Wednesday 16 May 2012

She's In Fashion

According to the Guardian I'm officially "on-trend" with my leather skirt. Mind you at £1.06 mine probably cost considerably less than the Whistles one modelled by fashion editor, Jess Cartner-Morley.

This West German-made 1970s maxi proved to be a festival essential last summer. Being leather it was ideal for sitting on damp grass, keeping my legs dry during showers and easily wiped clean when I invariably spilt  pear cider down myself.

I looked at the hideous blind on the stairs in despair today. Jon rescued it from a mate's bin a couple of years ago, mending it with garden twine as the string had snapped. It may stop the draughts but it's pretty uninspiring to look at.

In a fit of uncharacteristic domesticity I remade it using a piece of 1960's Scandinavian "Rio Design" linen  I've had in my fabric stash for at least ten years. I restrung it using some vintage orange crochet yarn, trimming it with a hand-made tassel. 

Much groovier, eh?

Red leather maxi (£1.06, eBay), denim waistcoat (you know it well), Tods' python boots (£7, car boot sale), 1960s patchwork bag (40p, jumble sale), Hair feathers (courtesy of the fabulous Ariane)

Tomorrow it will be two years to the day since Mum died and I'm marking it with a day of things she'd have loved, hanging out with a girlfriend, charity shopping, daytime drinking and (no doubt) fending off randy old pensioners in Wetherspoons. 

Cheers, Mum!

Please check out the beautiful Jean at Dross into Gold's blog, she's done an ode to me today!


  1. I'll be thinking of you, raising a glass to your mum, have a great day - Love Froogs xxxx (p.s I love that blind!)

  2. Your skirt is gorgeous! I seriously love what you've done to the blind, your welcome round mine to give the place a spruce up anytime ;) XO.

  3. I love your outfit and as you know I love that denim jacket x

  4. Love the skirt, love the blind, love how you're commemorating your mum tomorrow. It's so nice to have you back, even though I'm sure you wanted to stay in Goa for longer xx

  5. Beautiful maxi! So jealous.... Sorry to hear about your mother, but at least you're gonna do those things :)

    xx Jacqueline

  6. it's a wonderful leather skirt, so pretty embroidered details and love its color!, and actually I've never thought it was so comfy for a festival, but now I'm persuaded by your arguments!
    besos & enjoy your day!

  7. I love your skirt! gorgeous. And I love what you've done with the blind too! xx

  8. Well done on the new blinds, they look fab - much more 'you'! I wanted to tell you ages ago, I do the same with Mr D and Polly Pigeon as you do with Jon and Elsa - 'come and look at Vix's cat, LOOOOK!' Big hug to you for tomorrow xxx

  9. You look like a lovely Native American princess of old in your groovy togs. Here's raising a glass to your Mum. xo

  10. Gorgeous pics! Loving the window covering! I wish I was crafty enough to do more diy projects.

  11. That skirt is so unusual, it works because of the colour, I think.

    Brilliant window transformation, makes all the difference to add pattern.

    Your mum would undoubtedly be over the moon to see you living your life how you want, and giving others so much joy with your generosity of spirit, positivity, and sense of fun.

    I'll raise my morning cuppa to you both.

    Lucy x

  12. You are always in fashion, Vix :-) Timeless elegance...
    Clever you with the revamped blind!
    Thoughts are with you for tomorrow...

  13. The skirt is such a treasure, and i love the DIY blinds, of course!

    I didn't realize you'd lost your mom around this time. Her picture is precious and I know she's with you every day.

    Thank you for mentioning my post. You truly are one of my icons.

    Love, Jean

  14. FANTASTIC skirt Vix and what a sensational bargain at £1 and sixpence. I've never been to a festival but I've sure spilt a lot of cider down myself over the years and can quite see the usefulness of this skirt. Wish I was so handy with the Singer as you are, your new blind is brilliant and great way to use the fabric. Lovely photo of your mum. I will raise a glass tomorrow, to my mum too as it will be exactly a year since her funeral. xxx

  15. You are always on-trend! Blimey, I can't believe it's two years since your mum died, she looks lovely in that old photo - I'm sure she was very proud of you x

  16. thats one incredible skirt AND a bargain too.

  17. I'm sorry Vix, I hadn't realised the loss of your beautiful mum was so recent, it must still be raw.

    I used to wear wipe clean trousers so often at university I was nicknamed 'PVC'. That sounds dodgy doesn't it? Great skirt and the waistcoat is famous for a reason! x

  18. Fab blind. It makes such a difference. Have a lovely day tomorrow - I'll be thinking of you xx

  19. Even when you've wore your clothes before, they always look fresh and when we see them again. That's a fabulous skirt though, I've never seen anything like it. I'll have to dig my leather skirt out. Xx

  20. Also, will be thinking of you tomorrow xx

  21. I love your skirt ... looks fab.
    Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow - your mom will be smiling down on her gorgeous girl. M x

  22. I love seeing photos of your mom. She was gorgeous. You were lucky to inherit her genes. ;)

    I love your skirt. As far as I'm concerned, your style is always in fashion!!

  23. Enjoy your day tomorrow Vix :)

  24. Hi Vix!

    Love the feather hairpiece in your hair, looks much better on you, it is meant for long hair.
    Your leather skirt is gorgeous, never seen one like that.
    I had a blind like yours, it is gone! So uggly!
    What you did is much better!

    Take care my Brit friend


  25. Wow Vix what an amazing skirt!!! I love that it is great for festivals, and I bet you get numerous envious stares when you wear that gorgeous thing!! New curtain looks fab.

  26. The shade is SO much groovier. Excellent job!
    The feathers in your hair are so sexy and suit you.
    Have a wonderfully insightful time reminiscing your mother. She will be think of you at the same time. I know it.

  27. desde Colombia le mando un abrazo de amor para acompaƱarla en este dƭa de la muerte de su madre, la sigo y admiro su estilo y belleza. Me da alegrƭa ver su blog, ojalƔ entienda mi espaƱol.

  28. I will be thinking about you and your mum tomorrow; have a day that would do her proud! We are so lucky to have had such awesome mothers. When I get too sad about missing mine, I remind myself that not everyone is lucky enough to have had one so wonderful. I am so glad that you did!

    Love your new window shade; quite creative of you! And your leather skirt is stunning! You are such an inspiration, your style and love of life make me smile every day.

    xo, A.

  29. What a sweet picture you have of your Mum! Cheers to your Mum from Me too!! Sounds like a great way to spend the day enjoying all the things she enjoyed and celebrating life ~That skirt is amazing, your blind came out really nice I like it much better than the plain white...and I am so not surprised at all your in Fashion...they should just take there cues from you anyways you have the most amazing sense of style xx Love Heather

  30. Anniversaries are difficult, and sounds like you have the perfect day planned to celebrate and honor your Mum. I just read and loved Jean's fabulous Ode to Vix! And the leather skirt with its intricate design is gorgeous.

  31. Just love the last photo, you have your mums smile :D
    You could have joined my UFO challenge, cos you're ahead of the game with your new blind! Very cool! And as always a vision of loveliness! Awesome skirt!

  32. Amazing skirt! I love what you have done with the blind it's much prettier to look at. Thinking of you tomorrow, enjoy your day celebrating your mums life. xx

  33. OoOHH That skirt is remarkable, it demands attention!
    It sounds as though your Mom liked all the best things. You make sure to do her proud in your charity shopping & day time drinking. =)

  34. Well,fancy that!
    I would say that you set the damned trends,doll.Fashion schmashion!!!
    It really is an amzing skirt!!!
    Love the blind,I did exactly the same thing several years ago to our kitchen/back door blind! Doesn't take too much effort to go from drab to fab,aye?!
    I'm totally in the mood for sewing,just wish I had more time!!!
    O,my,2 years?!Bloody HELL.Go you,none of this sitting about wailing crap,you're gonna see that gorgeous Mama of yours anniversary off in STYLE!
    Love it,love YOU!
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx
    Love Helga

  35. Go your Mum, so sad she's not still around :(
    I love that you celebrate her life in such a way.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

  36. I saw Jean's Ode to you! She came remarkable close. I love all the piping on the leather skirt. I've been buying up lots of leather skirts lately--for DH to use on his rebuilt pedal organs. Sounds like you'll use this anniversary well. Wish that my mother had enjoyed thrifting.

  37. Beautiful skirt. Hope you have a lovely day today.

  38. Amazing skirt. I dont know how you get things at such low prices (pre- recession?). Mind you, I am a plus size and that makes the prices rocket).
    I hope you have a lovely day and that you feel close and comforted.

  39. That skirt is really unusual and what a bargain - you're ahead of the fashion pack again! Have a lovely day in memory of your mum, will be thinking of you x

  40. Am not a big fan of leather but I can see its advantages now. The blind is lovely, much more you:) I hope that tomorrow goes well. Have a lovely day out while thinking of your mum xx

  41. The skirt is amazing and I'm not surprised that it was made in Germany, I found lots of amazing '70 funky clothes from there, they were so stylish!!
    I've read Jean's ode to you, it's lovely!

    No word can't describe the feelings for your loss, I hope you'll have a great day in your mother's memory, a big hug

  42. I always get unsettled if something I am wearing becomes fashionable!

    That's a lovely photo of your mum .. thinking of you xxx

  43. Thinking of you today Vix, Mum would have been so proud.

    I love what you've done with the blind and it just shows it's worth stashing fabric away, because you never know when it might come in useful for a project xxx

  44. The blind is a great improvement! And what a lovely way to celebrate your mum - much better to be doing something she loved than feeling sad on the day! I hope you find some bargains she'd be proud of x

  45. ooh am loving that blind Vix! Also love that waistcoat... still! ;P

    thinking of you today! x

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Such a beautiful skirt! I love the blind, I love it when I get suddenly inspired to created and make something instantly, I wish it happened more often.

  48. Your day sounds fantastic, i'm sure your mum will be with you in spirit!

  49. I love your new window treatment, it's so much more you now!
    I will send some thoughts your way today, hugs.
    Kandi xx

  50. Oh amor, you are so beautiful in that leather skirt - how stunning and what a wonderful bargain it was! Your window looks MUCH more YOU now - you're so frickin clever!

    After my hissy fit with the stuck-in-reverse sewing machine I packed away all of my fabric donations... I must drag them out and actually make those patchwork curtains - even if I have to sew them by hand!

    I'll think of your lovely Mum tomorrow, pick a rose and wear her beautiful mood ring in her memory.

    Love you more than festivals and flowers! Sarah xxx

  51. i hope you have a special day! i am sure it will be full of love and rememberance.

  52. That skirt is wonderful Vix, and with the trusty waistcoat it's perfect.
    Love the hair also.

  53. I got hold of internet today soI can visit you, my beautiful friend.
    People like you are always on trend.
    My love to you in this special day missing your mother. Enjoy the day on her name sounds brilliant.

  54. Aww amor I will say a prayer for you Mamita.
    I adorar your German-made 1970s maxi skirt. such beautiful embroidery.
    love them pretty feathers on your long lovely locks.
    You and Jon did a great job on the blinds. A lot better with some coolness and groovyness.You two are magic.

  55. Vix this leather maxi is possibly the most killer thing in your closet. I love it and have never seen anything so utterly jaw dropping! The remade curtain is so much more you I love the print on it and with the sun shining through it's quite peaceful!
    You look so beautiful sweetie in that last photo with you eyes cast down almost as if you are lost in thoughts about your Mum. Cheers indeed and such a happy picture you have posted of her. She's your angel now looking out for you and loving the person you are no doubt. You have chosen a great way to celebrate her life!

  56. Great way to mark your mum's anniversary, Vix - hope you have a fun day and pick up lots of bargains that she would have loved! x

  57. Love your new blind - looks much better than the other one and more "you". Thoughts with you about your mum - she would be proud of all your super thrifting for sure :) x

  58. I don't know much about fashion, though I glance through the Guardian/Observer style pages like you, and smile at the prices and the what's in/what's out pronouncements!
    You look far better than Jess C-M in your red leather skirt, I must say, and with its additional leg-warming wipe-clean properties (AND the amazing price) it's a winner!
    Good job with the blind.
    That is such a delightful photo of your lovely mum, I can't believe it's been 2 years. Hope your day-in-memory to her was delightful, and that you didn't have any unsuitable encounters with frisky pensioners! xxxxxxx

  59. What a piece (and so much more exciting than an expensive new one. Really, the Guardian should employ YOU)! I love the 'Made in West Germany' labels because it makes me feel like I'm wearing a piece of history... Hope you are having a good Mum-Memory-Day, Vix. xoxo

  60. Oh Vix! The greatest skirt ever!
    Cheers to you and your Mom :)
    Love always

  61. The blind is vastly improved, nice work. Don't remember seeing that wee pond in your garden before - it's so pretty. Can't believe that's 2 years since your Mum passed away. I'm going to Wetherspoons for lunch tomorrow (can't beat the burger & glass for vino for a fiver deal) so will raise a glass. Much love. xx

  62. Your Mum would think you look splendid I'm sure! Cheers to ya both and have a super duper day indeed

  63. That leather skirt is incredible. Perfect for you. I love the blind re-style as well - I'm going to have to file that idea away for redecorating our new house.

    Cheers to you & your lovely Mum. I hope you have a great day.

  64. Oh that blind is magnificent! My job today is to construct some curtains for Freda's first trip out this weekend.

    Thoughts with you and your lovely Mum, her pretty crochet shawl I have will be keeping me warm by the sea in Devon weekend x

  65. Your skirt is amazing it looks great,loving the blind :)

  66. utterly fab blind....hope your day went well sure your mum was joining in!!x

  67. I hope you had a lovely day. The years go by so quickly. I lost my dad when I was 9. I'm 22 now and the years have gone by like a blink of an eye. x x x

  68. I imagine your mama to be a most incredible sort- fierce in her own way, lover of the things she loved, and with a flair for expression. And a beauty- as she made you. I'd like to thank your mum for making you the deliriously wonderful person you are, on trend is giving inspiration to people across the world by being genuinely yourself. I raise my coffee mug to you and your mom today.

    PS: shade is so wickedly charming, as is that "on trend" leather maxi. Your style however is timeless. Or should I say: right on time.

  69. Love you, Vix. I've missed you. They've cut us off from the internet here at work.

    I lived in Wolverhampton with my Aunt and Uncle in 1984. Jesus, I'm old. Love you much!


  70. you're fun, confident and creative-that's ALWAYS on trend!!

  71. Love the skirt and that vest is my FAV! :)

    ∞ © ∞

  72. I know I'm arriving late (still trying to catch up with all the unread posts), but just to send you a hug. It's never easy and one learns to live without our loved ones, but life is never the same.


  73. Here's to your beautiful mum. You do her proud, Vix xxxxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix