Thursday 21 January 2010


Beret (Xmas present), Jeans (Charity shop), River Island crochet waistcoat and TopShop vest (January 2010 sales), Silver jewellery (India), Urban Outfitters necklace (Car boot)

Mary Poppins' carpet bag remains an iconic image to this day but now Fendi has included tapestry pieces in their Spring 2010 collections perhaps the long-forgotten Victorian craft will finally become mainstream. I love a true artisan's work and reckon a bit of tapestry adds a touch of gypsy glamour to my wardrobe.

These Office boots were a charity shop find back in October.


  1. those boots are amazing! what a brilliant find. I love tapestry bags, I want a really huge one for weekends away! x

  2. Amazing boots!
    I love a bit of tapestry, my nan has a huge bag she uses for her knitting stuff, it will be mine!
    Love that colour on you aswell.


  3. Look at your cheeky grin! I love this post, and your boots. So awesome.

    I've never considered tapestry before - but how wonderful!

  4. I love those boots, what a fab find!
    Thanks for the mention, that's ever so kind of you :)

  5. Jem - you're always an inspiration to me!


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Lots of love, Vix