Tuesday 16 August 2011

Experiments In The Bedroom

 My gorgeous friend Becca kindly sent me these amazing vintage heated curlers after I'd admired them on her blog.

No sooner had I unwrapped Becca's pretty parcel than I was in the bedroom ready to experiment with my new curlers.

Isn't the psychedelic case amazing?

I'm pretty much a novice where heated rollers are concerned. I plugged them in, allowed them to heat up for ten minutes, rolled my hair to chin level, pinned the curlers into place and left them in for about twenty minutes whilst I did my makeup and painted my nails with Barry M's Blueberry Ice.

Next time I'll try leaving them until they've completely cooled down and use some setting lotion to hold the curl.

They gave a nice, smooth curl although removing them whilst Jon took pictures proved a bit traumatic.

 Not bad for a first attempt.

1960's St Michael maxi length slip (£1.25, Compton Hospice)

Becca, you're one smashing bird, thank you.


  1. Speaking of "smahing birds"--you are the #1 Smashing Bird! These shots are incredible. There is no end to your intrigue and creativity.

  2. What a title! I hacve fond memories of watching Rita (who you may remember frommy post) using those very rollers. Elnett hairsprey and Gliss shine spray would finish the look.
    Very glam, you needed a Martini and Maribou trim slippers really, to perfectly capture the decadence.

  3. Vix those soft curls are so glam!
    You look fab!

  4. Brings back memories of my mum using similar heated rollers and the smell (not unpleasant). You look fabulous - of course!

  5. amazing pics, and I'm admiring how cute and elegant are you when doing your hair!

  6. 'Smashing bird' too right you are!

    Do you know your hair would also look lovely at that shorter length although I prefer long hair and think your hair is goreous long...!

  7. Very cool find! I might be nervous plugging something so old into an electric socket but I'm skittish around electricity any way... They did leave your hair looking rather natural though. Your photos are so welcoming too, I just want to grab a cup of hot chocolate and plunk down next to you and chat!

  8. The curlers look great! I love the box! So glam, It makes me want to grow my hair and have it long and curly. I have naturally straight hair so i'm always envious of people with gorgeous curls. Your silver and turquoise rings are fab too :)
    Rachelle xxx

  9. You are freaking beautiful, curls, no curls, whatever you wear you are just gorgeous!

  10. they look gorgeous, I can only just manage my curling tongs but they often attack me lol

  11. Most glamorous! I have hot rollers like these, but never thought of them as vintage since I bought them originally. They do curl better if you can leave them in until they are cool. -T

  12. the term 'hot dish' always comes to mind when i visit your blog ;)

  13. From the thumbnail I feared you'd acquired 'dreads'. That's a look that, in my view, only sits well with young men.

    But thank the Lordy I was wrong.

    However pictures 2, 4 and 5 make me want to see you with a chin-length bob (maybe a bit longer). You have such great bones. I just think that would be incredible. I am pretty sure you are wedded to long, long hair though. Love the curve of those brows in picture 5!

  14. Curls and/or even a short bob would look great on you! :)
    ♡ from © tanvii.com

  15. Wow, don't you look different with chin length hair? The finished effect looks lovely, such a nice, relaxed sort of curl.

  16. Oh those curlers look so sweet! What a cool box they sit in too.
    I have seen your vanity before.. but now that I am on a crazy hunt for one I just drooled and stared at yours for about 5 minutes. I hope you don't mind. *lol*
    You look great Vix!

  17. Excellent pressie! I just attempted a go at foam rollers with not much success, next try I'll be sleeping with them in to see what happens... :)

  18. great post Vix!! when I was down in Cornwall recently my cousin used some heated rollers (that are actually my aunts) that are from the 1970s!!! oh how I envy her!!!

    (prays that my granny gives me HER heated rollers!!!)

    julia @ retro jules

  19. Crikey Vix, it almost looked as though you had a hair cut - that length looks amazing on you, very femme fatale!

    What a lovely gift from Becca, I reckon settling lotion will be the way to go xx

  20. I haven't used heated rollers in years and I'm not sure why. I always love the smooth curl they create! You scored big with this one! Love the vintage set!

  21. You look dreamy with curled hair amor.
    I love your maxi slip, I found lots at the jumble this year. I am so in love with your vanity dressing table. oh how nice of her to send you vintage heated rollers. the box is so cute. yes, setting lotion is the best way. I dont believe in heat touching my hair.

  22. Ooh Vix, you do look one sexy dahling in that slip! Xx

  23. You look so glamourous with your rollers in and I love the style you have created. You have inspired me to have a go at doing my hair with the unopened pack of rollers that I bought a year ago.

  24. Such a generous present; heated rollers can't get any more glamourous than those! BTW, I noticed your yellow glass holder - I have some of the orange ones; I use them specially for my liquorice tea addiction!

    P.S. There isn't a maker's label in the dress, just the size and wash labels. My heart skipped a few beats when I found it I can tell you!


  25. How very smashingly classy indeed!
    Fab pix,you glam thing you!I'm utterly useless with rollers of any kind,I always get them caught up and have trauma.You look so foxy and 60's with you slip and the shoulder length rolled up hair!!
    Lovely gift!
    Lovely lady!
    Love YOU!
    Helga xxxXXXxxx

  26. Experiments in the bedroom?!?!?!? Vix, you're always cracking me up! These heated curlers are too cute and you look quite the nymph in your negligƩ. xxx

  27. Experiments in the bedroom you saucy minx! What fab photos! You are such a boudior babe. These curlers remind me of ones my Mum had and she used to use them on me - it certainly was traumatic getting them out of already curly hair!

  28. Your curls look lovely and I’m sure you can create a whole new look each time you use them. The psychedelic case is very you xxx

  29. Hi Vix - I've got some brill heated rollers, I got from a car booter a while back, they work best if you roll them up all the way. Comb each section through and then roll, spray the end with setting spray and then roll. i do it for special occasions of just because I want to - p.s love your nightie, just like carrie's in sex in the city

  30. Ooh er, wasn't sure what to expect when I saw the title 'Experiments in the bedroom'!

  31. Vix you look gorgeous in these photos, not that you don't always look pretty, but these photos are lovely and your taste in nail polish is wonderful. Your hair looks lovely after using those heated rollers, I love the curl it's given them. And thanks for your lovely comment too, they always make me smile. xxx

  32. hot hot hoooottttt!! Just thought I'd pass on a tip - I use vintage heated rollers all the time - super fun. My tip would be to let them heat up longer, like a half an hour.Once they're all in, spray with hairspray - like a lot, while they're setting on your head. Wait until completely cool ( do your makeup, get dressed)take them out & more hairspray. I know it sounds like a lot of hairspray, but if you want the vintage look & the staying power, then you need to.I like what you did though- more of a casual sexy bed head - hot!!

  33. Ow - I recall those kinds of curlers could burn and tangle. But they gave a great curl that lasted a long time! The case is darling, the slip and wearer, divine.

  34. Love the titlle, of course my dirty mind took over... What a fab roller set! I hav eons of those 60s hair dryers with the hood, never use it, but the exterior is so gorgeous with irises! hey just remembered, I have some great 60s light ip makeup mirrors. Damn this house is so over-cluttered. Fancy coming over and putting your superior decor skills to work?

  35. She certainly is a Smashing Bird in she.. I love the hair with a slight curl too ... xx

  36. Eeeek, I love it! I didn't even get them out the box so missed that they were named "Dateline" how fab? Sooo pleased they work too, def try setting lotion the best used to be Amamie but they've discontinued it, always worked on mine & my hair never holds a curl. xxxxx

  37. Your foxiness and vintage gorgeousness never fail to make me smile. You are an inspiration! Em xx

  38. Amazing post! Vix i am serious when is the movie coming out - Vix the untold story...I love all your furniture and that lamp on your coiffeuse is out of this world, i want it!

    A lot of love my friend!

    Ariane xxxx

  39. Wow that cover is amazing. The don't make things that pretty these days! They left a soft curl which looks lovely.

    E :)

  40. (wolfwhistle) you sexy thang you xx

  41. Wow I wish I looked as good in curlers as you do. Absolutely stunning! And your hair came out lovely. Much more full! xo

  42. I have never seen anyone look so gorgeous in a slip with your hair in curlers as you do! love the photos..... You have such real creative posts! I remember using my Nanny's as a young teen...they were blue & white with a flower case.

  43. Love the step by step photos and the end results are quite lovely. You look so darn gorgeous in the last photo just launching around in your beautiful bedroom!

  44. OMG - SO FABULOUS! You are amazing as always, amor - and what a wonderful gift! You are so beautiful - and quite Cleopatra-esque in those rollers. That lady lamp blows my mind too.

    Loveandcurls, Sarah xxx

  45. Vix, you remind me of me when i was a little girl!
    My Mom would roll my hair every night in those little pink squishy rollers about that length, and i slept in them so my hair would have curl the next day!
    She also laid me on the counter to wash my hair in the kitchen sink as it was so long!
    Ah, memories!
    Love always,

  46. you really look so beautiful with some soft curls, my dear! what a great vintage gift :)

  47. What a beautiful gift and the case is gorgeous. But what i love the most are your wonderful photo's your such a natural behind the camera and those vintage inspired shots are just amazing you should put them all into a book some how you look stunning as always and your hair looks gorgeous with a little gentle curl, dee xx

  48. Lovely curls, what a great vintage present :)

  49. What a kind gift. Adoring the case, it's stunning. You did a great job, I always struggle putting rollers in...

    X x

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. My first thought seeing you with the rollers in was "Cleopatra". You're such a babe. I love the soft curls.

  52. Lovely. How do you make taking out rollers look so glamorous?

    Have posted a pic of my shoes just for you.

  53. Beautiful! I wish my hair held curls better....curling irons don't do the trick. I must look out for some rollers that are comfortable enough to sleep in.

    You are a goddess! Xoxox

  54. You look like Cleopatra on the first pictures <3
    I think I still have my grandma's rollers somewhere, though my hair don;t hold curls at all)


  55. Blimey Vix, I'm almost let out an audible little growl at that last picture, you sexy thing you.

    Man I need to be more imaginative with my hair, that all looks super glamourous and not arduous at all.

  56. Look at you! Such a diva. ^.^ I love the curls on you.

  57. You look like Cleopatra in the first picture! Great curls and I love the daybed x

  58. Yep- totally Liz Taylor in Cleopatra!! Fab rollers, I have a curling 'wand' which I am yet to use - when I've got my new place and done up the bedroom I may dare to show my curling. Although I'll probs be more Nora Batty than Cleopatra LOL!

  59. Those are super cute!! You have a magic mailbox I swear. please tell me I where I can find one of those!! I love that little case. I have not used curlers in like forever. I have terrible hair woes right now my hair has been really dry and breaking ugh so frustrating!! so I try to do the minmum to it to not stress it anymore. You have beautiful hair. Enjoy your new treasure Love Heather

  60. Woow those vintage heat curlers are amazing! Love the effect of it:D

    ** Check out my Stylish Confessions! **

  61. brilliant...chanelling a bit of Liz Taylor there in your sluip..too too gorgeous!!

  62. When I saw your photos, I immediately thought of this song...


    hope you are able to open it up. It's You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate. BTW, I didn't realize they were a British group.

    Anyway, you look fabulous and I agree, I think you would look great with shorter hair!


    PS - you have a great photographer, he was able to capture your essence perfectly!

  63. wow i´m really impressed how glamourous you look just making your hair, there is a lot of hollywood diva in you, of course of the glamourous golden ages of hollywood;)
    and i wish i could be as clever as you with avoiding bargains but it´s every time the same haha
    love and kiss,mary

  64. I never look so pretty and alluring when adding heated curlers to my hair;-)

  65. Your hair looks lovely. What a nice gift.

  66. love the result... lovely curls.
    finally i found a german shop selling bumpits!!! i got them but scatterbrained i forgot them at my granny's home.


  67. You look so beautiful even with curlers in your hair!

  68. beautiful photos. I still use curlers like this (though I don't have the psychedelic case).

  69. Gorgeous pictures, you look beautiful. I'm mad on heated rollers. Love the case, amazingly last time my dad came to stay he turned up with a wash bag in the same fabric! I thought it was rather jazzy for an eighty year old!

    Leave them in until they're cool next time and your curl will last longer. I put hairspray on the hair before and straight afterwards. Love you xx

  70. I love that slip, it reminds me of Mrs Robinson in The Graduate!

  71. I think I need glasses, I saw the first pic and thought you were dressed as Cleopatra! I like you with curls, you should definitely experiment again. And the case is fabulous - love it! x


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix