Thursday, 28 June 2012

Hot Pants & Car Booty

Be afraid, be very afraid. These hot pants were so easy to make that if the appalling weather continues to hinder our car booting fun I'll be whipping up a lot more pairs in any insane fabric I can lay my hands on.

1970s tooled leather shoulder bag (£3.95, British Heart Foundation)
I'm entering Ceri's Ethical Fashion Bloggers competition. No corporations with questionable ethics and were supported in the creating of my outfit. Sue Ryder, Scope, The British Heart Foundation and the PDSA benefited from the purchase of each garment and I can verify that the only sweatshop conditions endured were by me slaving over these hot pants over a sewing machine (using a pattern purchased from the Salvation Army by Tamera). 

Barry M Cyan nail paint, big shell bangle (courtesy of  Lakota), Starburst ring (from Heather), turquoise daisy ring (Sarah Misfit), everything else second hand.
Wood and brass tribal choker from Orissan hill tribe, India
Lurex hot pants for car booting? Why ever not? It seems to make some of the stallholders a little more receptive to a bit of cheeky haggling besides many of the other booters are traveller girls and believe me, my clothes are pretty tame by comparison.

Handmade shorts worn with a denim halter top (50p, Sue Ryder), 1970s Dolcis platforms (£4.99, PDSA), Crochet skull cap (£1.95, Scope)
Sellers were sparse at this morning's car boot sale, the sky was so dark that the nearby motorway lights glowed like it was midnight and the forked lightning was a tad worrying to someone who wears as much jewellery as I do. The mother of all rainstorms hit the second we got back in Gilbert and the country lanes on the drive back resembled rivers. 

As always Jon managed to snaffle some useful vintage VW bits and I bought just three things; a swirly chartreuse and fake fur trim wrap top (50p), super-comfy Hush Puppies stack heeled boots (£2) and a 1970s Spartan "Nite" suitcase complete with key (£2)

Who cares if the pickings are slim when there's a parcel of joy awaiting your return home? My lovely mate Liz sent this gorgeous retro Kittiwake bikini, a killer 1970s dressmaking pattern, a groovy Tootal tie to add to Jon's collection, a beautiful hand made (?) card, some Foxglove seeds...

a sparkly Indian bangle, a Barry M nail paint I haven't got and this amazing hair clip made by her own fair hands. Spoilt again and I love it!

Hot Pants made using 1969 Jiffy pattern (from Tamera) and vintage lurex fabric (Miss Magpie)
Off to check if there's enough cold beer in the fridge for the football later.
See you soon.

PS Check out Krista in her Vix-made hot pants, wow, just wow! 


  1. Those hot pants are incredible Vix. As for the weather, eh!!

    Its been horrid all day. Think its forgotten that its meant to be summer.

    X x

  2. Am I first to comment? Prize! Those pants and you are hot hot hot. Not so sure about the easy part. Xo!

  3. Will be doing the same this evening. Definitely need a cool beer.
    Love the fabric of those shorts, and that handmade flower hair clip is gorgeous, lucky you!

  4. Sod the weather you look great in those hot pants. You'd totally need them over here today - we have a heat warning!

  5. I love the hotpants and long boots look.
    O my goodness the daisy ring is gorgeous as is the beautiful handmade flower clip!

  6. Bad weather or not, hotpants are always a viable option for everyday wear in my opinion. Well, if you have a figure like yours anyway! I love the Hush Puppie boots. I can just see them with colourful tights and a mini skirt in winter x

  7. This fabric is delicious for hot pants, holy hot mama, you look like summer I can hardly imagine the rain you describe when I see you looking so summery. What do you mean by traveller girls? What do they dress like, I'm curious :)

    That bikini Liz sent you is killer I can't wait to see you rock that. I wish I could go to a festival with you bikini's, boots and booze!!!!!

    That necklace is killer and I so love all your chunky jewels. I would give you such a deal in those shorts :) I love the red suitcase you snagged. Here's to beer and football (soccer :) I think I might be around on Sunday so maybe we can have a chat. I'll know more tomorrow.

  8. I love that so many of the bloggers I follow sew! I'm the costume shop supervisor for the Theatre and Dance program at a mid-size university. We just got done opening a musical set in 1953 and make 17 dresses using vintage patterns! That's what I call fun. You look like the coolest woman around, as usual

  9. Fab hot pants. I've missed the bad weather here, its been gorgeous and sunny all day.


  10. Your new hotpants are stunning, please tell us how the other girls were dressed..I'm very curious now, you should make a fashion reportage on them!! Anyway I'm sure that you were the most beautiful! I love the new boots, I'm not very lucky with second hands shoes, my feet are quite big and my size is not very common here, especially in the past..too bad for me! I adore the vintage bikini Liz's sent to you, I hope to find a similar one for this summer!
    Lots of love xxxxxx

  11. Love the fur collared wrap really lovely and can just see you in that.

    Well you rock those hot pants so well it would be a shame to waste them!

    P x

  12. The hot pants look great in that fabric and with the denim waistcoat, but quite sedate compared to traveller girl clothes!

  13. the shorts are amazing! i can't believe you made them. xo

  14. Girl!!!! I love the hot pants and those treasures are great, especially the boots! Another parcel, how exciting! It all looks divine xxxx

  15. AWESOMENESS!!! The lurex fabric and the vintage pattern came together in MAGIC!!!
    LOL on the traveller girls--I've watched the Big Fat Gypsy show and I must!
    The American Gypsy show was filmed locally (to me) I had NO IDEA we had a bunch of Romanchil Gypsy's living in the area!
    You certainly got nice package of goodies!!
    Have a great day

  16. Both the shorts you've made are just heavenly. Love your taste in fabrics. I enjoyed your bling photos in this post. I just sat and stared. I've been working on my accessories and have an entire dresser drawer dedicated to bracelets. ;) I could use more!

  17. Oh man,. Vix, you are amazing in those shorts! LOOK AT YOU!
    Sorry for shouting, but you are one hot chickie! The shorts are beautiful, and with that denim halter, fabulous choker, killer boots (not to mention the killer pins) and all your wonderful jewellery, you must have been a real sight for sore eyes at the car boot!
    Love those stack heel boots, and the print on that wrap top is fabulous.
    Great goodies from Liz, she's a treasure.
    Off to perv over Krista now too! xxxx

  18. You look fab and what lovely gifts!

  19. what a great parcel. I LOVE the hotpants!

    just about to send ya an email!

  20. Hi Vix!

    Where to i begin i love everything! - i am madly in love with those hotpants, the fabric is fantastic - love the color of your nail polish and the necklace superbe ma chĆØre!

    I bought hotpants at H&M on sale of course, i wonder if i could wear them...not as confident as you..

    Take care lovely and will go see Krista!

    Ariane xxxx

  21. Hi my dear!! wowser, the hot pants look fabulous and I really adore your tribal choker too-such a gorgeous look yet again! xxx

  22. Fantabulous hotpants fabric for sure. I also love the little red case. Its dreadful weather here :( I wish the sun would come back again.

  23. Love the material you made the shorts with. The red suitcase is a beauty too! XO.

  24. What makes you so wonderful, Vix, is not that you could make hot pants (although that is an amazing feat in itself!) but that you made them from this awesome lurex fabric!! True artistry. I also loved your beautiful writing describing the storm. The image your created was so vivid I could almost feel your jewellery sparking with electricity.

  25. You are the HOT-PANTS QUEEN!! Honestly, I've never known anyone over the age of 20 that can rock hot pants like you, and these are particularly luscious! I love how you've balanced the glizy glam fabric with denim. That is also one kick ass necklace. I need to send you some $$ the next time you travel to India and ask you to get me one.

  26. I love you're blog, I follo u, hope you follow back :)

    A lot of kisses.

  27. aahhh you look gorgeous love the hotpants and with the denim and the boots you look amazing. I adore the mint green and the chocolate brown stunning combo. My parents said they had the storms of all nightmare storms this morning in Shropshire. Sadly someone was killed. Enjoy your beer ;-))And i love the red suitcase, dee xxx

  28. love your hotpants!, you rock them looking so fabulous!
    And I'm admiring that boots you've purchased, so pretty!
    So sorry about bad weather, I would love to send you some spare hot!, we're having an awful heat wave!!

  29. Those hot pants on you are aptly named(on me they would be called tepid pants). I suspect the stallholders are responding to your warm personality as much as those hot pants. LOVE them and your finds - esp that travel case.

  30. You look hot in those shorts Vix, love them!

  31. Omg that necklace is fab!!! Perhaps next time you go out in a strom you should rubber soled boots for safety? Lol. You really are the queen of running fabulous things up in small amounts of time, I love the shorts, they're great! You do have the pins for them though. Xx

  32. These looks fab on. Hope you're enjoying beer and the footie. I'm tuned in (half watching) with a glass of rose. Have a great weekend Vix! xx

  33. Is the fabric you've made your shirts from, green or turquoise? Either way they are hot. Car booting and it's perils huh? Things we do for a bargain. The weather has been bad here all week, the reports say or fine for the weekend....I really hope so because I want to get stuff sold, and have a poke around in others stuff of course.

    And you are HOT, Hot , Hot in that outfit, my dear Vix

  35. Simply love your outfit today, Vix xx

  36. Thankgoodness for your great friends and magic mailbox. The shorts are super cute love them. I think that for that sort of simple piece it lends well to the craziest fabric you can find ~Enjoy your new treasures ~Love Heather

  37. OMG I WANT those shorts! Well I don't really do shorts - and not nearly as fab as you do - but I want that fabric, so fantastic! Loved the chartreuse swirly jacket too. As always, you find the best stuff! XXX Suzanne

  38. You look amazing, the fabric is stunning as well. Boo to the crazy weather - it hasn't been able to decide between a thunderstorm and bright sunshine, then grey and muggy here today! Glad you like the parcel x

  39. You are so so clever! Love your shorts! The chartreuse wrap is pretty too!

  40. Smoking hot! Do please feel free to send those awesome boots in my direction...... ;-P

  41. That was the perfect outfit to be out and about today, it was so muggy it was unbelievable. Even more unbelievable was the way it started chucking down at one point, it was like I was back in Florida under a tropical thunderstorm (I wish lol).
    The lurex shorts are to die for, you look hawt, lady!

  42. Love the hotpants (you got skills girl), the bangles and the necklace *swoon* x

  43. Holy Hotpants!! I went and checked out Krista! Isn't she just wow! :D

  44. I love those amazing boots £2.00. How is that POssible?

  45. that necklace is hot!

    can you send me your address again ... i'm finally sending you a skirt i've been meaning to send for months.


  46. Those hotpants are amazing! I would rock a dress in that stuff.

  47. Wondrous hot pants! I can just see what the traveller lasses wear. We once went to a travellers horse fair years ago....blimey!!
    Love those boots too.
    Stay dry won't you...the weather has gone nuts again.

  48. Ok so you're gonna almost have to start making ME stuff at this rate, right?! And who knew that Hush Puppies made boots?? Ima gonna be on the lookout from now on.xx.

  49. Great shorts! I would totally wear something that cool to a boot sale, outshine the other shoppers (but not actual shorts, I don't 'do' shorts, one of my few rules- I have minging legs).

    Being of obviously celtic blood, I have been approached several times by a strange man at my local bootsale who fetishises Irish women and clearly goes there to ogle and chat them up! Thankfully my charming Norf Lahndan accent pleases him not, and he creeps off to risk a pasting from the dads of the Irish Traveller girls at the old iron/tools stand. Creepy.

  50. Damn it! Those are the kinds of boots I'm looking for, I saw some on ebay for £35 but didn't get them. I love the top too. You always pick up great stuff, even during a thunderstorm!. I love the shorts too! You look gorgeous!

  51. Hot pant HEAVEN!!

    I never slob it to go to carboots. I know alot of people swear by it - on account of stall holders bumping up the price - but I find the opposite. I have got many a fab bargain based on how I dress and the stall holder wanting something to "go to a good home". For 20p. Don't mind if I do!

  52. Love it all! My fav has to be the little suitcase - gorgeous x

  53. Hot diggety dog, lookin good in those hot pants Vix! Can't believe you made them, (well yes I can actually as your prowess with the Singer is legendary)and they fit SO well. Great score with those comfy looking boots too. x

  54. i have got to get me some lurex hot pants. larry would die!

    you are simply amazing!


    now i'm off to see krista.

  55. These hot pants are amazeballs, Vix. You should open up your own shop or repurposed vintage goodies. I'd be happy to shop there and create some art for its walls.

    Also next time you go to a jumble or boot sale why not take some pixxx and post 'em? I'd love to see what the traveller girls wear. Right now my only reference is stupid reality shows because well... you don't see the traveller sort so much in NYC, which is funny since you'll see just about everything else.

  56. Love the whole outfit you look gorgeous x

  57. Oh, the choker is marvelous! I did see Krista's hot pants--both yours and hers are a great fit.

  58. Hi Vix

    the boots you are wearing with the shorts and the shorts, are so lush. are they vintage?

  59. Ay!!Your just too hot for us amor!
    Tribal choker is stunning, I bet you stopped traffic.
    Love the lurex hot pants so much. I need some putona shorts in my life.
    Gonna go check out Krista's hot pants!
    Luv Ya

  60. Bloody hell - you're AMAZING, amor! The shorts are KILLER! The chartreuse/faux fur top is gorgeous - can't wait to see you in it! I love all of your accessories, of course, and what a magnificent parcel! Love you more than chartreuse! Sarah xxx

  61. Bloody hell - you're AMAZING, amor! The shorts are KILLER! The chartreuse/faux fur top is gorgeous - can't wait to see you in it! I love all of your accessories, of course, and what a magnificent parcel! Love you more than chartreuse! Sarah xxx

  62. Lovin those hot pants!! *Wowza* All eyes will be on you when you are out on the town in those.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix