that used to be in my dress up box ^_^ I miss it so badly!

  42. Happy birthday Vix, this dress is just perfect, I love it so much. My mum taught me to touch type on a typewriter exactly like that one, they hurt, but look so good. Have a great weekend. Xx

  43. a wedding dress? Gotta love the 70's. Sell lots, I hear India calling.

  44. You're selling the lace-up bodice dress you were wearing when I first met you! That looked so wonderful on you. Then again everything does, including this calico wedding dress. You're wares are so enticing, I'm sure you'll have enough profits for two trips to India. I love the pointy collar on the blouse you got from Clare. Have a great weekend xx

  45. "hoards of middle-aged people with badly dyed black hair wearing far too much eye liner. I felt right at home." --- lol! You are too funny. But your hair is great, so you didn't fit in as well as you thought!

  46. Dearest Vix,

    First of all, Happy Birthday!! I am so sorry I am late arriving to say that! Life here has been running at a break-neck pace. sigh. It feels so good to "catch up!" You look lovely! You are too funny with your comments about the hair and eyeliner. I hope your sales go/have gone well. And I love the fence behind you! Is it yours? Happy Belated Birthday!! xoxo Lynn

  47. What gorgeous clothes. Fun post.

  48. Glad you are still celebrating your birthday. I think it is important to celebrate for at least a week if not longer!!!

  49. LOVE that frock on you! That print with the stripes is just fab. I'm so glad you were suitably spoiled on your birthday. I hope the fairs go well & you make lots of cash for your travels. Happy Belated Birthday amazing Vix! Xx

  50. The dress looks amazing on. Have fun at the fairs!

  51. Another one fingered typing latin learning schoolgirl here Vix, I remember my mum ranting about the lack of practical skills we were being taught at the time and I thought she was talking rubbish but she did have a point looking back! Love your dress so much, and all the flowery dresses you have for your vintage sale, I'm a sucker for a flowery print. Much card and general birthday fabulousness too, good to see Sara getting good use out of her stamp! Enjoy your birthday weekend and hope you do well at the vintage fair. xx

  52. I wish I was there, my wonderful Vix.

  53. Happy Birthday Weekend Vix - and a very belated Happy Birthday; sorry I missed commenting on the day itself. Wonderful goodies flying your way as usual - those cards are amazing! And what a reflection of our outlook at the time - grammar school gals weren't destined for jobs where they'd need to be able to type; that was what the typing pool was for lol (non uk readers - typing pool = roomful of secretaries, always girls, bashing out letters etc on proper old-fashioned typewriters...just like in mad men, lol) xx

  54. Hope you've had a fab birthday lovely!! I love Sarahs card she's always a handy one isn't she?!

  55. really pretty dress and it fits you like a retro dream, love that little floral print!
    and wish you're having a great time selling and talking and enjoying your weekend without being 'scary enough' (you make me laugh a lot!)

  56. I had actually planned to make my way to one of the vintage fairs you're at this weekend - but then found myself away for the weekend instead. And now I'm looking very, very longingly at the photos of your wares... I will, WILL manage to get to one of your stalls when you next plan to do some more. Hope you have sold loads today and that tomorrow is equally successful.

  57. The new camera seems to be performing brilliantly! You look so adorable in your birthday dress from Liz. I would love to jet off across the pond to attend the vintage fairs; we don't have anything like that in the boring city I live in. Here's hoping you sell lots to add to the travel fund!

  58. hello my sweet blog friend. I cannot believe I missed your birthday - shame on me! Much travel is to be blamed. I adore the dress you are wearing and especially your eye-makeup. When next in England we must go see all the pretty clothes at a vintage fair. xoxox

  59. I’m so glad you liked the card! I ran out of room on the front for the Biba letters, but simply couldn’t miss them off. I’m wishing you lots of luck at tomorrow’s fair- I’m sure your wares will go down a treat! Love the Olivetti- so dreamy! xxx

  60. Happy birthday lovely Vix! I am sorry I am a wee bit late, life is crazy in the lead up by the dreaded "C" word. I think you look stunning in that dress - I LOVE that it was a wedding dress too. I'd much prefer to get married in that that some flouncy white thing. I do hope you had the most fabulous birthday and that your markets go really well too :D

  61. That dress is gorgeous and a very Happy Birthday to you!! Have fun at your vintage fairs you have some great stuff for sale!! Enjoy your weekend Love Heather

  62. You look amazing! I love those dresses :)

  63. Hi Vix, i hope you have had a great weekend and sold out. I love the black lace 50's style dress. And you look gorgeous as always, rest up now for a few days, dee xxx

  64. Hi Vix, i hope you have had a great weekend and sold out. I love the black lace 50's style dress. And you look gorgeous as always, rest up now for a few days, dee xxx

  65. Oh my god Vix that dress fits you perfectly x

  66. oh wow that maxi dress you are wearing is sooo beautiful, i love that cute floral print, you look like a folk bride;)

  67. did i miss your birthday again? everytime this time a year i work so hard that i'm even to tired to read my fav blogs. Happy belated birthday, my dear!
    love your hippie dress. very cute.

  68. abseloutly beutifull x

  69. This vintage fair sounds awesome--and how cool, I didn't know you sold stuff too. Hope you guys have a great time.

  70. Love all the cards! Sarah's had me giggling.
    "Maxis, minis and midis" *DRRROOOL*

  71. Your dress is great. I love all the dresses you have for the fairs. Wishing I was near enough to come along.

  72. If I wasn't snowed in I'd be hopping on the ferry now... Some good goodies! Hope you're enjoying your continous birthday celebrations. xo

  73. I not even live on the other side of the world, only 2.5 hour flight away. Really no excuse. I can also imagine that your vision and your vintagepieces are worth both annualleave and the cost of the trip.

  74. You look bloomin' marvellous - love the blouse and dress combo.

    Glad you had a crackin' birthday - here's to seeing some festive shenanigans soon! :) xxx

  75. Holy farking fuck a duck! You look absolutely EXQUISITE in this divine maxi - FAVOURITE!!!! So glad you had such a splendid birthday, amor! Love you more than handmade birthday cards! Sarah xxx

  76. Love the dress, but my favorite part of that look is your electric blue eyeshadow! Fits perfect with the look and makes your eyes look great!

    Think we all wish we could have visited that fair with all your cool stuff!;)

  77. So cute, I love the dress ^_^

  78. Everything you wear looks great on you! I like this number very much. And I really like that photo of your face that shows your pretty green eye shadow. xoxo


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix