Friday 23 December 2011

Hippy Christmas - The Alternative Way

We may be home for Christmas but it doesn't mean we have to go down the conventional route of crippling ourselves in debt, piling on the pounds, buggering up the environment and have the waste bin overflowing by Boxing Day.

A new outfit? Why? I've a wardrobe full of fabulous second-hand frocks bought for peanuts throughout the year. I overhear women rejecting fancy dresses in charity shops moaning that they'll never go anywhere to wear them. As my late Grandma used to say, buy it and when the occasion eventually arrives you'll be ready for anything. 

The house is decorated with hand-made and home grown things. The stocking is filled with the cats' presents (balls, felt mice and treats).

The "paper" chain is made from vintage fabric scraps, stiffened, glued and tied with ribbon. It'll be festooning Gilbert, our VW camper van, come the festival season. Fab tutorial, here.

I've used holly, laurel and ivy from our garden to add some festive cheer and pinned some vintage lurex braid  (bought from a jumble sale back in the summer) to the fireplace for added sparkle. The peacocks usually roost on my chandeliers but they fancied a yuletide change of scenery.

The Trechnikoff ladies are feeling festive.

Pine cones from the trees in the garden.

The tiny home grown tree decorated with handmade crimplene decorations, salvaged sequins, wool, braid and burlap and topped with the rock fairy Emma made for me.

Some people think we'd odd preferring a single, well-chosen, second-hand gift bought with love rather than a multitude of over-blown, expensive gestures. Jon's fair-trade Komodo jacket retails at well over £100 but I snapped it up from a charity shop for less than a tenth of the price. It's going to be perfect for walking to the pub or chilly festival nights.

Extra food? There's no need. We've booked a table at the Indian restaurant for Xmas lunch and we've already got good cheese and crackers in the larder. All we've bought are fresh olives and a couple of bottles of wine. There's always a shop open in multi-cultural Walsall so there's no need to panic and buy more than we need. I don't feel the need to consume more calories just because we're constantly bombarded with supermarket adverts on the TV and besides I'm hoping to be on the beach soon so I don't want to be harpooned .

1960s Jean Varon maxi dress (£4.95, Acorns Hospice) worn with a heap of second-hand costume jewellery

Have yourselves a fabulous time and see you on the other side.


  1. Have a fabulous time Vix. I love to see people enjoying their Christmas exactly the way they want it :)

  2. Happy Christmas, I'm in love with your row of Tretchikoff ladies...

  3. How I use to love making paper chains for school parties when I was little - really wish i'd of made some this year!

    Merry Christmas! xx

  4. Happy Christmas! glad I found your blog..its one of my favourites !!


  5. Wonderful christmas deco and fabulous gown, as the free spirit queen of beauty you are.
    We are in Málaga, so the weather is crazy warm, t-shirt like, and we are just having normal food, plenty beers and enjoying each others warmth.

  6. I totally agree about the gifts - shame I can't get the idea through to my family!

    Happy Christmas my dear, have a lovely time x

  7. You KNOW how much I adore your style! (You may not think I'm as "odd" as you, but I AM! Just not as gorgeous! And w/o the incredible wardrobe that you wear with such style!) That dress is so festive - and the jewelry fabulous.

    Enjoy the season; remember the Reason :)

    I have a couple of amber colored bottles with stoppers similar to those green ones on your mantel...and I love the portrait hanging over it!

  8. It all looks wonderful!! I love your fabric chain, and am going to keep that idea tucked away.
    Don't you wonder how Christmas got to be this way? After all, the first one was pretty simple , right?(Well, kings gifts aside.)
    Yours sounds divine!!

  9. Happy Christmas - see you in 2012 (oo-errr that crept up quick like!)- it will be nice to get back to normal - it's like 28 Days out there - but without the zombie make up ...

  10. Love your decorations :) I have spent the past few days ferreting in Charity shops. Lots of gifts people will appreciate :) I did buy a few new ones, but feel quite please to have supported many charities and bought lots of new and nearly new gifts from them. Happy Christmas lovely xx

  11. I love your hippy Christmas, Vix - all the decorations, your approach to gifts, the food and booze arrangements - it's all perfectly YOU, uninfluenced by the crazy pressures from adverts or mad consumerism.
    And you look wonderfully festive in your Jean Varon - such fabulous vintage designer chic for a fraction of high street prices.
    As ever, you are beautiful AND wise!
    Have yourselves a merry little Christmas, my lovely friend. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. I love the added sparkle of the lights across the paintings, and I bet the foliage displays smell good. I never get round to using "real" stuff, even though I eye up holly bushes for subtle branch-nicking.

    I'm keeping fairly chilled about any food prep, and whatever I throw together on "the day" will turn out ok - its got to be a mix of traditional and non-trad to keep both boys happy (??. Can't believe you don't seem to eat mince pies or cake though - just curry, and cheese and crackers??

    Merry Christmas to you, Jon and your dad - and hope you get to that beach soon! xx

  13. Hippy Christmas - don't mess with that rock fairy, she looks like she means business! Have fun & enjoy your curry.

  14. I love the chill vibe you always have Vix. Your house looks warm cozy and super inviting, I love all the small touches. Your maxi dress is festive in a off the wall kinda way and I love that. That second to the last picture of you is incredible, you are almost glowing, maybe you are thinking about that beach you'll be on soon enough.
    I'm gonna try and call you later, I'll send ya an email.
    Tons of Christmas love~

  15. Happy, merry christmas to you, Vix;-)
    Must call round to peek at your paintings. xx

  16. Merry Christmas!! Peace, Love and Hairgrease!

    Thanks for sharing your festive house! It looks perfect.

  17. You're so smart to keep the grocheries to a minimum. It's hard to overeat when it's not available.

    Your place looks amazing!

    If you have time.... my latest posting is a reader who is seeking fashion advice on her thrifted outfit. I would LOVE it if you could stop by and offer your words of style and wisdom (any of your readers are welcomed too!).

    Thank you and happy holidays!

  18. Well said Vix as per usual! You are an inspiration. I love Komodo; I have a super pair of sandals made out of recycled jeans, hemp and old car tyre soles that have lasted for years and are well loved. WIshing you a great Christmas xxx

  19. Well I don't know what I love most. The fabric chains are wonderful. Totally agree with you - too much waste, debt tends to come of Christmas, although I think most people are being more thoughtful this year. Have a fabulous time xxxxxxxx

  20. You are totally,rockingly,fabulously stunning in that frock and quite right about the silly season!There's far too many lemmings around for comfort!
    We've got some Christmas Lillies that a fellow at work gave us,that's it for decos.I'd have some fairy lights up,but we took them down when we packed up the house.
    Yep,why not buy second hand pressies,if you must?It's not like they have secondhand written all over them,if a peep is squeamish,for goodness sake.Or make them.Easy peasy.
    We're having lunch with G's mama and probably having rather a lot of alcohol.Yay!
    Currently enjoying sunshine and few more shakes with a kitteh on hte bed.Lovely.
    Love YOU,you're my dream xmas fairy!
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  21. Your home looks do you!! I love how you decorated and I think your ideas on how to spend the holiday are really Great!! and I am so glad you shared ...We had Mexican food last year from a little local restaurant near our house in Cali...this maybe we will join you and do Indian as well ~Merry Christmas Love Heather

  22. Merry Christmas dear Vix, I wish you all the best!:))

  23. Totally agree. Our homemade decs are my favourite things at Xmas (even my plastic bag wreath!). Have a good one. Xx

  24. I adore your paper chain! I love your outfit, as always!

    And, I love your Xmas tree, so gorgeous!

    Merry xmas!

  25. Well said. Have a fab one and here's to 2012!xxxxxx

  26. I'm cooking exactly the same dinner I'd make on a Sunday at home, with fancier stuffing.
    I bought some good quality toys from the indoor market, the man on the stall is lovely. I spent £25 on each of the little ones, that's it. Other people have bought them so much it'll take all day to open their presents. I got a new mug for Rob, his is broken. My decorations are home-made, charity or hand-me-down. I'll wear my £2 glittery granny jumper.
    Wine comes courtesy of my father's work hamper.
    I'm telling you all this because I don't want people thinking kids hike the price and drama up at Christmas to frenzied levels.
    We will have a lovely day, you and I. We will look great. It's what we do!
    Have a wonderful weekend, look forward to seeing you on the other side!

    Lucy x

  27. Ahh Vix, I knew your Christmas decorations would be utterly fabulous and unique, your house looks amazingly festive! Have a great xmas xxx

  28. I agree with pretty much everything you said in the post, in fact Rich and I aren't even buying presents - spending the day together is all the present we need.

    Although we aren't having Indian Food - instead Portuguese Chicken.

    I am trying to lose weight at the moment, last thing I need is a calorie laden day!!

    Also I LOVE the pattern of this skirt - so pretty and it goes perfect with the sequins. I REALLY need more sequins in my life, maybe I will make something sequin orientated for NYE.

    Have a great time having a simple, hippy Christmas xoxo

  29. Have a fabulous time, Vix - and enjoy your curry lunch - wish I was coming too! xx

  30. Darling Vix, what a fabulous philosophy your grandma had! I love the sound of your Christmas, and I hope it's a fabulous one. Xx

  31. this is such a refreshing post Vix, I adore your attitude and it sounds like Christmas will be fabulous. I seriously hope I can restrain myself when it comes to overeating...Money stressed me more than it should have this festive season and I've taken a big step back, not what the holiday should be about at all!
    Love your decorations, making paper garlands was my favourite when I was little..I love the idea of making them from material.
    Have a lovely holiday xox

  32. Have a great Christmas, I love that you are doing it so simply. Of course we ended up doing a big shop, but we are out in the sticks and I know that we won't need to go shopping for ages. We stock up and only have to get fresh when we need it. Our boy should be home for a few days and so I wanna fatten him up before he goes back to his place! much love, have a good'un :D ♥

  33. Such a Fabulous outfit and Amazing decor! I hope you have an Amazing Holiday!

  34. Ooh, Indian for Christmas lunch! I love it, no good curry houses here unfortunately. Have a fab Xmas xx

  35. Have a fantatsic Christmas Vix.

    X x

  36. Great post and very well said. Have a very merry christmas chickadee and thank you for my card :o) Scarlett xx

  37. Looking stunningly gorgeous as ever!

    Your so right about the christmas consumerism hoo haa! Ours is a rather lean one this year but I feel it's going to be the best yet!

    Handmade comes from the heart and second-hand, well, as I always say - one mans trash is anothers (mine) treasure!

    Happiness to you and Jon over the silly season - I look forward to lots of photos of you celebrating!

    Hugs from down under,

    Dee xox

  38. Have a happy hippy holiday. Our Christmas is similar. We don't even have any decorations and being a vegetarian too I don't go in for the traditional roast dinner thing. Well thought out second hand presents are the best. I would so much rather someone picked up something for $1 at an op shop for me than gave me some boring generic crap from the mall.

  39. An excellent philosophy on Christmas. I think you have got it just right. Your Christmas is personal and has real meaning to you and Jon, though I never thought for one minute you would follow the herd! I love that jacket you've bought Jon by the way. Have a brilliant Christmas both of you. xxx

  40. Christmas Chez Vix and Jon sounds refreshingly fabulous!
    Have a very happy one :-)

  41. Merry Christmas dear Vix!!! Have a marvellous day, doing it your own way...

    A Jean Varon dress? Home-made decorations?? It all sounds like The Good Life to me!! Fabulous... xx

  42. Happy Christmas Vix! you look marvelous and I love your alternative approach, especially the idea of filling the stocking with gifts for the cats :).

    We try to keep it simple here too, no gifts means no trash, but we do tend to splurge on food contraband. No one is perfect.


  43. Another lovely outfit.

    Love the decorations too, have a lovely christmas xx

  44. Vixcita,
    I love how you tell it like it is MaMa! while wearing a gorgeous glittery maxi. Your casa is so mansion museum. want to come over sometime and play with all your stuff. We will spend a drinkin,eating,fest. I am slaving making tamales all day while drinking Mezcal.

  45. What a fabulous dress! Love the sequins on the top, and the colorful bottom. :)

  46. Great sentiments! There is no holiday that can't be celebrated with wine and cheese. IMO, it's also worth noting that life is short so you should be sure to wear your jewelry!

    We always prefer the childless, low key, pile-free holiday ourselves...

  47. Your home looks gorgeous and i will never get over seeing so many of those pictures all in one place its like opening up a book and i love it ;-)) You look beautiful. Have a wonderful christmas the both of you, and thankyou so much for all your support and lovely comments this year. Raising my babycham glass to you ;-)) Love, dee xxx

  48. I love your Christmas decor Vix!
    I hope you and your family have a lovely Holiday Season.
    Merry Christmas sexy Chic!

  49. Your home is a haven of warmth and heart!!!
    That's what the festive season is all about.
    Thank you so much for sharing it and your fabulous self, you are such a beautiful soul.
    May christmas be filled with love and happiness.
    Love V

  50. I love the greenery you have used in your decor!! Your fabric chain is gorgeous it will look awesome in your van too.

    I hope you and Jon have a great Xmas doing it your own way.


  51. Simple and easy, just how it should be. Take care and enjoy my lovely.xx.

  52. Your approach sounds just about perfect to me! :) Wish you a Merry Christmas, I know you will have a fabulous time!

    ♡ from ©

  53. Love your decs, especially the fabric "paper" chains, what a fantastic idea. Totally with you re second hand gifts. When I was a child I had a great aunt who used to give all of us children books from Oxfam, where she volunteered, for Christmas and I loved them, still have most of them too. Wishing you a very merry Christmas. X.

  54. Just exquisite as always - I adore your fabulous decorations (I would love a white xmas with lovely holly and pine cones!) Your frock is amazing and you look beautiful, amor! I hope Jon loves his lovely pressie and have a wonderful lunch - have an aloo palak for me! Love! Sarah xxx

  55. A lot of love for your ethical Christmas Vix, I love the assorted treats from the garden, especially the holly and the ivy.
    I wish you the most magical time, love and happiness this Christmas xxx

  56. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    And I love that so many of your decorations cane from your garden. They're way nicer than all the gaudy things in stores right now.

  57. as always an inspiration.. love your spirit at this time of year.. and so glad i'm not in M&S right now! happy holiday...Jane xo

  58. I pass along the centiment that you have a sweet gift that you have shared with sharing you ideas, keeping us grounded!

    I hope you have a warm and special Christmas!

  59. I would love to be a stocking stuffer!


  60. Oh you beautifull women ! I missed you !!!


  61. Your place looks so festive, and cozy! I agree completely with your Christmas philosophy - thanks for demonstrating that it is possible to celebrate the holidays in a simple, eco-friendly, and frugal fashion! Such beautiful colours in the skirt of that maxi-dress, and you look tres chic as usual. I will be wearing vintage tomorrow as well. Merry Hippy Christmas to you and Jon! xx Shelley

  62. Sounds like my kind of chrismas. You look divine my lady, and so does the house! Xxx

  63. You are looking very chill and lovely this Christmas Eve, Vix. I love that gorgeous skirt and think you have got the best Christmas tree ever!

    A very Merry Christmas to you, Jon and your family and friends.

    All the best, Bonnie

  64. Aw, I love this alternative Christmas outfit, and your home decors are so you, vibrant and hippie. Have a Merry Christmas! :)

  65. oh i love this alternative christmas vix! you look gorgous as always and i wish you a merry hippie christmas ;)
    love and kiss,mary

  66. Nice post Merry Xmas!!!

  67. I love all decorations ! rEALLY ! tHE peacocks ! The tree | tHE light! Ah your colorful chandelier is Awesome! And I love olives !!! The maxi pattern looks so awesome! You're one "Fabulous awesomeness"!

  68. Wonderful! I hope you had a great day!

  69. I have been adoring you for a while now.. ahem...

  70. Merry Christams.You look so pretty as always.Love the holly.My gran had holly bushes in her yard and I always think of her when I see it.Hope you got lots of goodies.xx

  71. I agree with your celebratory thoughts 100%! We stayed quietly at home, grilled vegetables and fish and drank wine. We don't exchange gifts with each other, but we did have a few gifts to open that were mailed from family we won't be seeing this holiday.

    The mister's two sons will be visiting during the week, so we will do some traditional celebrating for their sakes, but for today I am enjoying one more day of peace and joy before all that begins!

    Have a wonderful day!
    xo, Anita

  72. Love the home grown decs, and the Xmas tree looks fab with the ribbon and sequins. Hope you enjoyed your day! :)x

  73. You've definitely got xmas sussed. Your house looks wonderful and very festive. xx

  74. Merry Christmas!

    I love the fabric paperchain idea...might have to nick it! ;)

  75. Tres Joyeux Noel !

  76. You are a holiday delight! Looking forward to your creativity in the New Year!

  77. It all sounds wonderful! We've had a great time taking part in the longest Christmas quiz ever! (epic 8 rounds, encompassing about 5 hours!!!!)

  78. belated merry christmas!!!

    love your christmas eve outfit very much...

  79. I really like how you celebrate the holidays your way.....the decorations, your style, the simple meal with wine....fabulous! I am so happy I found your blog this year as I enjoy a peek inside your lifestyle & your historic country.

  80. So great to see you have done Christmas your way. I would love a curry on Christmas day or any other day for that matter, if only I could get Mr Style Eyes to eat it. I also love the idea of one carefully chose present too, I have been slowly trying to move in this direction, however the rest of the family aren't really getting it. Perhaps next year!

  81. Love the decorations - both your house and you look absolutely fabulous!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix