Wednesday 14 November 2012

Cat In a Spat

Whilst wandering around the weekly flea market earlier one of the stallholders called us over to show me a dress he'd put aside. As I looked it over an elderly lady in a white bobble hat & fleece decorated with prancing horses barked, Give that dress to me, I want it, what size is it?

"It's a 20." I answered. "Well, that's my size not yours, it would look awful on you, you're far too thin!" rasped the charming old bat. "Tough, I saw it first!" I said, handing my cash over & flouncing off before she had a chance to run me over with her tartan shopping trolley.

The trials and tribulations of buying second-hand. You need a thick skin to deal with those crazed pensioners.

The dress that caused a near punch-up. Isn't it a beauty? Somehow I don't think wearing it with a fleece and a shopping trolley would do it justice.

Here's something my scrawny old body can fit into.

A gorgeous turquoise paisley print maxi dress sent all the way from New Zealand by those sweet Squirrels, Vanessa and Warren currently on an epic road trip in dear Basil, their trusty bus.

They didn't forget Jon either, these pennants are already taking pride of place on Gilbert's windscreen. Thanks, you pair of darlings!

1970s Tricel catsuit (99p, eBay), Turquoise leather coat (The lovely Lucy Nation), 1970s rainbow suede hipster belt (50p, car boot sale), Beaded panda bag & 1960s grey Dolcis knee high leather boots (Both from the PDSA charity shop)
Can my nerves take a visit to the car boot sale tomorrow? Just you try and stop me!

See you soon.


  1. i think i would probably eat and eat till i was a size 20 for that dress! what a beauty, your right you have to have an amour to deal with some of those ladies! ha x

  2. Oooh that paisley dress is a real beauty!

    Wish I'd witnessed that confrontation, sounds hilarious :)

  3. To punch up in the nose your enemies is the best part of being a vintage addict, oh no I'm just joking tartan shopping trolleys could be letal weapons!Luckily that emerald beauty come home with you!Vanessa's dress is very beautiful too and I'm sure that you are going to show it to us soon with your great accessories!I love your panda bag!!!The jumpsuit and the jacket are amazing together, it's an unusual color combination that really impress!
    Lots of love!!xxxx

  4. That emerald dress looks lush, i wouldn't be able to fit into it at all but it's so blinking gorgeous! It'd look fab as a Xmas outfit, too! Go you for buying it!
    And I love how bright that jumpsuit is, perfect for this sunny autumnal weather!

  5. You can brave the carboot battlefield, just dress like a pensioner steering the trolley of death. Stick some of those pennants on it so they know you've earned your chops and go!

  6. That green dress is gorgeous! I'd be tempted to feed myself up a bit!

    I love that blue coat you're wearing as well. I used to have a suede one in a similar shape that I got from an Oxfam shop. I wonder what happened to it?

  7. Gees, some people. She probably would just hoard it away somewhere, never to see the light of day again.

  8. I still wish I could have met some of these crazy ole bats while in the UK. I always thought you English were so polite;). Don't mess with Vix, she'll cut a bitch:). Your orange catsuit paired with that baby blue leather coat is brightening up my gray morning. You look a peach! The two squirrels did right by you I love that dress and the colors are yummy! I can't wait to talk to you....soon!
    Love you!

  9. "Tough, I saw it first" ha ha. The best response you could have given! What a rude old bat. There are so mant rude old people around, and they have the cheek to complain about young people being inconsiderate! I love the paisley maxi, the pattern is fab. It would look great worn with that blue jacket I reckon, and some killer platforms. Definitely brave the car boot tomorrow, come back with more funny stories of Black Country grannies :) xxxx

  10. Ohh ... I love that green dress and I do understand that you told the old bat off! Size ´16 - to 20 - my size... Because of my broad shoulders.. Yes I´m a big girl.. But we rock too !!
    xx c..

  11. first of all you look fantastic. that catsuit was made for you.

    what a funny story about the old woman. they do get pushy no?

    have a beautiful day!

  12. That catsuit is wonderful. It reminds me of a dress I had as a kid. I do like a bit of orange!
    Don't forget...sharpen those claws ready for the car boot!
    Ooo, & Mr B informs me that the 'Boozy Bear' is back in town!!
    Z xx

  13. Hilarious! And you look hoty in that catsuit!

  14. Gorgeous catsuit! Good luck with the carboot :) xx

  15. Ahhh whatever happened to sweet old ladies....

    Cant believe she was readly to do battle with you! Glad you stuck to your guns though.

    P x

  16. David Bowie/Cher-blue:ish! Lovely!

  17. How rude! Thank goodness you rescued it from a life of drab fleeces.... looks much happier in your house.

    What an amazing catsuit - certainly brightens up a dark winter day!

  18. How rude, just like you I would have bought it anyway, whether it was my size or not! There's no way you could have or that dress go to someone in a printed fleece. Great catsuit and the squirrels have sent a lovely parcel x

  19. That catsuit is way out, fits you to a tea. Glad to here you stuck it to the rude old bat over the green dress, it's gorgeous right up my alley but not size.

  20. What a beautiful dress, no wonder you didn't relinquish it to the nasty old trout. Hope tomorrow's car boot passes without incidence and proves fruitful. Vanessa's dress is gorgeous, let's see you in it please!

  21. "Tough I saw it first" - That story made me laugh! You find the best things!!

  22. ROFL--I can just see this exchange in my mind!! the emerald dress is glorious--love the black design!! and you looked smashing in your sunshiny jumpsuit and baby blue coat!! Can't wait to see you in both of your new dresses!!

  23. I know what you are talking about when finding great stuff at the thrift shops and nearly fighting for it, it happened to me too -

    Those dresses are just splendid Vix and your orange jumpsuit is fabulous
    The powder blue leather coat is a stunner! Great finds!

    Ariane xxxx

  24. Ooh and they say the youth of today and rude!! Well done you, I'm such a pushover, I'd have given it to her and run away! Rude old bat, guaranteed you'll look fabulous in this! x

  25. You get in there sort 'em out. That is a beauty of a frock and well worth the aggro. I love the Squirrels maxi more though...can't wait to see you in it. An yep, if anyone can do battle at the bootsale, it's you.

  26. Ya know here in NZ they have Old people villages....surrounded with high walls and big wrought iron LOCKABLE gates! Its a feckin' great idea! You rock...I dunno the old people of today.....they don't know they're born! PS I wanna know when you and yer man are coming to NZ?? Make it soooooon!

  27. Haha, love you! You tell her Vix! I know what you mean sometimes in vintage shops you really see it all attitude-wise. The tangerine catsuit is such an amazing piece. Glad that you brought home the goods.

  28. Hilarious. Darn cheek of the old bat. The dress is a beauty and the cat suit is divine.

  29. Wow. Those oldies are surly and just plain rude! Beautiful frock and well earned. Lovely package from the squirrels, the pennants are so fun:)

  30. You did right to hold onto that dress, it's beautiful, and so not suited to a fleece wearer!
    You look fabulous in that catsuit, great colours, and the leather jacket from Lucy is a bit of 70s magic!
    Vanessa and Warren have sent you a stunning frock, aren't they sweethearts? And great pennants for Jon, and Gilbert, too!
    Roll your sleeves up, get stuck in, and don't take any crap at the car boot tomorrow!
    LOVE! xxxxxxx

  31. The green dress is beautiful - well worth the argument. Are you going to alter it to fit? It will look gorgeous on you.
    I love the turquoise dress too - fab! What a lovely collection of dresses.

  32. Dearest Vix,
    gone are the days when I as a virgin car boot sale shopper would have things talked right out of my hands by the canny old pros.
    You really have to stand your ground and take no bull from these peeps, even if they are armed with scarily sharp elbows and tank like tartan shopping trolleys.
    I'm having a car boot sale sabbatical at the mo, no more adding to my stash until next month.
    I hear you are launching an on-line shop, that is great news...the next step in VVWWWD (Vintage Vixen World Wide Web Domination), you go girl!
    I love that fab jumpsuit, happiness incarnate in a garment!
    Lot's of love,

  33. Hooray you won the cat fight!
    *hehe* Both frocks are lovely. And totally getting a black eye over. ;)

  34. What a great story. The green dress does look fabulous.

  35. What a rude old bag! Glad you gave her what for, Vix! Those hideous fleeces get everywhere don't they? I always like the ones with the Native American theme, y'know, wolves,teepees and the like...NOT!

    I have to admit that I'm green with envy about your blue coat. Its a real beauty and I've never seen one in that colour before. Those lapels are super wings!

    Hope you don't have to metaphorically kick some more Black Country ass during tomorrow's boot sale!

    Peace out xxx

  36. Freaking bloody nasty silly old bat! well done, swooping in on that DIVOON frock and showing her your killer instinct!!! That'll learn her! It's the most gorgie frock! As is the Squirrel sent frock!! They are total sweeties, the banners are fabularse!! Gilbert will look mighty fine with those additions!
    Your are rocking that incredible jumpsuit,owning it like a Biatch Queen of the Jumble! Magic.
    Loev Helga xxxXXXxxx

  37. Hee hee!! I wouldn't say boo to a goose when I was younger but old age (in my case) is great for loosening the tongue, especially when people are giving you hard time. Good work I say. Got results PLUS made for a great story. :)

  38. Damn those old folk,

    well done Vix for standing your ground and winning the treasure!


  39. hahahaha You go Girl!! glad you got the dress it will look fabulous on you!! She was Jealous!! :P Good luck at the sales bring a cane if you need to fight some one off lol!! Love Heather

  40. Ha ha brilliant what a barmy old bat! The baby blue trench coat is stunning what a find xx

  41. Love the green dress! Can't wait to see it on you. I love your funny stories of elbowing pensioners out of the way to get at vintage treasures!

  42. oh Great!! Are people that horrible at car boots? I am going to my first ever on Sunday and that story has made me more anxious.

    But Wow it was worth it, that Green dress is amazing and I can't wait to see whether you alter it to fit or sell it on? And your paisley number from the 2 squirells is so you and is awesome xx

  43. bloody "wolfie" brigade in their printed monstrosities!! I love the dress, definitely worth a bit of a granny spat for. I once had a granny try to wrestle a book out of my hand at a jumble...chill out love, there's lots of other booty to find!

    Additionally I find it really offensive when people say "you're too thin" would they feel if you said. "you so fat!" xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  44. This post had me chuckling on the one hand and thinking how rude some people are on the other (Mrs Bobble hat I hasten to add not you!). It is a rather stunning dress. Linda xxx

  45. There was no need for her to say it in such a rude way, I am surprised! It's a beauty- the colour is wonderful- I bet Alex Odd Socks would like that!

  46. Heehee glad you gave the old lady what for! And I adore that catsuit, you look amazing in it! There's no scrawn there, just gorgeousness!

    I used to have a blue leather jacket like yours, but shorter, that I bought from Afflecks Palace when I was a student at Manchester uni many years ago. I think I must have given it away in my 20s. Seeing you look so great in yours make me wish I'd held on to it!

  47. Omg, I actually gasped at that green dress. It's to die for, I can see why she wanted it. There still wasn't any reason to be so damn rude though was there? Some people. x

  48. we can thank to all that old nasty ladies for providing so many anecdotes!, and love your purchases, the green dress is lovely!
    And you look bright and fabulous as a sunny day, love your catsuit and love your coat, so gorgeous & colorful outfit!!

  49. She sounds like a charming old dear! I love that maxi dress, another amazing find. I need to find the time to do some car booting.

  50. you really can rock a maxi and a catsuit like no one else! xx

  51. Hehe that made me laugh.....I can just see you & the old bat going at it! That maxi from the Squirrels is amazing! I love it, can't wait to see it on you. And how cool are those pennants! Those Squirrels are the best. So excited to see your new facebook page too! Xx

  52. Yup, it's a jungle out there for sure. I think vintage jewelry dealers could possibly be even a more predatory sort.

    I recently uncovered a totally unbelievable vintage sewing machine misplaced and buried in the luggage section of the SA. You should have seen the vultures hovering and hoping I would put it down... I didn't!

    Awesome catsuit on you, my dear! Just right for your "too skinny" bod! Sheesh! Not only did the old gal ambush you and try to snag your dress, but she had the nerve to insult you personally! Must live under a rock or somethin'.

    Not long ago at a rummage sale, some old gal started cussing at me in a real nasty tone, and in Russian no less, because my bag was in her way. I replied loudly,"Excuse me?! WHAT did you say?" She walked away and I followed-up with a loud and cheerful, "You have a REAL nice day now, mam!"

    Yes, a jungle...... we have to growl sometimes. (He he!)


  53. I also would have fought for the dress, probably hit her over the head with my purse. Carry a big accessory that's what I say when thrifting. Love your outfit, especially the belt & bag!

  54. Love how you described that little bossy biotch. Nice score too. Like you say, it doesn't go with her geriatric cart anyway. Can't wait to see you in it after you take it in several sizes. What are you going to do with all those yards of extra fabric? Make two more dresses, a purse, and some curtains?

  55. My goodness, bastard jewellery and charming old bats... Well worth the show-down this marvellous dress. And scrawn will never look better than in that turquoise paisley maxi - wow! Your jumpsuit makes me crazy.

  56. Well done you, can't wait to see what you do to the dress and then see you,in it. Have fun at the car boot too

  57. Oh Vix, you should have tried to buy the prancing pony fleece from her! Wouldn't that be gorgeous? I often wish I could find such a stylish garment, but doesn't seem to turn up in my shopping haunts.

    Now the tartan shopping trolley I could use. Could you mug her when you next see her? She probably won't even remember you.

    Much love from a much quieter part of England,
    Rosemary from

  58. You showed her! It's true though. You have to be aggressive. Hot to trot.

  59. Too funny Vix! Love the emerald and black trim together and you're looking wonderful! x

  60. What an old tart, not you the old bat that was after your Frock. You need a Frock off stamp!!! Some people are just born rude, so glad you won the battle and I do like your paisley frock. Next time you get into a situation like the frock fight smile and ask if they have taken two nasty bitch pills that day!!

  61. You are such a loveable woman with nerves of steel - no wonder I adore you so much!! Bloody nerve of that woman - you certainly deserved to snaffle that gorgeous frock. Your jumpsuit was 99p????? Bloody hell and it's wonderful to see the spectacular leather coat from Lucy Nation - more please! Aren't the Squirrels darlings? What a glorious frock to send you and Gilbert will look very impressive with a pennant from near Antarctica:) xoxo

  62. Never mind the maxi, I'd kill for the pantsuit you're wearing...not to mention a body to fit into it, like yours does!!!

  63. It certainly sounds like you need some sharp elbows at these second hand sales!

  64. I especially like Sue's suggestion above for a 'frock off' stamp. I have a vague memory of my mum telling me when I was a child and we were heading off to a jumble sale, "watch out for the sharpened elbows." Some people seem to morph into rottweilers once they inhale a whiff of second hand. I so wish I'd witnessed this little exchange! So glad you stood your ground and responded to the fleecy prancing ponies with your own elegant flouncing.

  65. Eugh. Although I am a champion of the elderly - some of them can poke right off. Lets hope she finds herself with nothing to eat but toffee, having just run out of Dentegrip. Mwwwaaahaaaa haaa haaaaa! *to fade*

  66. You are a story-teller Vix. Wouldn't you love to hear her tale of it now?! hehe. And were you wearing your catsuit too while you were snatching the prize away? That alone should've been warning enough to stand 10 paces away. Can't wait to hear the next episode of car booting/jumble boxing.

  67. Fab story! I shall have to be on my mettle if the flea market is on when I come over!

    That green dress deserves a place at a vintage fair, not being styled with a white bobble hat and prancing horse fleece!

    On the other hand, the maxi from the Squirrels looks like a keeper.

    Love your catsuit and coat. The orange and blue combo has a bit of a New Mexico feel, perfect with your silver 'bastard' jewellery :) xxx

  68. I might've fought you for the dress since it was in my size... more likely I would've tried to charm or guilt trip you into giving it to me. Those are my usual tactics. You look wonderful - the leather jacket, Lucy bought you is just amazing - especially teamed with that orange!! wowzers!! can't wait to see you in the new dress either! xxxx

  69. I do believe you'll turn me into a maxi and pant suit wearing spinster. You make it look so easy to look that good.

    Glad fleece did not triumph.

  70. You made lol you gotta watch those old lady's!

  71. Wow, Bobble Biddy was a bit rude :o So glad you stood your ground.

    I always moon over your coats, and this one's no exception. So lovely, like you. I enjoy your packages, too. Can't wait to see that dress on!

  72. OOOOOOOoooo, that green dress is swoon-inducing!! Sooo glad you were able to put that old bat in her place and make off with it. Good luck at the Boot sale, hopefully you won't get into any tussles with rude pensioners!

  73. No way! Soon you'll need a walking stick to defend your finds... Good you held on to it - it's gorgeous! xo

  74. Haha, fab story and well done for nabbing the dress! You look lovely and I hope the fair is fun and successful this weekend xxx

  75. that catsuit is a stunner, i love that bright orange this reminds me of a tequila sunrise,,,oooh sweet memories;)

  76. Love the dress, but I can even love your stoy better: i can picture the whole thing happening, hehehhehee.
    Have a WONDERFUL weekend.
    We are ove 22Âșc in the shade here today.
    Sending you sunshine.

  77. I'd say that dress was worth the battle. now, lets hope the pensioner doesn't scope it out in your store!

  78. Sounds like the argybargy you get in Tesco when they knock down prices with yellow stickers, ha ha. Love your clothes.

  79. I couldn't cope with people like that pensioner, I am one of those sensitive types who would get all wibbly!

  80. Love your vintage pieces! Your blog is badass!
    Your new follwer
    Nestled in Nostalgia

  81. Ow gosh, the old lady's overhere are the same. :D They pull the stuff almost out of your hands if they can. I think that dress will look very good on you.
    Loving that cat-suit! You have such a great body for those clothes.

  82. What a fab jacket! I love it with the orange :)


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix