Wednesday 28 July 2010

Forgotten Treasures

I'd completely forgotten this vintage frock that I bought for 40p from a car boot sale earlier this year. Terrible, aren't it? 

As the fabulous Dusk pointed out, people just don't make the effort these days so I'm wearing it to pop down the pub later for a mid-week catch-up with our pals. After all, a day without dressing up is a day wasted.

A few finds from the past week of car-booting:

 More tomorrow? I do hope so. We have a car boot sale and a jumble sale to look forward to. Fingers crossed for vintage bargains.


  1. Another gorgeous dress and I love the flared sleeves; you look great in it. Those boots are amazing too; you really know a good bargain when you see one. I'm looking forward to seeing your next vintage bargains.

  2. I dress up vicariously through you, Vix.
    It's great. I can slob around in the old vest'n'shorts and you give me a daily injection of style.

  3. What a lovely print on that dress! It suits you perfectly.

    Fab finds (can I ever expect anything less from you?!), the compacts are a particular fave.

    How do you have space to store all your treasure?!

    Lou x -

  4. That dress is so pretty and girly. I love that bag too, your photos are looking wonderfully vintage these days, I love the feel of your blog.
    Kandi x

  5. I have something scary to tell you Vix, I may have owned that psychedelic bag at one time!
    I love your quote...A day without dressing up is a day wasted. So true, and like Jaljen I am beginning to dress vicariously thru you too!

    xoxo, B.

  6. Fab dress, and 40p fab fab fab. What is the cheapest and most worn thing you've ever got hold of? I'd love to know.

    Love the new style of showing of your buys also.


  7. Hurrah for dressing up! And what an absolute bargain that dress is, what can you get for 40p nowadays?

  8. I really do have a bit of a thing for vintage compacts, but shock horror I don't actually own a Stratton! These look beautiful, I am often on the lookout for unusual ones and one day I will find my very own Stratton!

    The vintage frock is lovely; I can't believe it was only 40p. Much an inspiration, I can't stop dreaming of visiting a car boot soon, although I don't think I will be going this weekend! Damn xx

  9. Glad you remembered the "frock" - and I think it's fun that you wear your finds when getting together with your pals...That bag is great! Can't wait to see what you'll pair it with.

  10. You look gorgeous, as usual, you will really liven up the pub, for sure! XO!

  11. rhoooo je craque pour ton sac !

  12. I love your a day without dressing up is a day wasted theory - fantastic and so true! x

  13. Love the new bag you've scored!

    And also I like your new layout .. the poleroids look great!!

    Sal xXx

  14. Wow the cowboy boots are gorgeous, i love them! x

  15. Like Kandi commented I too love the feel of your blog, its like stepping into another world.
    Your dress is lovely too, the 3/4 sleeves are so pretty.

  16. Another fab dress Vix!! I am so loving all these beautiful maxi dresses and am so jealous. I remember back in the 70's as a young teen I so wanted a maxi dress that I saw in Etam and would daydream about how grown up and romantic I'd look and feel if I got one, unfortunately my dear mum could never afford to buy me it.

  17. That dress is so pretty, forgetting about it must have almost been like getting it for free! Love the cowboy boots, something I really need to own but I'm so fussy and holding out for battered ones! xx

  18. That dress is such a beauty! And OMG, the cowboy boots! amazing. x

  19. OOhh I love the bag and the curtains and the boots. Still looking for a good pair. It will happen! I agree, I don't feel like it was a real day unless I dress, preferably in a fun or pretty way! You look great and thanks for the comment. I had a dye-contrast MRI yesterday and will see a surgeon next week. I am trying to wear things that are easy to remove lately ;) It is a challenge !

  20. You are so right Vix. Alot of people don't make an affort these days. why save things for a "special occasion" everyday should be one. You look beautiful in the dress. Thank you for your gorgeous comment too. Made me smile. :)

  21. Vix, I'm not surprised that you sometimes forget one of your beautiful dresses - your wardrobe must be ENORMOUS! The dress looks beautiful on you! Hope you have a merry evening with your friends. xxx

  22. Hi Vix, love your dress. Hope you find lots of gorgeous things tomorrow xxx

  23. Oooh those compact cases are really cute and you look relaxed! :)

    Just 10 weeks? Looks like you vist India a lot often than I'd think? :) That is sweet.

  24. Most excellent scores,my darling!!
    Loving that frock,you look an absolute treat in it!!What would the world do without icns of style like us?!
    LOVE Helga xxxXXXxxx

  25. Dear Vix,
    those barkcloth curtains look fab as does the funky bag.
    As regards to the dentist in India related comment you left for me, stuff like that always amazes me & freaks me out a little too.
    I know how we all say, "oh, it's a small world" but it really isn't and I mean what are the odds of the two of you being half way around the world in a completely random place at the same time…mind boggling stuff!
    In ‘97 I went back to Sweden to study for a year & one of my lecturers quizzed me about Scotland as he was doing the Whisky Trail the following year.
    I quit Uni & went back to Scotland to work & on a day off I decided to climb Ben Nevis & who do I meet half way up the bleeding mountain…my lecturer, it was so utterly bizarre.
    I have bumped into former classmates from Sweden at work but that is not quite so bizarre as my place of work is mentioned in almost every tourist guidebook to London.
    Best of luck with the bargain hunting, I hope you find a suitcase full of Ossie Clark frocks…now that would be fab!

  26. BTW Vix...
    I've got another giveaway up & running,
    it's for a black floral mesh lace poncho with a funky beadwork trim.
    Join in my love!

  27. That looks splendid on you. The fit and style just seems perfect. And I agree with dressing up just because we can. I sometimes feel a bit out of place when I put a dress on to go to the movies but then I think to hell with it, I've made an effort.
    Don't need to wish you luck for the booty and jumble sale, I know you'll snaffle up some awesome bargains.

  28. Can't wait to see your new finds! :)

  29. What a GORGEOUS vintage dress. I love it so much!!!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  30. Ah i'm in LOVE with your dress!! seriously in awe!

  31. Isn't it great to find something in your own closet? Its a lovely dress...

  32. That dress is gorgeous! I love and excuse to dress up, but then often think I shouldn't need an excuse to dress up!!

  33. Hi Viv,

    Hope you are having a good week honey! I love your new finds from the car boot... the bag and the compacts are right up my street.


  34. P.S I have tagged you on my blog!

  35. Gorgeous finds! Hope today's bargain hunting was equally successful.

  36. Wonderful photos. You look fantastic. I really like that dress.

  37. What magnificent finds, and I absolutely love how you've arranged them with the Polaroid captions!

    That dress is lovely too. I'm so envious, Vix, you look lovely in everything!

  38. The cowboy boots are fab. xx

  39. i do love the sleeves. i hope you wore red lipstick. it is kind of begging for it. is it like a dark denim color. really beautiful!

  40. Dear Vix, how lovely to have discovered your blog through Kate at Make Do Style. I can't believe I haven't found you sooner! You are a full time Ebay seller - I buy most of my clothes on Ebay.

    I love your dress and really enjoyed your series of clothes through the ages. Christina xx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix